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Posts posted by Noth

  1. This has been my biggest problem. A lot of players like to open with AOE's on a group. Before level 30 all you have for AOE is smash which is terribly insufficient for building threat. Trying to ask the group to politely not do that or give you a few seconds leads to mixed results. I'm looking forward to getting my AOE taunt next level and sweeping strikes at 32.


    Sweeping strikes is nice if you can keep everything grouped. It's never that easy though. Where other tanks can spam more AoE to hold threat in aoe spamm the jugg can't. This leads to slower clears of trash which can really slow down the completion of the flashpoint.

  2. The issue is that Sentinels / Juggs are suppose to be the current kings of single target dps according to what I have heard. Their AoE damage blows thou. In some ways it would be nice to have an in game parser to really verify the numbers.


    They aren't though. Sniper holds the place of highest single target dps. They also have more survivability that Marauders/dps specc'd juggs.

  3. Its a great idea... There are so many ways to do a dynamic world but it seems none.. and i say none have actually done it or done it well.


    Lots of ideas look good on paper, few are actually good once implemented in a way that works within the game they are implemented in. WAR is a great example of that. Sounds great on paper, becomes very lack luster in action. Lineage 2 had a great system but couldn't work well here due to the major differences in game design. Also we have something that can change hands, it's Ilum. I rather they fix that before implementing anything else as bad as that atrocity.

  4. Thank you..


    Now back on topic.. What do you think can be done to bring this game up to its potential.


    i will quote from a previous thread...



    Mod-able UI or at least movable and resealable.


    better lfg tools.


    Less kill x quest and more story driven.


    A more dynamic world where the players actions can affect the world.


    I'll respond to this the same way I did in the other thread.


    Mod-able ui is something they want to add in. Same with better lfg tools.


    You cannot get away from kill x quests (and others of the sort) every game in existence has them and pretty much any quest can be broken down into one of the much maligned kill/collect/courier quests. More dynamic world is something that is hard to do with the story telling style Bioware chose.

  5. If bioware cannot take constructive criticism and delete it all just because of a not even insulting title on a thread then they are ****ed already.


    Actually saying someone fails is insulting and violates the rules of the forum. So yes they will close a constructive threat with that type of title. In short, if you want to make a constructive thread don't insult anything and instead offer suggestion using "I think", "I feel", "In My opinion"

  6. It actually was a good conversation about what bw could do.

    It was in no way a flame.


    So heres the question.. What do you think bw can do to improve?





    Mod-able UI or at least movable and resealable.


    better lfg tools.


    Less kill x quest and more story driven.


    A more dynamic world where the players actions can affect the world.


    Moddable UI is something they want to add. Same with better LFG tools. You cannot get away from Kill x, gather y quests. All quests can be broken down to a basic one. More dynamic world may come in the future but with an extremely story driven game, it's btter to start without them.

  7. I don't see why people pvp in the Rage tree. Vengeance talents seem more pvp oriented to me.


    Unyielding: Generates 4 rage when stunned, put to sleep or knocked down (pvp talent only)


    Unstoppable: Force Charge has 100% chance to grant Unstoppable, reducing all damage taken by 20% and granting immunity to "interrupts" and all "controlling effects" for 4 seconds. ( Your un CCable for 4 seconds PVP)


    Pooled Hatred: Whenever your movement is impaired, you gain a 10% bonus to your next melee ability that cost rage. This effect can stack up to 5 times and last 10 seconds. (Who gets snared more then a juggernaut? Pvp)


    Deafening Defense: Reduces all damage taken by 4%. Additoinally reduces the cooldown of Intimidating Roar by 15 seconds ( Another pvp talent)


    I don't see how Vengeance isn't favored as a pvp tree.


    The Rage tree doesn't nearly have as many good pvp oriented talents. Not to mention Rage tree is rage deprived. You always have Rage when you need it as Vengeance based on the talents. Vengeance is pvp all the way.


    Vengeance has zero rage problems even in pvp. Unyielding points could be better spent else where.


    Pooled hatred has the issue that vengeance is probably the least mobile/controlling spec, thus taking advantage of the buff from it can be extremely difficult at times. Give this to a rage spec and you'd see how much better it would fit.


    Deafening defenses is nice but that 4 percent is barely noticable. the lower cooldown on Intimidating roar is nice, but with that being broken by damage, it often goes to waste.


    Unstoppable is amazing.


    Why rage is so good is that it has two gap closers, a force choke that does not suffer push back, uninterruptable ravage. Damage boost to the basic spammable attack, a nice damaging snare, good armor pen (since all the juggs damage is effected by armor), and stupidly powerful smashes.

  8. BH has the most tools to tank AoE and mobile content due to range and multiple closers and virtually no threat problems. Jugg supposedly has the best single target threat but worst aoe threat, thus have to work a lot harder to handle some big pulls. Assassins are somewhere in the middle.
  9. I mean, christ, the abilities dont even function correctly on a cooldown because you have to wait for the animation to visually finish before the next ability can start, that isn't an opinion that is a fact and it is one of the many HUGE oversights that is in this game.


    Any animation that last longer than the gcd should be reported. All animations are to be finished by the end of the gcd, unless it is a channeled ability of course.

  10. Hmmmm... I haven't tried other classes but as a 39 Vengeance Jugg I seem to be ripping things into pieces. About to get my 31 points ability too :).


    The only problem is that they rip into me almost just as hard. When running with Jaesa I'm ending up at 20%-50% hp after a clump of mobs about a third of the time, kinda depends if the procs/crits go my way. But almost never actually dying.


    You will kill almost as fast but end with far more health as the tank spec. other classes dps specs tend to end fight at much higher health than Juggs do. That alone shows there is an issue.

  11. Assassin force pull.. we push, both tanks can line of sight, why do you need pull exactly?


    Why do bounty hunters need it? They get charge, and pulls and ample ranged attacks. The major point being made here is that the class that could probably use it the most got it taken away, while the tank class with the best ranged threat abilities got to keep it.

  12. So the issue is that "you are of the opinion" that BH's are better tanks than us?... How about some of you spend more time learning your class rather than stating false facts. So worried about what everyone else is doing, and where they are. Than looking at yourself and getting better with your class.


    BH's and Assassin's are not better tanks, they are tanks just like us with different abilities. If you go to their forums, they say the same things. Whining about how we are better than them. And around and around we go...


    Level 50, been playing the class for longer than the game has been out. I personally have no problems tanking. But the fact remains the BH gets plenty of single target threat and loads more aoe threat. Add in they end up with better defensive stats and cooldowns on a lower cooldown. We get three but two of them are a toss up in effectiveness. They then get not only charge, but a pull and numerous ranged abilities. That does make them better since they are pretty much just as good as Juggs are in single target, they are just loads better at AoE and give up basically nothing for it. Jugg gives up AoE and range to have needlessly high single target threat.

  13. Only if they're using Dark Charge, which means they lose 30% armour boost from Insulation.


    Which is outweight greathly by the 150% they get from dark charge.


    Soresu form increases shield rate by 15% permanently. The Assassin talent only lasts 20 seconds.


    Dark charge does this too, then they also get the talent.


    If anyone spends 3 skill points on gaining about 500 health at level 50, they are a moron. Additionally, that extra health is unlikely to equal 2 hits worth of the Jugg's armour mitigation advantage.


    Actually the mitigation is so close thanks to dark charge and other talents, that the mitigation makes little difference.



    A 20% boost to light armour =! a 60% boost to Heavy armour. In fact, a 20% boost to light armour =! unboosted medium armour. Even by cross-specing into Insulation, an assassin does not get the basic armour mitigation of a Jugg in Soresu form, ever; and they have to spend 3 skill points to get 50% armour boost with an active charge, while we get given a 60% boost as a basic ability. Plus, that also removes their elemental resistance, which you fail to mention is mutually-exclusive. Finally, the inherent 6% damage reduction from soresu form means a jugg can reduce incoming damage to about 40% if they fail to shield, while an unshielded assassin will reduce it to only 70% or so.


    The assassin relies heavily on not getting hit, and needs it's self-healing ability to compensate for it. Combined with their superior panic buttons, that means healing a Jugg MT from heavy raid-level burst damage will be considerably easier than healing an assassin MT. I've played MMOs for ten years, and I've played genuinely broken classes, and the immoratl Jugg is not one of them.


    20% boost to an already 150% boost is a nice bonus. Also shadows are mitigation tanks not evasion tanks. Juggs end up with more defense and thus evasion than shadows do.

  14. Force Pull is really not needed. For the 4 Republic fight in Mandalorian Raiders it goes Knight, Smugg, Troop, Counc. You let the Knight ping pong around while you hold aggro on the other three. So long as everyone else is only hitting the Knight there is no reason to lose aggro on the other three.


    These fights are designed with certain things in mind. One of them being that not all tanks were created equal. Use what you are given (including your brain) and there should be no problems.


    I agree that Force Pull would be nice. However it is not needed, especially at later levels. We have Saber Throw, Taunt, Force Push, Force Choke and Force Scream for ranged abilities. Threatening Scream, Smash, Sweeping Slash, and Chilling Scream for AoE. If guys are still getting out of your range then you need to be quicker on the draw, or set up your quickslots differently.


    And BH have more than that. That is the issue. they can do everything the SJ does but better.

  15. I'm a healer who has a friend that plays BH. I have seen him use something like this with a cable. I always thought it was weird since he is ranged. Why don't warriors get this as well? Seems like it would benefit you more.


    Powertechs are still melee they just get a lot of ranged options. That said, it's still bs that a pull would make us unkitable, but the Powertech getting a pull along with a closer (depending on tree) along with their ranged options is not unkitable?

  16. none of the classes can hit me for 3k. not sure if anyone hit me for more than 2.


    charge, choke, smash, crush, kick, oliberate, smash (9sec cd) ure dead. enjoy. and u cant even do anything. true bh can do 400k dmg per BG but they do aoe dmg, while i do 200k to single targets mostly. 6-7medals always. sooo yeah. ****.


    only crap is that u have to charge in group of foes and they can focus you easily.


    At least 3 classes can hit me for 3k+ several times in a row while I am in soresu form specc'd immortal. Snipers/gunslingers can do it from range with no way for me to close the distance before I'm dead. Scoundrel/Ops can chain 3 k hits on you while they stun you leaving you with 2k-3k health left when the cc finally ends. Merc/Vanguards can chain together 3k hits, though they are a bit easier to get to, they have more tools to keep a jugg away than the jugg has to get close. My vengeance spec couldn't dream of hitting like that. The rage spec only hits that hard with a single smash, then it's back to hitting pretty weakly.


    I've said this before I can get 6-7 metals, lead the warzone in damage and even protection, that does not mean the class is fine. It means either I had a good pocket healer, the other team sucked or I played extremely well that game. I'll use this example again, In league of legends I can go 24 and 0 as AD soraka, but that does not mean that AD soraka is good.


    Also your example is of going against someone brain dead in pvp. Other classes have so many tools to shut that down it's not even funny.


    I have a lvl 50 Jugg tank spec'd and haven't seen anything too under-powered in the class at all. You deal less dmg overall, but the burst from some strong attacks along with unstoppable CDs make you invincible in PvP. It's a tank AC it's not supposed to deal sh*t tons of dmg.


    As tank spec your last statement is true. However the class is more than a tank. If what you say is true, assassins and powertech shouldn't be able to do the damage they do. Heck healers shouldn't be able to do the damage they do.

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