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Everything posted by kaymedic

  1. Maybe mixing it up with other games so want to ask. Is it the first "text-only" emote in swtor? Nevertheless. I would love new emotes. But text only is worthless. especially for something like pvp season. Sorry. Try it again BioBroadsword
  2. Did I missed this in the patchnotes? But since 7.4a I cannot sell or buy Server Character Slots on ghn.
  3. I also do not get what the issue is with the class armor sets XD
  4. I am playing SWTOR with the normal launcher but tried to use the STEAM PTS version (faster download). But when i am launching the game it tells me I do not have an account. Can I link the PTS STEAM Version manually to my SWTOR Account?
  5. I also couldn't believe they are doing this. If I would join a new game an pay for it but have to grind to use simple game features like fast travel I stop playing very soon. I do not care to pay some credits after I reach max level. And after 11 Years in this game a also do not care for my twinks of course. But it helps nothing against inflation... I must say. It was a very stupid decision
  6. Like you said. I think a 20 minute lockout for leaving early (with an additional loss for this game which is new) is okay. Maybe 10 minutes would be okay as well. Or the old 15. I don't know. I normally do not leave matches early and if then it was my last for the day. But i get why people are leaving. Had a match 5 against 8. Since you do not get medals easy anymore (which is also good) this was wasted 10 minutes nonetheless. 1hour and 6 hour is far too much. Sorry. But people are paying for this game. It would be great if toxic people would get longer bans in this game. But okay - I can ignore them and its fine for me. Intentionally loosing should result in a lockout as well if we open this book. So if you do not adress all these issues of toxic behaviour I would revert this changes of too long lockouts for just quitting. I know you want to keep the finer details close to home (as you give us details about anything lol) but can you maybe verify how it works with 2 games quitting. Is it in a row or 3 quits a day 6h hours lockout. And if it is the latter - I hope you see what mistakes you made again ^^
  7. I also do not get credits for wins anymore. Had two warzones since the patch without progression to the season or for a weekly.
  8. Tulak Hord Already closed the game but also finished the weeklies
  9. Do it still reset for you or are you just lost your progress?
  10. Did you get the reward twice as well?
  11. Ah good to know that this was no feature. I thought it was suposed to reset daily. Maybe you can give us more informations how you will solve this. I do not mind if this take some time to patch. But if games do not count until you fixed it then maybe announce it so that players do not waste their time
  12. I also wouldn't mind if there are some issues every patch. This can happen with service games and do so at better companies like paradox. But the difference is that we get content there. Frequently. It was a little bit with 7.0. The Update was announced very short term so I had to hurry to finish some things before the new update till it was postponed a day before? I do not really care any more. I still like the game and are not really surprised to see that content can not be delivered on time. Again. This can happen. But I honestly don't see that the devs are trying to improve.
  13. I made exaclty the same decision. The achievment was very clear. "During the Event" but I will take unlimited conquest points over this (nice but still) outfit
  14. Very bad communication indeed. Better tell us now that we will not have the naar shadaa nightlife event this year. It wouldn't be the worst announcement you did since 7.0 The very bad thing is that we get nothing. no bug fixes, no content, no event. Is there someone to work for this game left?
  15. Maybe an XP Event as long as you could not fix that bug?
  16. I can understand the point of some who are saying best gear should be for best players. Its this ancient MMO thinking where only the best should have best gear. When I started playing MMOs (2001ish DAoC) I was thinking the same way. Why should everyone get the best gear for nothing. But time has changed (for me). I want to play a game after work - maybe a little bit more on weekends - competetiv as possible. I switched focus to shooters and MOBA games. Why? Because I do not want to grind for a game. I want to play it. But is everyone as strong as the others in these games? No. You have to practice. But you are doing it by playing the game. 1,5 years ago I finally came back to SWTOR (played until beginning 4.0). I got my 306 gear in one week. Set in maybe 2 for my first char. And I was ready to go. Back for all the legacy NiM OPs. Some things you do not forget XD And I had a great time. Could have been more challenging but balancing is not the strength of bioware it seems^^ So personally I do not understand the need to grind new gear in MMOs anymore. To be cynical the grind may be the only content 7.0 offered. A new OP would be fine. And I understand there has to be a reward for doing it. But must it be gear or would titels and cosmetics be sufficient? And in the end gear will not make the difference. Skill will do!
  17. Is there some work around for this bug? Or do we just have to live with it?
  18. Too bad we do not get twice that much CC now But thanks for the update so that we can keep playing without losing any progress
  19. Let's be honest. LotS is a great story Update if it was 6.4 7.0 and 10th anniversary ... tell me if it was enough But okay we also got dual classes origin and loadout whatssoever. Loadout is a great addition for me. I give you that. New gearing? yeah boring as hell (gsf > nefra > EV HC) but okay. Thats the life of a MMO player. So whats left after 1h story and after gear progression? Only Saeson 2. And I must admit it is more varying than season 1. But now after the first patch (which should fix 200+ bugs XD) you broke one of the only thinks (thats new) what keeps the most people playing. I don't know. But thats not very smart or is it
  20. I was thinking the same. But Bioware acts like politicians. Never admit mistakes. And maybe apologize to all the players from the PTS who gave you exactly this feedback. But nevertheless thanks for doing these changes after all. This lets me hope you will revert your other 7.0 mistakes
  21. Cannot agree more with you! I also don't know what this one guy here wants to tell me... I am happy about every new player who tries out GSF. I often encourage my guildmates to join me for GSF (since years - not only for the season or easy gear). It can be a great game mode and very awarding after you learned the basics. But people with zero damage and 10+ selfdesctructs are only there to abuse the system. Nobody can tell me something different. Getting more than 10 selfdestructs is also very challenging to get in time. I don't think that a new player know about how to boost but cannot hit a single enemy...
  22. So "bug" reports from content creatores are more important than reports we do here in the forum or ingame? It is just a stupid excuse. Say that you changed it because it was not intended to abuse by the player base. We also wouldn't liked that but at least it would be honest
  23. I said I know why. But than at least try playing it. Its not only your time but also the time of other players who wants to enjoy this game mode.
  24. Hehe I also searched the forum for bug reports. Nothing. But as alwasy: Things that would make the game easier for us are "fixed" in minutes. For other stuff we have to wait until 7.1 in patience. Don't know if this is already harassment if I say: Get your **** together and patch the things thats broken first!
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