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Everything posted by Tonev

  1. Not to be rude or anything, but I know that you have customization for both factions, I have had two Zabraks Sin and Shadow unlocked before this game went free to play (reason I am asking for more customization). I don't want a Sith looking Zabrak on Republic side and vice versa I want the ability to have a "Non Dark Side" Zabrak (that doesn't look like Darth Maul) with "Black pointed horns" (regular light side face). This game is VERY, VERY limited in it's concept of customization and it's very disappointing, especially with this supposedly advanced engine they are using for great physics. This image designer examples here shows customization choices with "age" options. http://www.projectswg.com/showthread.php?t=29870&page=2
  2. i am wondering is it possible to put in a Zabrak customization pack, giving more formations for tattoos, darker colored horn and variations ( Black and brown horns). i have purchased every cutomization kit you guys have put out and while I have been waiting for new species other than Cathar 9will never play one), I would like more customization if I am stuck to play my Zabrak however many years before you guys shut down the servers and game (Old SWG player so I am a pessimist). Just wondering if it is possible?
  3. There is more lower ceremonial boxes and sets on the GTN than you can shake a stick at on Begeren server. You are correct in your assumption of certain things having a drop rate of 0.98% chance. i got 4 Rancors and not one Supplementary or upper ceremonial set. Not sure what's going on here.
  4. I wish people would actually read up on Star Wars lore before asking one of the most fierce "un tameable creatures in the Star Wars universe to be a damn mount. Wasn't that many people as Jedi or Sith, stupid enough 'exception Farfalla" that tried to get a Krayt pearl from the Krayt's Gizzards (he got mauled bad and almost died). A World boss with a pearl reward "yes" a mount, no!
  5. Last night we won in about 3 minutes and some change and pretty much ran from door to door planting with no real resistance. Had a Scoundrel and 2 Sentinels (that speed buffed us) was the fastest I had ever won. It can happen.
  6. Tonev

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I can tell you this, there will be "1" less person playing this game when "EQ NEXT hits". I'm really tired and bored of the same *********** CC/Stun wars PvP dynamic in this game, only a "COUPLE" of classes should have CC/STUN, not EVERYONE of them for one. The knock backs even in PvE is rediculous, it makes you feel like you are in a ping pong game and not Star Wars at all. I give it til next year...!? Hell, I give it until WOW's next expansion until you see subs bleed from this game "I'm definently going to play "Warlords"
  7. This is true, I actually started to put up a video tonight to ask is this normal in ranked. I was on my sniper shooting an Operative and ran out of energy several times trying to kill her/him off today. I forgot to mention also, there was a Assassin, Marauder and a Sniper dpsing on her (she was being guarded by the Juggernaut who didn't die). I think they need to reassess the dps characters (which is gonna happen with 2.8 sentinel/Marauder burns/bleeds) and Shadow/Assasin balance/Madness buffs (0/30/16 being the new Fotm for PvP ranked on test). I think this thread is a valid thread in that aspect, especially fighting at the first Void Star door both rounds today "several times" to a stand still. Actually, looking at how many people talk about bad players I decided to put this video up I found on youtube, this is the same thing my team experienced today (hell I wasn't even taunted by the Juggernaut and I'm in Brutalizer augged, usually drop most classes in 4-5 globals without heals "jugs are exceptions"). This guy is not a bad player and look at the damage, that Operative took "even after her tank dropped". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryzEAMXok58&list=UUtbEeudJ2fo_iszs-qDLn3g "YEAH, RIGHT!
  8. They need to fire who ever *** it is they got in the art department and hire you man! Now maybe, now since they have a picture, they can actually look at this and make a Jedi/Sith robe or the likes that we had seen in the KOTOR game. I'm wondering if the people they hire to put the current sets together even watched one got damn Star Wars film or cartoon?
  9. I don't get why you guys constantly go by rating like this guy will play pro like that Sorc, you have a lot of dumb people playing in Warzones and yes, I have seen many of people namely Republic players on my server in ranked in all PvE gear. The guy asked a valid question and I gave him a valid answer, yea, sure we all know Sorcs can dot you up and such but I can tell you, them particular Sorcs that's getting that rating is by far and wide not the average solo queing Sorc. And whose to say that he is actually fighting competent people in ranked? And to answer your question on where I am getting my info, I live it everyday in WZ, I get focused hard, I have seen 4-5 WZ groups run past the healers just to come after me in the back (I do burn them down pretty fast to, but as a Sage and Sorc, you need people to peel off you so you can successfully burn the other team down).
  10. I'm curious, did they upgrade the armor to show the Republic or Jedi symbols on the set? Wondering when we will see the updated, live version so I can decide if it's worth spending my cartel coins on or not, hoping they fix the armor up before they bring it to PTR.
  11. Oh boy, my fears coming to realization! Why did they change the armoring to be "SKIN TIGHT" on the legs? I agree, they need to iron this out before putting it on live as I would not buy this set just because of the "PAJAMA" leg bottoms. Now I am really worried if they screwed up this from concept to live what will the "TEMPLE GUARDIAN" set look like, again, SKIN TIGHT" ARMOR on the legs, loose the SKIN TIGHT art fellas, make things right and restore the faith in your art team.
  12. Was looking at the new mounts coming out and I noticed that the mount they called a Bantha was actually a Uxibeast. Now is this a real mount concept being brought into the Cartel market, just like the Dathamirian Rancor mounts and will be in the same package in June, or will this be a cartel purchased item like the Tauntauns (looking forward to this mount for my Shadow). Also, will these mostly docile animals until provoked have any type of animations to them? Picture at link for those that don't know what a Uxibeast is or have never made characters on Republic side. http://swtor.gamepedia.com/File:Young_Uxibeast.png?version=03c0428022a9929edb7645460f008b4d
  13. I hope there is never a macro friendly version of this game, there is already enough 3rd party programs and such for pvp/pve grinding that has not been addressed other than 2day/week banning And supporting macros in this game would even drive this game further from what it could successfully become. To me and this is being honest, adding macros to a game is the lazy man's way of playing a game and opens up doors to a whole host of other not wanted things put in this game.
  14. He said as a "SOLO" player, not team, the highest Sorc in ranked runs with a pre-made team and never runs "SOLO". I run a lot of solo on my Sage and I can tell you, the majority of individuals here are correct. It is much more harder to play a TK Sage solo than it is a Vanguard or PT (I have all three classes which two I play in ranked with, not well because I solo que a lot), but with my Sorc, I get burned down fast if all my cool downs are blown through by keeping the 2-5 people off me (Sage tricks are only good against certain classes and ****** against others namely Juggs and Guardians (they shut me right down even as a Balanced Sage). If you are going to be soloing more than 90% of the time in PvP, I would definantly go with a Vanguard or Guardian if you are playing Republic as Sage is all back of the bus and stuff, even with the new buffs coming (Trooper/BH buffs are going to be superiror to Sage/Sorcs in 2.8 "better burst and better dots".
  15. I'm wondering if there will be a new Temple built, or redesign since the attack of the Imperials and Sith on Tython. While they did do a number on the temple and vice versa for Korriban with the Republic, anyone know if the developers have any plans to bring out new NPC and such (since they are putting in the "Republic"Temple guards armor set.
  16. I'm real confused by this as everything from cartel can be gained on other avatars through "Collections". Not sure if your new or not , but have you looked at your collections?
  17. Hell, it's a lot easier to actually pull out the dummies that post on the forums here, have them solve the same puzzle this guy is solving http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news-700/Chimps-Get-a-Kick-Out-of-Solving-Puzzles.jpg and if they do it faster than he does, they can actually post on the forums about class changes and such.
  18. I tell you what, I just started a guild on Begeren server which is Role playing and have set up a website along with vent. Working out rules on this but I could change the name if there were people willing to transfer to make it work. I was putting in some strict type naming rules and promotion rules (in order to be a master in the guild you will have to be level 55, Valor rank 60 "minimum" follow a RPing theme that is "Star wars". Now I am opening this up to non-force users, but again, have a strict naming policy in place as there are a lot of people who like to pick funny names like "Count Chocula" Frankenberry, Dicksauce, and other non-immersive names for what ever reason, I just can't tolerate that in a game where it should be immersive and fun for individuals who crave, or looking for "Star Wars" not just another MMO. Let me know what you think before I start making and committing.
  19. A good request 1. Weequay (if not Weequay another one of the species we see in this game) 2. Hood up down robe for Republic and Imperial 3. More gear based on faction instead of a neutral "everyone can wear it deal" 4. Less Spikes on gear as this has worn out its' welcome with "A LOT" of people in this game. 5. A set of armor like Grandmaster Satele's. 6. A true level 10 Red crystal with bloom effect "not candy cane red, or cheery twizzler red, crimson red."
  20. Get to level 45 as soon as possible if your going to PvP, that way you can have a top tier ability in a tree to use. Make sure you keep all your armoring up to level along with main hand and off hand. Also, I tell everyone this, buy a set of Legacy gear and augments it with Mk-9s so you can slot the gear all the way up to level 55 and use it to transfer or move around mods you get off your higher level toon (to include PvP mods). As far as weapons go, the Gree weapons are a good investment also as they act as Legacy weapons and you can put in weapons mods from PvP vendors and such for your alts or new Mains. Something that is very helpful in PvP is having a "REGULAR" team of people to play with as this makes PvP experience more likable for the individuals involved. This game is not like World of Warcraft's PvP, you will not find people soloing down 3-4 people and having "FUN" epic fights. This is team based PvP Highly dependent on watching cool downs and managing your stuns for "STUN LOCK" moment in order to win.
  21. My son hates Balanced spec on his Shadow, actually detests it, it's just the opposite for me as a Sage in PvP, but I get mobbed by the crowd also. Successful Shadows I seen using Balanced have been hybrid spec not full Balanced.
  22. Man, I wreak people on my Vanguard and to say that the dots aren't a problem because they can be cleansed is a understatement. I can keep dots up on a target almost 100% of the time having the Operatives or Scoundrels do nothing but that the whole time "until I gett CCed/stunlocked and burned". I think it's a huge mistake to constantly keep buffing the classes of this game, becaue eventually it will lead to a necessary item squish to bring balance back to the whole game. WOW did this and regretted as it made a lot of their high end bosses (Litch King) and others not even a challenge for people anymore (He became soloable just like Malgus).
  23. Yeah, I haven't figured this one out yet with a lot of PvP players. Why do the try and focus down the Sage first? I hit my force barrier on, and sit there watching them hammer away at me using their cool downs while my team kills them off one by one "If I'm in a competent PUG, which is far, few and between on Begeren". then I hit force armor for more mitigation buffs while I dot (Balanced spec, always) up another squishy target, usually the Sniper or Marauder/Sentinel that has burned through all of their defensive cool downs, while trying to burst me or someone else in the group. Roughly, they spend about 4-5 minutes just on me and that's more than one person, usually. There is times where I run around dotting up the other side just so I can get them to chase me around like a Charlie Chaplin movie and it work "On the dummies". With the added buffs in 2.8 and the nerf to Jugs/Guardians things will pan out a bit and be even, but we will see as this could potentially be a HUGE **** up if they over buff Balance and madness.
  24. I been testing this on the test server for my Sage and I can honestly say yes, it will actually be better in damage than what it is now, the Merc I was having issues with in PvP with the hit and run rail shot tactic has been solved by giving us this "Dot" dps boost. From what I gather, my son who has a 55 Shadow, says that Balance in PvE is decent but he will still be running his mid tree for PvP as it has a lot better burst , he did want me to mention the instant cast force lift helps him control the fights better when there is more than one opponent.
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