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Everything posted by kaymedic

  1. Rerolling a PO will not give you Galactic Points if you already fulfilled the requirements. For instance I rerolled one and got the play one unranked pvp. Unfortunatlly I already did one so the PO was completet but I did not get the points. Is this a known issue or are we not supposed to do that? I wouldn't mind to do the pvp match again, but its impossible after it is completed.
  2. Will the cost to unlock the new companion stay at 1 cartell coin? First I thought we will get him for every char, but 1 cartell coin would be okay I guess.
  3. Will it really cost 400k for legendary amplifiers?
  4. Does someone know how long can you wait until you invade a planet in this week?
  5. Do you mean the new system where you can lock the rarity of the amplifier? I think this is a great system and will save a lot of credits compared to the current system on the live servers.
  6. I have to agree with nearly everything you said. Especially the scaling nonesense of this game. And can we please get some official answers about the increased loot for uprising. I also could not find any difference at all between the PTS 6.2.1 and the live servers.
  7. Thanks to you for deciding what the community likes and what not In this thread more than one player said that they are doing uprisings. Saidly most of them alone or only together with a friend. I definitly prefere any uprising against another hammer station run. Or other FPs where groups are stealthing through the mops and bug use to be faster done. Uprisings are straight forward boss "fights" (Maybe reward us with loot after every boss "entcounter", because some of them are only a mass of mops to finish). Maybe try to increase the loot and maybe the people running hammer station will switch to uprisings as they did when they were first introduced with the "fractured" runs.
  8. Wow already nine replies! XD I couldn't test Uprisings on the PTS. Apparently no one was queuing for it when i was playing. Maybe because there are no european players on the PTS, I don't know.... But I really want to see the changes you made. On the live servers I run all Uprisings together with a friend and two 50 comps in Master Mode without a lot of troubles. Trial and Error we can only do Veteran but this one should be the hardest. But we are very experienced master op players and know what to do We also run it with our 70er alts. Especially Landing Party and Trenchrunner is very easy for us. We do that because we do not get XP but the Masterwork Items which we can sell for a very high price at the gtm. As returning players we need the credits^^ So to be fair its good to chance the uprisings that it is only for 75er chars. Loot is already okay I think. If you go Uprisings with 4 bosses you have the same loot as if you would go a fp. Maybe add some set items to the loot pool but thats not really neccesary. But I am very sceptically with an increase of the difficulty. If we are not able to do it in a two man group we will not be able to do it completly because nobody is doing them on the live servers. I definitly like the idea of the Uprisings. And in contrast to many other I like that they are recycled maps form old content. It is like homecoming to the beginning of swtor
  9. Thanks for your answer. Hmm that is really dissapointing. Was a nice idea, but i think crafting is still not important for bioware. As a crafter in SW Galaxies and other MMOs I am willing to put more effort into it. Too bad it is not worthwhile.
  10. As a returning player, what do you mean with they are not working as intended? I just created my crafting sets some weeks ago. Do mean this was completly useless?
  11. Sorry to disappoint you but I am not the only one. Thats why I tried to get an answer here. But never mind. Got my answer on reddit This thread can be closed
  12. No stupid questions at all. You are right I would not care if i loose them. But if I cannot proceed with my daily rewards after the first 28 I will have to claim them. I know you cannot have an answer for this but maybe someone who also tried this at the PTS? I doubt that I am the only one with this question. Maybe on the forums but for sure not on my server
  13. Sadly most of the login rewards are useless for me so I never claimed them in the first 28 days. But what will happen if I do not claim all of them today on my last day for the first reward calendar? Will I get a new reward calendar tomorrow and lose all of the unclaimed items or will I be unable to proceed to the next calendar until I claimed all of the rewards?
  14. I was not playing a lot since 4.0 because the lack of content (kotfe story with one char and thats it). But I am a subscriber since launch and was always enjoying the game. I mean it is star wars, so thats a big advantage. So after i more or less quit raiding with 4.0 i was still checking on my toons do a little bit pvp, some achievments and so on. For few hours a week I have time for playing that was enough. My pvp toons were at least 208er gear to be competetiv. And now 5.0 I was really looking forward to it. Some new skills, a little bit new pve content (urprisings). A questionable rng system. But ok i tried. I decided i will go with my very first char to do the grind. Now after rang60 2 set pieces. It is like opening a present and find nothing. Thrill of the hunt they call it. I call them stupid... I wanted to play more with 5.0 - started raiding again for the schematics. Also played my tank to rang30 (1 set piece by the way + an ear) This system pushed me away more than anything bevor. My last hope is some news in the new year. Please get rid of this rng nonsense!
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