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Everything posted by voidsurvivor

  1. Sadly, this. Two days of metrics warrant this change? Two days and only one class gets its damage reduced? While I expected a damage reduction of some kind, I assumed other classes would be looked at as well. Either your internal testers are horrible, you have no idea how pvp works, or you just nerf based on number of QQ threads. Probably, all of the above.
  2. Yeah, I wonder why people in a 7 fps zone would be kill trading. Fix Ilum performance...
  3. Very dramatic. Alt + F4, avoid being camped = win.
  4. I can assure you that aside from yourself, no one cared about your rank anyway.
  5. It has nothing to do with faction. Anyone who stands around on the Imp/Republic fleet between wzs knows there are whiny *****es on both sides. Then again, calling 7 fps on Ilum "well implemented" is taking positive thinking to the next level.
  6. Didn't you hear about this magical turret that granted 500 valor every minute, as long as you stood in close proximity? Don't blame the poor people getting med camped next to it, when it's clearly all about the turret.
  7. On Fatman, 20 Reps were fighting on Ilum and the instance was full. Consequently, none of the Reps in another instance could switch, while we faced around 100 Imps. I very much hope this population cap will have set values for each faction. We shouldn't be in a situation where we can't call Rep reinforcements because the Imps take up all the allowed instance slots. Also, improving performance should be your highest priority. 7 fps is unplayable.
  8. There is no open world pvp until they improve performance, which should be their highest priority. Ilum at 7 fps is unplayable.
  9. You conveniently left out the 7 fps everyone gets in these mass "battles." It's unplayable.
  10. Do you know how boring it is for the 300 to wait for the 4 of you to respawn?
  11. OMG, people get like 500 valor every minute for standing around and spamming one aoe skill. Who the **** cares? I'd rather play warzones and actually pvp, instead of suffering through the Ilum slideshow. It's a fail patch, which they will hopefully fix. Stop being drama queens.
  12. I don't care about faction imbalance. I do expect, however, more than 7 fps in a mass battle. It's *********** unplayable. Spamming your one aoe skill because the performance is too ****** for melee is a disgrace. Fix Ilum fps issues before you do anything else!
  13. Actually, pvpers picked the underdog, as always. We are not the problem. You wannabe Imp zergers created the imbalance and justified it by claiming you did it for the story, gear, pretty lightning, or some other random **** no pvper cares about. Zergers will be zergers.
  14. You can stop the "I was killed by class X" threads now. http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php
  15. If a nerf means all the rerolls go back to playing their sorcs/bhs, I am all for it.
  16. I have been in matches where my entire team, aside from one brave lowbie, went to the left Alderaan turret and /afk danced. The mentality seem to be, whenever you encounter a premade, go afk right away. I so wish there was a ffa wz.
  17. Fix Ilum or remove it altogether. Why have a pvp planet that cannot support mass battles?
  18. The only classes that can burst down players ridiculously fast are scoundrels, (well played) shadows, and mercs. The next few patches will be interesting. I don't mind if the class becomes harder to play, as long as it causes all the new rerolls "I want to be OP!!!" to go back to playing their tracer missile spamming mains.
  19. This. A pvp planet that cannot support mass battles is pretty fail. Remove all the fluff and improve performance. Even WAR did a better job with its rvr zones.
  20. I am amazed, you actually believe they read posts in the pvp forum. Without a combat log, which has been asked for many times, there really is no point in providing feedback. Wait, let me post this screenshot of class X doing Y amount of damage without the tools to provide any details or context...
  21. They made very clear in beta that any changes will be based on metrics, not player feedback. And yes, we've posted a ******** of feedback threads.
  22. Name him xxStarkillerxx Spamslightning. The Imps will welcome you with open arms.
  23. To answer your question, it really helps when players like you re-roll and join the Imperial zerg machine. Make sure to play a sorc, too.
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