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Everything posted by stavrakas

  1. I know this is off topic but what do you guys do against powertechs? When is the right time to shroud to stop their burst? Should I look for any buffs on them or debuffs on me?
  2. Any thoughts about running a full alacrity/power infiltration build? Zero crit/accuracy/surge? Or maybe some surge if you hit the alacrity hard cap (is there a hard cap?). Do you guys think it could work?
  3. You mean you don't use it at all in pvp? Is there a reason?
  4. Would you guys say that serenity is better than infiltration right now even for 1v1 pvp?
  5. So I'm running Celerity, Shadowy Veil, Force Wake, Egress, Force Harmonics, Sturdiness and Cloak of Resilience. I was thinking of switching Force Harmonics for Mind Over Matter and maybe Cloak of Resilience for Containment? What do you guys think?
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/2jp802/assassin_30_easy_to_read_by_level_wutilities/
  7. Sorry but if a name is forbidden it should have been deleted long ago, they should have made you rename that character from the beginning, so the fact that you kept it that long was just pure luck I think. I joined the early access from day 1 and I got the name "Bastila". After that I was also lucky enough to get the legacy name "Shan" first. I thought it was weird that they let me make that name and sure enough, about 1-2 months later they made me rename her - it's their policy and nothing I wasn't expecting. So I just renamed to "Bastilla". Just let it go man. Oh, they also made me rename my legacy too :/
  8. Can't get on the PTS yet so can someone who has tell me a couple of things about phase walk? 1. Can you place the mark in stealth? (not do the actual teleport but place the mark) 2. Can enemy players see the mark on the ground?
  9. This, but leave force in balance for last because if the second project activates it will consume another potency charge and then you lose on a force breach crit (it's more important for your breach to crit than fib). It's a good idea to use your big hitters at the start of the fight so the enemy will be taken by surprise and not have time to pop defensive cooldowns. Exceptions to this case are (like previously mentioned) healers casting, enemies like juggernauts using ravage on a friendly and lastly stealthed deception assassins (you should try to wait out their equivelant shadow's respite first).
  10. I'd love to see a sniper dueling video, I find them the hardest class to beat with this spec.
  11. For the 0/27/14 or the full infiltration build is Exit Strategy really mandatory? I was thinking of putting those 2 points on Shadowy Veil, gives about 5-6% more damage reduction. For the opening burst there obviously won't be any stacks of exit strategy available anyway (maybe 1) so it doesn't matter. For the duration of the fight isn't the extra dmg reduction more useful? Also, for the full infiltration build the 2 points in kinetic are better spent on technique mastery or applied force? Is the armor penetration better than the boost to clairvoyant strike's dmg?
  12. I've heard balance is better than infiltration for endgame pve, is that true? Can someone link me the most widely used pve spec?
  13. What is the best 1v1 spec? I'm not playing rated warzones, only pugs and I tend to go solo whether to cap or defend a node because I really don't trust others in public games to do it. So what would the best spec for me be? Edit: oh and if it's a kinetic build, I just get full dps gear with a shield right?
  14. Hey Xinika, glad to see you've returned. Can you help me out with something I've been pondering for a while? Is it true that the crit soft cap is 30%? If that's the case, is it better to reach 30% unbuffed for full deception or only 25% like the wakajin guide in the assassins' section says?
  15. If the soft cap is 30% then getting there means no points are wasted. The crit buff isn't affected by diminishing returns, it gives a stat 5% boost. So since we're a crit based class, wouldn't it be better to reach the soft cap before putting points to power? That means reaching 30% unbuffed, 35% buffed. That's true, but you can't be stealthed during the recklessness cd all the time, warzones aren't 1v1 fights. You can't be judging based only on the opener, what about drawn out group fights? This is all assuming the soft cap is indeed 30%. If it's 25% then I'm obviously wrong, I just wanna clear this up before I start min maxing.
  16. I read somewhere that the crit soft cap is 30%. Wouldn't it make more sense if that's the case to stack 30% unbuffed crit and reach 35% with the buff? Why only 25% unbuffed?
  17. No it's not intended, it's a bug. The OP isn't complaining about the bosses being able to see stealthed players, he's complaining about the range of their vision. A stealthed character can be spotted from a LOT further away than a non-stealthed one - that shouldn't happen.
  18. I just came back to the game and it seems I should lvl up at least 3 alts in order to get the class buffs. I already had a marauder lvl 25 but contrary to my main shadow I don't remember anything about his skills. By looking around here it seems the best lvling up spec is annihilation. So what's the basic rotation, which skills should I be using? Oh and a link to an anni spec would be most helpful.
  19. stavrakas

    PVP dailies

    I quit right before 1.2 and I just resubbed now. While waiting for the client to update, I have a couple of questions. I heard there are no illum pvp dailies anymore, if that's the case how many pvp dailies are there right now and are they warzone related only? How many hours does it take on average to complete them? For a fully equipped battlemaster character, how many weeks/months of grinding approximately does it take to get full war hero gear?
  20. I'm in the same boat, I find infil to be so much more fun. Plus clairvoyant strike's animation is so much cooler than double strike... I will have to switch to kinetic myself though, they really are the kings of 1v1 combat.
  21. Thx, I think I'll try carnage and switch to annihilation if I get stuck somewhere.
  22. Hey, great guides. It's probably been asked before, but which tree do you consider to be the most suitable for soloing pve with? I just wanna make a marauder alt for the storyline, won't pvp almost at all.
  23. I will try to keep as civil as I can considering how frustrated I am right now. Can we get an official reply regarding the drop rate of battlemaster commendations and if there is a possibility a bug exists for some players? I've opened 22 battlemaster bags and gotten ZERO commendations. According to a developer's post and his supposed 25% drop chance and my calculations, my "streak" had a 0.0017% chance of happening. You might say ok, the chance of that happening is really low but in a playerbase of millions, it's perfectly possible. However, I'm not alone with that bad streak, there are many others like me. Bioware, can you PLEASE check if there is a bug somewhere? If you think I'm exaggerating, go ahead and check my logs. Character name: Bastilla. Server: Tomb of Freedon Nand. And if this ridiculous system is working as intended, please for the love of god tell me why, WHY didn't you make the same changes as with the champion bags? I don't mind spending weeks/months acquiring my gear, I DO mind spending that kind of time getting nothing while others get full gear in a third of the time.
  24. Yes, all shadows hit for 5-6k each hit. /facepalm Get your facts straight before you say the class is unbalanced. 600 expertise shadow will hit for max 4.5-5k dmg, only with project, only on light armors and only if he pops all his cooldowns and use his relic+adrenal.
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