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Everything posted by kaelthun

  1. Yuuzhan Vong, hell they almost did anyway. Those guys don't freakin' die and when they do - that's even more disturbing. I suggest everyone read their wookieepedia page EDIT: I get that they weren't in the EU at this time yet but still ... otherwise it'd be mandalorians ofc. No contest.
  2. On the flipside, SWTOR had a bigger audience at launch than EvE has at the moment. It's a niche MMO and that allows it to keep its unsharded world together. The amount of effort they put into stuff like time dilation and whatnot is only possible because their playerbase doesn't reach for the millions. Don't get me wrong, EvE is the most amazing game I have ever played and I remember it very fondly. It offer something no other game has given us and I applaud CCP for doing that. But make no mistake, it's a very different beast from more conventional models like TOR, WoW, WAR, AoC and Star Trek Online. Certain design decisions are simply made because performance can't be guaranteed any other way. The 'sharding' idea isn't bad, it's not a community breaker and it certainly doesn't take away a game's MMOness. In fact, it makes the community more like a bunch of tribes that each have their own voice. I think this adds to a game, rather than detract from it. We don't need cross-shard/realm LFG - what we need is shard-v-shard PvP. Having 16v16, 8v8 and 4v4 open and ranked warzones between pugs and teams from shards would be wicked. It would solidify each server's community and bring some friendly rivalry to the table. There are trolls and then there are players. The OP is neither because obviously he isn't very far into the game (<100h /played), wasn't interested to begin with (can't be bothered? neither can I), is a kid, has nothing better to do or is so socially isolated in his personal life that he feels the need to reach out here. Frankly, none of that matters because all that can be said for his post is: /dance
  3. They got a list of issues to fix, they researched the big issues and itemized the small ones. The small ones go into a "get it done by wednesday" bin and the big ones are estimated for time. Maintenance rolls around, they implement the fixes they know to be working and hold off on any half-as$ed stuff they've got lying around to prevent breaking anything. They see their maximum window of 8 hours is plenty of time so after 2 hours of patching and 30 minutes of getting servers synced and working they let people back in. Result: QQ about less downtime and careful consideration of issues to be fixed. Well played playerbase.
  4. I like the responses, they mirror my feelings about the game quite well. Someone also mentioned the old "put up or shut up" which is quite apt. A lot of players are complaining for the sake of complaining and frankly, it's getting a bit old. If you really dislike this game enough to post non-constructive threads you shouldn't be here in the first place. You should be looking for some entertainment that actually works for you. It's equivalent to buying 3 rock climbing lessons and then deciding it's not for you after the first one. Then, you go to lesson 2 and 3 just to tell people how unfun rock climbing really is. Except, no one does that because it's not the internet. It's not a place where real people can reach out to you. Until we come up with Real3D virtual experiences ... Can't wait to punch trolls.
  5. Me: Do we know the coefficients already? Haven't seen them around. PPL: Idk derp buff jugg/mara! MONSTERRRR! Y U NO DIE!!!! Me: Ah, so it might be a gear issue. Mayhaps us warrior classes freaking always scale great with gear so we just need more of that. Not a buff to our stats. And there you have it.
  6. You should reroll when you're 50, that way you'll feel even more like a nab when you get rolled by mara's after the first content tier is done. It's a warrior class: suck it up in T1, keep getting better from T2 onwards. It's always like this.
  7. Incoming attention seeker! Anyone with any spare attention, turn this direction please. Nobody cares. /dance
  8. *Grabs a bucket labelled "tears"* Let me just put that right there. Aaaaaand go. I thought you wanted PvP?
  9. I like MMOs and would prefer that they continue to be made regardless of their quality at launch. I don't want investors and future companies to be scared into making easy selling console games anymore just because MMO players are such whiney little aholes that will spread so much negativity and baseless nonsense around that its reputation will be buried before it's brought up. Enjoy your XBOX, I'm staying here.
  10. I do love me a good back and forth. Wow was laggy as hell and that's only been fixed recently (ie. a year before cata). Wintergrasp used to lag everyone out so badly, wasn't even funny. As mentioned AV was a deathtrap of lag. A lot of the AFK done there was for free HKs but a fair few just couldn't move either. Bottlenecking for greater justice. I'm enjoying the game.
  11. PvP Mods? Yes please! When everything is itemized in 3 or 4 slots anyway - no sense in locking stuff in at endgame. Would allow them to drop oranges in bags as well
  12. Imma do a little dance for you. It's titled "nobody cares about your launch problems, it's your fault for playing a game from week 1". Here goes: /dance
  13. I think mouseover healing is a great way to create a more accessible type of healing in an MMO. I don't believe any of the hardmodes in WoW can be done without features like Clique / Grid and also that being on UI v0.1 doesn't warrant pulling old WoW issues into this new game. As time goes on people will get better at the game and improve their abilties. As such, we will get more complexity and more features to handle said complexity. You're looking at UI v0.1 - no need to get worked up.
  14. I'm sorry but this is a problem of what exactly? We're 2 weeks in and you're 50 on 1 toon. What's keeping you from geting a second toon to handle the other tasks, like dps or tank? I'm not sure how to say this but, you're not gonna get a toon to handle everything any time soon. Stick with what you like and roll a secondary that can do the other stuff. Alternatively, suffer in silence
  15. Obviously they should be moved to the PvP Design team. They're needed way more there than in bug fixes.
  16. I'm a marauder, I wear medium armor and am a glass cannon. These days I just force camo the hell out when I get the knock from an op. I'm done trying to fight this kind of nonsense. Much like rogues in WoW, just run and return instead of fighting them on their terms. Take em out where you want them instead of on their turf. Not that hard when you slow / immo / dot them up and interrupt Still, not sure what's happening with the 50% insta-knock at lower levels though. Kind of a 'pick and play' kind of targetting game. Suppose it has to be your thing. Not mine. I like my DPS straight up with lots of button pressing happening.
  17. - Tab targeting and reticules below people sometimes disappearing / reappearing when they jump / go up stairs and slopes - Abilities not firing - Ability delay on channeled casts - Channeled casts appearing to cast but really doing nothing - Channeled casts doing the above and then not using their CD - confusing! - Using Force Leap / Charge and falling through huttball / voidstar - Interrupting a cast, locking them out for 4 seconds yet the guy still spams the same heal. Not so locked out then. - Force Choke chokes a guy, I channel, he still gets 1 hit in while being choked (as in, the animation fires) - I also randomly hit him. I reckon this is because of ability delay - CC (1 resolve), CCed again (full resolve bar, IAMGODNAOWIMMUNITYYYYYY!), CCed again ... er, what? - Talented Saber Throw doesn't always root people if they're getting AoEd at the same time (ie, someone standing in DfA). - Cannot See Target, Cannot See Target, Cannot See Target, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEE!?! Most in PvE though, with spawns next to rocks and stuff. Idk, not constant issues but they're there occasionally. I have no problem killing other dps, can take immo jugs from about 60% and need a little bit of help on healers. All in all, a good time
  18. kaelthun

    Worst PvP Evah!

    Dammit, this thread just got constructive. I was just about to say some random annoying stuff to enrage some people. Guess I'll have to point to James above me and pretty much say /thread -_-
  19. I'm going to go ahead and say that I prefer them having maintenance to suit the team rather than me / us. Frankly, the faster they put out bug fixes / BH nerfs the better. EDIT: Also, if you're missing time /played because of this you're not planning correctly. Maintenance times are announced in advance.
  20. I thought we were less of a raw output, more of a "supporting the kill" / "harass the healer" / "take off the last bits" kind of class. I've been doing very well in PvP since I've stopped attacking full health BH / Juggs / HSmugs with my mara. I'm a happy bunny. Force Camo is amazing, love my immobilize on Saber Throw and can't get enough of my Obfuscate EDIT: Slow on Force Scream would be great thx
  21. I sit around waiting for the timers sometimes but that's because I like doing that. Nothing like a couple of bars filling themselves out. Good stuff. Anyway, the system's quite quick if you're OCD about picking up nodes like I am. You should easily max out your professions before you hit 50.
  22. Enjoy your WoW sub ... or sitting on your hands til GW2 ... or playing anything else. Nobody cares if you were in beta. Nobody cares about how this game is not a sandbox, you were not promised anything that wasn't delivered. They promised you story as THE major game element, you got it. They promised you an MMO - you assumed it would be WoW 6 years in. They promised you instanced PvP - you assumed all of the bugs and balance issues would be worked out day 1. They promised you they would fix the issues - you assumed it would be on your schedule. Your entitlement / daddy issues are not needed here. We have our own problems and you not being able to wear the crown of ePeen after 4 days of "hardcore" spacebarring because you exploited some win trading in a high arena bracket is the absolute least of them. Enjoy the wait for whatever you intend to play. We'll be here playing SWTOR and enjoying it, because we didn't come here for bugfree software. We came to play an MMO from launch onwards. Two years from now you'll be saying you were in beta for TOR and how the game sucked on launch. I'll be clearing content and having a ball while finding time to play GW2 and all those other games you'll flee to on my down time. Suck it. P.S. This is the exact same bollocks we saw at Rift launch and that game's still going strong. Your words mean nothing, your leaving means nothing, your money won't be missed and no one will be tracking your progress. None of us are important. Enjoy your thread while it lasts. Can't wait for the free month to end so I can play without all the whiney nabs.
  23. No, sir - allow me to correct. Competitive MMO pvp is NOT skill, it's CC trading. That's all. It's just running the same 2-3 patterns over and over until someone makes a mistake. All responses are preprogrammed from a very limited subset and it's mostly done by muscle memory / twitch reaction. MOBA games tend to have more skill requirement. Please exit here, take the first right and you should be hitting League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Bloodline Champions or any FPS lately soon enough. Enjoy your departure. EDIT: You could always try your hand at Starcraft as well but I reckon that'd take too much effort for OMGLOLPVPSKILLZZZZZ1337GUY over here.
  24. Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot with all the DPS talents I have. Find better people to play with and stop insulting all of the other marauder players by insinuating that there's an epidemic of baddie marauders running around. There's not. Maybe you need to pull faster or communicate better.
  25. Most people still don't have a grasp of how to effectively play huttball in a pug, take mid in ald or actually beat / use voidstar rush tactics - so no, I think these warzones are fine until Joe Bloggs The Weekend Warrior can win a normal match without getting lucky by being one of "the other four" on the team. ty 4 post bai
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