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Everything posted by Selixx

  1. Zzz, you're fibbing. I've never seen anyone ever get cc'd through a full bar of resolve, unless you mean immobilize, or snare. You can be cc'd to create a full bar of resolve, but if you already have a full bar, you will not be cc'd. Guaranteed, I've got several character, including a battlemaster, and pvp is pretty much all I do. I've never seen anyone cc'd through resolve. The system itself is not glitchy; however, a better system might need to be considered.
  2. Sage/Sorc healers, and operative healers are much easier to kill then commando/merc healers. It's horribly imbalanced; not that commando healers themselves are imba; rather, having 1 healer type significantly more durable is imba.
  3. Ataru is energy, but it's still mitigated by armor.
  4. I don't know what game you're playing but Assassins and Juggs are the best carriers in the game. Have you seen how hard they are to kill when tank specc'd and geared out? 24k HP, 10-12% pvp defense, 50% armor mitigation, 20% elemental/internal (for assassins), and some minor mitigation from shields. Assassins can just speed through/over fire pits, acid, whatever. When they get to that final endzone...gg, immunity to cc, force, and tech. Good luck stopping them. Jugs can just leap into the pit and toss to a teammate who runs to the endzone, or use intercede to jump to them, or charge to jump up on an enemy. They also can tank a lot of people. We only make decent runners when we have every CD up, plus an 80% predation. You're wasting your time if you're main running the ball for your team as a Marauder, considering we can dismantle enemies faster then any class in the game. You should be destroying the enemy teammates around your tank.
  5. I agree a lot with what you say, but for a couple things. First, the 50% mitigation is not actually 50% mitigation. It is +50% defense rating; which means against people with high accuracy, it is not 50% mitigation; also, because of the nature of the skill, it could actually be 0% mitigation. If you actually dont parry anything (bad RNG), the skill coul be completely worthless. It is by no means 50% mitigation, and against the majority of attacks in the game Force/Tech/Etc it is only 25% mitigation. That said, ward is a powerful cooldown, but it is certainly not foolproof. Undying rage is indeed also a very powerful cooldown; but any reasonable, intelligent player will bypass undying rage altogether. How? Easy, immobilizing effects, stuns, vanishes, or putting a dot effect down and running away. Again, it's still powerful, but any reasonably intelligent player can bypass the effect completely. I have to say, of all our defensive CD's, cloak is the best. It's a flat 20% mitigation rate, against all damage types, on a 1min cd, and reflects a minimal amount of damage back. That said, the defensive cd also has its weakness, in that it needs to be refreshed every 6 seconds by an attack. I personally like to save my vanish for this cooldown, which most people seem to pop in conjunction with ward. You pop both of those, I vanish, let cloak wear off, pop my own cloak. All that said, I agree, Marauder is a very, very powerful class for pvp. I just wish we had the ability to select a healing or tanking tree as well, so we could bring a little something else to raids. I think huttball is a bad representation of our class, with all the range happy mechanics at play, we suffer a huge disadvantage. I think our class shines on Voidstar and Civil War. A lot of people also say the class is complex, and tough to play, but I disagree. I came from Aion, and played a cleric, and a sorc in Aion. Both classes have far more skills, and keybinds in this one. Anyway, I agree, we dont need a buff, but that's ok. The buff is actually a nerf, so no big deal. P.S. - My merc buddy beats me every time in huttball for dmg, I just cant seem to close the gap on that map xD
  6. The change over could be made through the Carnage tree. Give them stealth and a full on vanish further up in the tree, but make taking the stealth remove force charge, and make massacre a backstab. Doesn't sound very hard to me =/ The rest of our stuff is not imbalanced towards stealth. Scream, smash? Ravage? Lol. Choke could be turned into a full out stun, much like electrocution. It doesn't sound very hard to me, just a revamp of the individual tree; and I think it would be an interesting changeover from the traditional role of a warrior. Stealth warrior would be cool. Something else they could consider is making Carnage a tanking tree, or a healing tree (aoe life steal perhaps?). They could do a lot of cool things with the tree, including making it a low damage, cc heavy tree as well.
  7. Not sure why it would even be nerfed. It's a completely fair heal, available to everyone, and it should be available to everyone...since just about every class in this game has a healer AC; minus warriors ofc.
  8. I wouldn't mind the spec being a stealth spec, could be fun and interesting.
  9. A lot of Marauder skills use force damage, and therefore are not subject to the accuracy of either the mainhand or offhand; they are subject to the force accuracy, which is a full 10% higher. For example, smash, force scream, deadly saber, rupture (the DoT), those are all force damage, and are therefore not subject mh or oh accuracy. Using an offhand does not apply a modifier to skills such as smash, the rupture dot, force scream, etc etc. You do gain benefit from the attribute points on the offhand, but the actual damage itself is not included. This means a lot of our larger, stronger attacks actually gain no benefit from the offhand, that a focus does not provide anyway. The offhand damage is strictly applied to things like Assault, Vicious Slash, Ravage, and Crippling Slash; and AC specific abilities like Massacre or Annihilate. Heck, even vicious throw and deadly throw gain no benefit from an OH. What this means between the two AC's, is that a lot of the sustained damage type abilities, like Vicious Slash, do gain benefit from an OH, giving Marauders' better sustained damage; however, as I understand it, Jug tree's give actual damage bonuses to abilities such as smash; giving them larger burst, and less sustained. This means, from a pve p.o.v, that levelling off weak/standard packs will be easier for juggs, perhaps even silver; but elites and champs(perhaps even bosses) provide a strict advantage for Marauders. At endgame, this could be the reason that Jug dps seems to fall behind; since they are based on burst, and less sustained, they fall behind Marauders on raids, and are not very valuable against bosses w/ their enrage timers. Either way, neither class is very desirable for raid dps, as my 8-man HM/NM group consistently brings 2-3 Marauders' (of which I am one), and several of the fights are much harder then they otherwise should be.
  10. Your logic is so flawed, it's rather embarrassing. Using a gear advantage is common sense; that doesn't necessarily mean that I need it. RL example: If you are in a fight with someone, and they pull a knife on you, are you going to say "Wait, since he's using a knife, I'll just use my knife and limit myself, because I dont want to be seen as a coward;" or are you going to pull out your .45 and shoot him in the face? If its the first answer, you might want to reevaluate your priorities. Sure, I might win the knife fight, but I'm definitely going to win if I use my .45.
  11. That stealth class also has a knockback. Be intelligent and knock them off the platform first. If it's on open ground...why are we even talking about knockbacks? The only one of any concern is the Merc one.
  12. More arrogant drivel being spouted. I have 1v1'd Rage Marauders as a Carnage/Rage/Annihilation Marauder aplenty, and I assure you, for 1v1 it is the weakest spec of all 3. Predicting the smash is easy, and dodging or negating the damage is easy; especially as Anni. Force Camo to a smash = 0 dmg, and if you miss even 1 smash...it's gg.
  13. You shouldn't be seeing huge decrease like that between the specs, carnage performs at nearly the same level as Annihilation, perhaps a small dps decrease. Carnage has more single target dps then Rage, so you definitely should not be seeing that from those two specs. Perhaps you don't have the rotation down properly? There is a good Carnage guide at the top of the Marauder forums you may want to glance over. I personally see very little difference in my overall performance when switching between anni and carnage (though I dislike Rage).
  14. Agreed, the sith version is shock, and also provides excellent crit mult and high dmg. Instantly and from range too, but it also has a cooldown. Now, I'm not by any means an expert with the class, seeing as mine is only ~L35, but when I play with my friends, and we designate spike targets, maul and shock come in quite handy for providing the spike needed to go through any healer. I use Dark Charge, and a shield, and still can manage 4k Maul crits. Not every Maul is a crit, but even then the damage is still significant enough to provide necessary spike.
  15. Correct, starting with a full bar of 110 force, and 6 seconds of increased force regen. Considering 4 GCD's takes 6 seconds, you will have enough for 4 Mauls in a row. With the 30% crit mult from induction, you will still get 4k crits on anyone not wearing Heavy Armor, because guess what, the difference between Light and Med armor is about 3% reduction.
  16. 4k Maul crits w/ 50% damage reduction through armor, and 20% base elemental/internal reduction was imbalanced, and every Assassin out there knows it. Don't play stupid or act like Assassins are not fine. They're only making Assassins deal with the same crap every other class has to...garbage functionality with hybrid trees. Using guard, taunt, and still pulling 4k Maul crits, while having 50% mitigation and 20% elemental was, and is completely imba. Especially because you can use Maul 4x in a row from a proper opener.
  17. What a bunch of babies. They propose a fix, which is actually relatively decent as fixes go, and people still are not satisfied. Bioware has done a good job thus far fixing problems and balancing classes properly (Ops/Smuggs are not gimp..gg). Put a little faith in the company; im no fan-boy, but I can at least acknowledge they have done a pretty decent job thus far fixing their game.)
  18. It's fine and dandy to close the gap; however, lowering the stats on the current gear is not ideal. Rakata/Columi gear is actually just barely a step down from the current battlemaster/champ gear in pvp. Nerfing the pvp gear will make pve gear better for pvp. If that's going to be the case, may as well just delete expertise, and equalize battlemaster to rakata, columi to champ, tionese to centurion - in every way.
  19. Actually, it IS a dps increase, because if you followed the Marauder forums, you would have seen the thread about our +30% crit multiplier passive (for bleeds) currently being broken. No matter how they modify the skill, it will be a dps increase at this point. Furthermore, hem. is being modified from a 6% bleed damage increase, to 15%. Sounds like a buff.
  20. It's my personal feeling that Fury-based abilities are remarkably lacking when compared to guard, taunt, off-healing, the mitigation that snipers bring (as well as the incredible AOE damage they have), and some of the other group utility buffs other classes bring to the table. I feel that predation has very limited use in PvE, and bloodthirst is a marginal dps increase for 15 seconds, on a 5 minute cooldown. It's nice, but not beautiful. That leaves berserk, which, unless you are running Annihilation, is completely worthless to the group. Fury based abilities in pvp are good, but still not absolutely game changing. My opinion is that classes able to off-heal, taunt, and guard, are far more valuable to a team in pvp, especially in small groups. It's again, my opinion, that Marauders' will not be a desirable class for small group pvp. Not when you can bring a dps Assassin that can taunt, guard, stun, cc, range interrupt..etc etc. Not when you can bring snipers that give 20% mitigation to the whole group, who can drop Orbital and get 4k crits per strike (for 4 strikes). Sorcs obviously bring huge utility to the table with groups, as do jugs, and powertechs. Hell, even Mercs have off-heals. The classes that I feel lack group utility are Marauders, and Operatives (but they can spec heals). Marauders' are, imo, a low-utility class, with very little actual effective group play. Top that off with the fact that we're melee, we have a high skill demand, and we have no effective stun, or control, and you get a class that will just be overlooked in competitive pvp. I do not think that Marauders' are a broken class, but I think it's a class that requires far too much support to be effective in group pvp, and brings very little actual support of its own.
  21. I use both, champ relics w/ power and crit/surge.
  22. I agree, our durability is probably somewhere near the top of the pure dps tree's. The real problem, is that other classes can still heal themselves, or equip a tank charge (assassins), and still do excellent dps. Nothing worse then a sorc just barely getting out of your reach, he runs across the map, and full heals himself, even though he is dps spec. Or assassins with Dark Charge critting Maul for 4k damage while using Dark Charge and a shield. I think Marauders should be able to trade one of our dps tree's for a utility tree. I'm not quite sure on a fix, but bringing something to a group would be nice...
  23. I believe that he killed two SI's by himself, but I also believe they are both incredibly bad. Seriously, they didnt rotate healing each other depending on the target? Did they chain stun you? Probably not. Was your focus target kiting you in circles while his partner rotated heals and dps? Probably not. No marauder will ever kill any pair of decent players, it doesn't matter how good you are. We don't have the toolkit to do so. Most other classes dont have the toolkit for 1vX situations as well either, so we are not really lacking there. Hell, some other classes dont even have proper toolkits for 1v1 (Mercs come to mind). We're not that bad off, and we scale incredibly well with gear. We just lack some nifty little tools that would honestly (if I were an elitist), prevent me from ever taking Marauders' to any serious raid, or 4v4 arena team. Bloodthirst is not a viable cooldown, perhaps for a spiking rotation in pvp, but thats it. Other classes bring equal dps to any raid or pvp (with real stuns, knockbacks, control, and peeling abilities), as well as bring off-heals, guard, taunt, or any other manner of utility to the table. Hell, even snipers bring Orbital and stuns to the table (hint: drop orbital on your healer when melee are surrounding him/her, say gg to the melee). The real problem with Marauder isn't our durability, or our damage. It's the fact that we bring no REAL group utility to the table. I would hands down take a sniper or a assassin, or a dps Jugg anyday, over a Marauder. They have much better group playability. That is the area where Marauder needs to be looked at; we simply bring nothing extra to the table.
  24. I don't understand your reasoning. Any dps class in the game will absolutely melt when focus fired, thats why, when being focused, you should have the healers in the back line sustaining you, and tanks with guard on you. I've yet to play a game where a dps class actually had any real durability, sure, they may have vanishes, or 1 durability cd, but its never enough to outlast significant focus firing. If you want to live through focus fire without a healer, go play a tank. A dps class is supposed to be squishy, otherwise the class becomes imbalanced. I can melt a sage/sorc, or BH within 5-10 gcd's. Tanks usually take a little longer, and Marauders are some of the most durable opponents in the game - speaking as a Marauder. The class lacks an effective stun, but for everything else, the class is fine. For 1v1, Marauder is definitely one of the top dogs, I only really fear a very good immortal jugg, a good darkness assassin, or another Marauder. That's it. The class is balanced.
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