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Everything posted by voidsurvivor

  1. Thank you. All the undergeared, QQing lowbies should spend less time posting and more time leveling.
  2. As a former tester you should know that our damage has been decreased for the last three builds, cds increased, and all cc reduced to 10m range. What we have going for us as a class are the stealth opener and initial burst, which is of course what people have to complain about. The devs made very clear that stealth is supposed to be our only gap closer. Any changes to the opener mean that anyone with a clue will cc and kite you to your death. Considering the ability delay of tendon blast, some already do. I still believe the range reduction of our snare was a big mistake. We have no utility, any nerf to shoot first and our burst will destroy the class. What do we bring to a group aside from the opener, an aoe mezz on a 90 second timer? Shadows come with 2 detaunts, 2 sec kd, a k/b, 2x 30m stun/disable, etc. I am not sure what Shadows you guys play with, when the good ones put up similar numbers without anyone QQing about it.
  3. Considering that there are 100s of ragey QQ threads about scoundrels, this can't come as a surprise. That should have been your TLDR version. You're welcome.
  4. Yeah, consumables are ridiculous right now. Disable them in pvp, increase the cd, tone it down, whatever. And yes, I am 400 Biochem, too.
  5. They have better looking armor than we do QQ
  6. They should get rid of the 6k heal stims and healers would feel more useful. 6k heal + 2k HoT on a 90 sec timer is ridiculous. And yes, like every pvper I have maxed out Biochem.
  7. It will be interesting to see how BW responds to all the "QQ - I am lvl 10 and was killed by a scoundrel in one shot" threads. If they cave in and nerf us, without supplementing our damage out of stealth, it doesn't bode well for the future of pvp in this game. Why assassins/shadows don't cause the same amount of QQ is beyond me. Especially, since they vastly outperform us out of stealth.
  8. Do a /who 50 and ask someone idling on the Republic Fleet to come and help you. Preferably, someone in a guild you recognize. It's not ideal, but each faction on a pvp server should be motivated enough to protect their lowbies. If you're on Fatman, I'll help you.
  9. Yup, one of several wz bugs I've encountered lately. Not sure what's going on.
  10. Vastly superior cc? You conveniently left out some details there, didn't you? Force Stun and Force Lift have 30m range, while our only stun Dirty Kick is limited to 4m range. Yours is also instant, while we have to stand still to suffer through an unnecessary long animation. In addition to this, scoundrel's Flash Grenade is on a 90 second timer. Your class has a 15% run speed bonus in addition to Force Run. Your interrupt can be reduced to 10 sec cd. You also get a k/b. Oh, and you can spec into a pull, if you feel like it. Perhaps you should actually play a scoundrel, before you claim we have vastly superior cc. Shadows wipe the floor with scoundrels out of stealth.
  11. While we're at it, can we get Dirty Kick without the crappy animation that forces my character to stand still in pvp? Debilitate can be used while moving, Dirty Kick roots the character in place for the animation. Also, the 30 second cd difference on our Flash Grenade needs to go.
  12. Now, he'll post a screenshot of the OP damage our free attack does. 11111111!
  13. It doesn't help that the 50s leave the wz after one look at their lowbie team. Last Alderaan, the only other 50 went afk and the lowbies (10-13) all huddled around one turret, afraid to capture anything else. People need to grow a pair.
  14. Replace scoundrels in your group setup with shadows and you get the same results. Of course, you'd also gain two 30m stuns, 2 kbs, and 4 detaunts. They may not burst as fast, but they will do damage much more consistently. Personally, I'd take one scoundrel, one shadow, but that's just me. If you want to complain about burst damage, that's fine. Then again, people should start looking at other classes. Shadows hit like a truck out of stealth and bring much more utility to a group. Yet for some reason, it's the one trick pony class that needs nerfing.
  15. So you do 300k damage on a Sage with 200k healing. Your scoundrels do (let's be generous) 400k damage, probably with 80k healing. How exactly is that OP? I am not sure what these screenshots are supposed to show.
  16. Please, let us know how that goes for you. Shadows rip Scoundrels a new one out of stealth, unless they are horrible. Instead of re-rolling at 50, perhaps you should have geared up? I look forward to hearing how often you get a chance to run around a corner and heal up, when facing anyone with a clue.
  17. This only happens to me in Voidstar. Tonight, I was cced then fell through the floor while people continued to pound on me.
  18. The only people who benefit from quality advice such as "use your trinket and cc" are keyboard turners and clickers. I like it when they stand half dead next to a health power-up in Huttball without taking it. So cute.
  19. What kind of pve are we talking about? Do you want to raid or just level and play the story? In raids, we're the last melee class to arrive at the mob, while everyone else is already doing damage. Shadows and Knights have gap closers, we have none. So if you're a raider, I'd play something else. For casual pve, scoundrels are fine.
  20. Guss is ridiculously fun. He's probably the most underrated companion in the game. To the OP, did you get Corso's poem yet? It's beautiful.
  21. Yeah, not happy about this at all. Considering the already lacking fluidity of combat using Dirty Kick on someone who's running around you is rather awkward. The Sabotage Charge animation delay sucks too. How can they justify a 30 second CD difference on Flash Grenade? The WAR devs should have known better.
  22. There isn't. Aside from your thread, they don't get anything out of it.
  23. Go Go, Power Rangers! You should see the smuggler pvp set. The moment, I loot the chest piece, I'll have to convince myself really hard that the stats are worth it. Whoever designed it, must be Siegried & Roy's biggest fan.
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