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Posts posted by Noth

  1. The first 50 on my server was a Juggernaut. I'm not saying they're fine or balanced, but that would imply that they certainly aren't as broken as this thread seems to imply, right?


    If you play league of legends... I can go 24 and 0 as a AD soraka, it does not mean that it is good.

  2. I go to every Class forum and they say the same thing. Assassins, Sorcerers, Juggernauts, Marauders... All of the Force users seem to feel they've been mistreated.


    Difficulty of Warrior vs Inquisitor feels about on-par.


    Neither of them are even close to the ease of Bounty Hunter. I keep being told leveling "get more difficult at higher levels", but my BH is almost 40 and I'm still waiting.


    My friends Sorc definitely is having an easier time in leveling than my Jugg. Just watching his health bars going through content I went through and seeing it barely drop at all is just stupid.

  3. If anything it sounds you just need to work with the class more. Being at max lv doesn't credit you for being good at the class. Sith Juggs have ALOT of "Tools" / interrupts to be more then viable in pvp. The class isn't weak by a longshot. It just takes a higher "skillcap" to play.


    I'm trypically top damage and protection in the pvp I do. I single handed win huttball games at times. A dps jug has choke (which is inferior to every other CC on every other class), and a melee interrupt which other classes have, a push which is legitimately good, Our charge is a basic need to function. Other classes get nearly spammable shields, self heals, more adaptable CC, CC immunity on command (not just tied to a leap), range, pulls, charges sprints, stealth, vanish, cloaks of win, more aoe, better single target (at 50 many classes can hit for 3k 3-4 times in a row without the need to build up to anything).


    Seriously play another class and see. Juggs lack basic tools and that leads to lower survivability and even damage.

  4. By 40 you are forced to use your healing companion for nearly all content if you don't want to stab your eyes out (I withheld using a healing companion till I reached 50). i do not know of a single other class that needs that. For later battles you are force to be immortal. You do not do the damage of other dps specs, nor are you as survivable as other dps spec. Just because you can do content it does not mean the class is ok. Just because you can succeed with the class in pvp doesn't mean it does not have it's problems.


    Play another class and see the issues. the difficulty is not due to any deep mechanics or valid forms of difficulty. it is due to lack of tools, tools that other dps specs have base line such as CC, lower cooldowns on defensives, defensives that do more than just block damage, or are almost spammable.

  5. And? Your point? Our class is harder then the rest, so BUFF our class to make it easier? Jeez, its a challenge, so what? As long as our class CAN do the content then its not a problem. Just learn to play the class before ppl start crying for buffs to make the game easier.


    I've leveled to 50, play the class well, know the ins and outs of the tree available that does not mean I'm blind to the issues with the class. The class is not hard because of some deep mechanic or build it is hard because it lacks tools. that means it is weak. Two players of equal skill meet on the battlefield chance are the one playing the SW will not win because it lacks the tools of the other class. High skill cap usually means high reward. Here it is small reward with being able to match another class.

  6. Im lving as vengeance and Im doing just fine. Im not having any trouble dpsing or with survivability. I have no issues with Gold elites either. All I see on these forums is how weak sith jug dps is. Let me you guys something. Its just not a face roll class. You cant just run into a fight not knowing what your doing. Sith Jugg is more of a challenge to play the some of the others classes. You just pay for your mistakes WAY more. The Dps is fine. Ppl just need to know how to play the class and manage their rage and CDS.


    You should read more. Many people don't just faceroll. A class is weak if it has to work 10x harder than the other classes to achieve the same thing.

  7. I've been a dps-spec Juggernaut while levelling (mid-30s as of last night), and I can state for a fact that I have far more survivability than a Marauder my level. Juggernauts have some extra panic buttons, more armor, and I have a frontal AoE with no cooldown (costs rage) that is useful for packs of weak mobs that I don't believe marauders get. I'm sure they have some dps abilities I don't, but in terms of survivability it doesn't compare.


    In heroics I can stay dps specced, drop into Soresu Form and tank/dps just fine. Then for soloing, Shien Form keeps my Rage high for pure dps.


    Marauders get sweeping slash. Also no we don't get anymore defensive cooldowns. Both Marauder and DPS jugg get 2. Both of the Juggs are on a 3 minute cooldown, one of which can kill the jugg if it wears off at the wrong time. Marauder gets two, one on a 3 minute cooldown, the other on a minute cooldown with a 30 second duration while being hit. they also get an instant stealth and aggro drop for the oh **** moments. Heavy armor is only 5% more mitigation which is nothing. Juggs also have no self heals unlike the Marauder. About the only advantage we have is push which is situationally great. The marauder is easily more survivable.

  8. Yeah, but how can anyone find enjoyment out of that? You go in there, cast guard, taunt some people, wack them with meaningless damage, die eventually, repeat. Even if you're providing some help to the team and might win the warzone, there is a huge lack of entertainment considering you rarely will get the chance to overpower someone at any moment.


    And because of this class being designed around only being a tank related class, the dps specs are horrible in pvp because of cc issues and damage is obviously much lower then other dps (hint: sorcerer).


    I pvp as tank spec with dps gear currently. I'm extremely tough to bring down yet still get 2k+ crit crushing blows, 1.5k+ crit screams, and 2k+ crit viscous throws. It's not as much damage as my vengeance spec due to cooldowns but it's no slouch either and is much, much more survivable.

  9. I got the talent in Immortal that makes my force leap stun instead of immobilize.

    It doesn't seem to stun because I can't hilt bash people :(, I hope "Backhand" stuns in pvp it's my next talent spent then at least one of our abilities will stun a player.


    it stuns, you just have only .5 seconds of stun time to use pommel strike. 1.5 seconds of that 2 second stun is useless to you because of the GCD.

  10. Not all things are supposed to be exact mirrors for the sake of being absolutely neck and neck competitive with each other, either.


    Different class, different tools. That's life~


    Again, it's something all classes have. It's not simply something one has that we want, it universal similarity between all classes except this one. the fact that you can't see what is off about it is sad. And I'm sorry but this class does not perform so far above other classes that it doesn't need something basic to what all classes have.

  11. Force Choke is a castable stun instead of channelable as Immortal, and it sets up Rage spec Juggernauts for 230% damage instant-crit Smashes. The only spec that Force Choke isn't that great for is Vengeance. Learn all your class's specializations before you call something imbalanced.


    Sweet we can use a channeled spell to set up out single aoe to do as much damage as other classes can do with little setup. Again, it's not equivalent to a 4 second stun that we can do whatever we wish with. I know the specs, I know them quite well. Been playing the class for over 4 months now. The class should get a baseline true stun like all other classes get.

  12. As a veng jugg, your survivability depends on you using your short stuns and interrupts to control the flow of battle. If you stop mobs from channeling/casting, you are golden.


    I'm well aware, but our short stuns are the same short stuns that marauders get. So really marauders still are more survivable. Other classes get similar skills to up their survivability. Essentially a Vengeance spec jugg gives up CC and durability for a small increase in damage. Seriously the tank spec gets a huge boost in survivability and pretty small loss of dps. Further we lack any real stun (so do marauders) that all other classes get baseline.

  13. Well you do understand that to get free force scream - you need 3 talens? Instead Vengeance gets flat 6% dmg bonus and stacking with Shien's bonus this does offer a big difference, i switch between Soresu and Shien and it really is massive. Properly talented Vengeance will never have issues with Rage generation(in Shien), while in Soresu - I do get issues with Rage despite free Smash.


    If you are vengeance and in soresu stance you will naturally have rage problems. Immortal does a wonderful job of removing those rage penalties.

  14. I find it rather disturbing how alot of my fellow Sith Warriors are complaining about being too weak! 18 Vengance Juggernaught. I'm perfectly fine in PvE (haven't tried PvP yet). I'm able to take groups of mobs easily and can solo an elite mob. I can't comprehend how you are so weak, are you undergeared perhaps?


    Give it time. By the late 30s I was forced to use Quin for heals and eat health packs pretty much any elite encounter (or encounters with 2 silvers) as vengeance. Some encounters i would have to blow saber ward, call on the force, saber ward and pop a health pack to live. Only to find out the next encounter I needed those cooldowns again. Some two pack silvers are nearly impossible due to their damage and channels. You simply don't have enough CC to deal with the incoming damage.


    Immortal has it tons easier with a lot more mitigation a CC and relatively little loss in dps.

  15. Then your improperly geared for damage as a Jugg? Dunno what to tell you. It's by far the hardest hitting ability as a Jug aside from a full Ravage.


    All purples stacking strength and expertise and power/crit. hard to not build stats for damage as a Jugg.

  16. Going that deep into Vengeance and not getting Shatter is awful.


    Shatter is one of our only abilities that hit for 3k+ @ 50 in PvP, lol


    As a 50, never had it hit that hard, ever in purple gear with expertise. 12 seconds is also ages for that damage to happen. Having the second leap with more burst and free scream is more than worth it.

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