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Everything posted by Noctournys

  1. Actually, that guy sounds like an idiot. I wouldnt hire him to pour piss out of a boot. If you are allowing them to suicide and stop your caps in Aldraan, you're being outplayed. PvP != Only Deathmatch. They are playing the objectives, you're playing Deathmatch, and you're getting outplayed. The outside nodes are easy to cap - when you clear them the first time (which isnt that hard unless their whole team is there - in which case - go somewhere else dufus), is to park most of your team WHERE THEY LAND. Have your cappers on the exact opsosite side of the node. The moment a dude lands, have a guy knock him way or stun him. Trust me, it isn't hard. Rotate through knockbacks and stuns and youll farm them as they land without them ever moving from the landing spot or able to stop your cap. It isn't hard. Voidstar - has issues. But the biggest issue is team comp here. If your team doesn't have healers and theirs does, you wont take the door unless you seriously outplay them by drawing them off and back-capping a door. Edit: the OPs problem is he wants his leet-killer stats to matter in an objective based game. They dont, really. They aren't useless - a team who kills well will have an easier time with objectives unless theyre being idiots and ignoring them, but no amount of leet killer will help you if you cant play the game and can only kill people.
  2. I *frequently*, at the start of an ALderaan, run to the node that we aren't assaulting, as a sniper, and do nothing but tag people and kite in attempt to stall their cap as long as possible. Sometimes, i will die 4-5 times doing this, without ever doing appreciable damage or killing anyone. But i will have stalled their cap 2-3 minutes and gained us a significant lead, or caused them redeploy extra players to stop to me, allowing us to cap a node they are hard defending. In voidstar i will suicide into a group to get them off the door. I might die in seconds and inflict no damage at all. Kill/Death ratio is a terrible metric in an objective b ased game, because i can (and often do) complete objectives without kills. Edit: and, if the other team isn't paying attention, I can (and have) sat in the rafters in Huttball and gone 500k damage/60 kills/zero deaths. It doesn't mean i was a great player. It means the other team was stupid as hell.
  3. Kill/Death ratio in an objective-based MMO battlefield.. what a pointless stat.
  4. No, just no. Valor ranks will not be required for ANY gear. Confirmed. The entire purchase system is changing. What is in the game now has ZERO relevance to how you purchase items in 1.2 - Confirmed. Stop spreading stupid. Edit: it should be noted, though, that i agree with the sentiment here - there will be ZERO incentive to do regular WZ if rated doesn't have a valor or gear score requirement. NONE. Why get farmed (when at fresh 50 with zero gear) to get BM when you can spend th e same time getting farmed and head straight to top end gear? No one will do non-rated WZs. Further edit: About the best thing they could do is steal the rated BG concept from WoW - you can only earn so many Rated WZ comms/week. SO after you get your games in, you're either doing rateds for no gain or you just go do normals. Otherwise.. yeah. I wont set foot in a regular WZ. Ill already have full BM or damn close to it so it wont matter for me, b ut even if i didnt.. i wouldn't bother.
  5. Wait till healers start being alert and cleansing your DoTs. The tank/heals premades on Port Nowhere, i couldnt break 150k as Lethality. Cleanse everywhere... because all their rDPS (troopers, sages) can cleanse too, and do.
  6. So.. your plan is that those that are better, get rewarded with gear only they can get, which artificially makes them EVEN MORE BETTER.. wut?
  7. The Rakata gear is garbage. You cant even wear your AC set (Field Tech) because for whatever dumb reason, the Field Tech set uses Patron Armoring instead of Skill armoring (even mix of end/cunning instead of low end/high cunning, like Skill) so each piece only has 3 more cunning than a LEVEL 50 Armoring from dalies. You have to yank every mod and enhancement and replace them to actually make Rakata an upgrade, and even then it is very marginal.
  8. "AMD Quad Core Processor" let me guess. a bargain basement Phenom or Phenom II. TLB Fix. Four guildmates had this problem, all of them with Phenom or Phenom IIs. Four guildmiates flashed their BIOS to do the TLB fix. Four guildmates no longer had this problem. (and this doesnt necessarily pertain to you) but anyone who is like "I HAVE A GREAT RIG" and has an AMD CPU.. no. just no. Even if you have the best consumer CPU AMD makes, you're running a budget CPU. You dont have a pimpin rig.
  9. .. you cant kite in this game. Gap closing abilities with absurd range (30m force leaps!) are on short cooldowns. You can do a short-duration kite, maybe... maybe. But theyll get back on you the second it comes off cooldown. And some classes get two or three of those.
  10. They were pretty clear that the last played class, by far, were smuggler/IA.
  11. Alacrity is sub-par because it can actually LOWER your dps by burning through your energy faster; it leaves you with a choice of doing a rifle-shot or guttering your energy. It just isn't a good stat.. ever.
  12. Yep, its a giant conspiracy. They're out to get you. Or, you know, server maintenance times are based around when the people responsible for the hardware are actually working. Durp Durp.
  13. It can be done it is only going to happen against games that go the full duration, particularly voidstar. In a quick Huttball or Alderaan? no way.
  14. You should really quit using the absolutely awful Rakata Implants/Earpiece, wrist, and belt. I have NO Rakata - none - just, due to bad luck with drops, butchered up oranges with mostly level 56 armoring/mods/enhancements (but not even all of those - some of my armor pieces still have level 51 armoring). With NO Rakata, but using crit-crafted Expert Bonded Mesh Armguards, an orange belt, and 2x Expert Nano-Optic Skill Package and an Expert Ion CHarged Power Device (all crit-crafted), i beat your stats across the board. The 5-stat craftables + crit socket beat the snot out of the off-set Rakata gear almost across the board.
  15. Expertise is on Armoring (only) - except for the level 46 blu enhancements on the level 40 PvP weapons. Just puttin that out there. On the PvP weapons, the Expertise is part of th e Barrel/Hilt.
  16. you're actually.. totally wrong. If your mainhand weapon does 800 - and you have 10% expertise, it will do 880 damage against a target with NO expertise. Against a target that ALSO has 10% expertise, it will only do 792 damage. (880 - 10%(88) = 792.) However, in Rakata gear your weapon will do 940 damage (if it did 800 in your PvP gear) Even if the other guy is in 10% expertise, youll still do 846 damage... 54 more damage than if you, with 10% expertise, shot a guy with 10% expertise. People have had/still have the entirely wrong idea about Expertise. It's not there to keep PvE gear out of PvP - it's there to make PvP gear sub-par for PvE. It's pretty easy to mathematically prove that PvE gear of the same item level/rating is equally as good as PvP gear of the same item level/rating (for PvP). It's within 1-2% in either direction. PvP gear, however, is not nearly as good for PvE. People keep gettin it backwards. Now, they have said in 1.2 that the Expertise formula is going to change drastically and make it so that PvP gear is the trump for PvP.. but ill believe it w hen i see it. Unless they remove DR on expertise completely (making it a complete and total trump-stat better than anything else, period) there will ALWAYS be a point when doing higher base damage (I.E. using PvE gear) will be better than stacking more diminished expertise.
  17. Actually it works fantastically well in Alderaan. They force-run to the nodes. If they get the node before your team does, you will never take it away, and they win. There is a team that does this regularly on Port Nowhere (by queue-dodging to run full-8 premades). The only one it is so-so on is Voidstar, which they just dont play.
  18. Unfortunately, in this game it is the ONLY effective way to deal with healers. Interrupts are all but useless since they aren't a school lockout and it is almost impossible to make a healer run out of resources. Honestly, though, the problem isn't so much healers... it's with the fact that 3 ACs, regardless of spec, h ave healing spells. DPS Mercs can still heal - passably well in an emergency - not enough to heal their team for real, but in any situation where you manage to magically separate and CC the 2 "real" healers, the Mercs/Commandos and Sorcerors just switch to healing for the 8-12 seconds it takes for their healers to get back into the fight. The solution is a lot simpler than a cross-healing reduction or something like that. Simple solution: Completely gut the base heal values and the amount those heals recieve from bonus healing when you aren't a heal spec. This can be accomplished by slowly reducing bonus healing coefficients on the ranks of the spells as you level higher, and puttin give-backs on tier 5 and 6 talents in the healing trees. If ONLY Healing-spec'ed characters could put out worthwhile healing, the issue would evaporate almost overnight. Because right now the problem is that in any given premade, you're looking at 2 tanks, 2 dedicated healers, and 4 "dps" who put out decent damage AND can off-heal in a pinch.. and there is no realistic way to deal with six healers.
  19. So.. when the first expansion came out and every piece of gear you have is obsoleted overnigt, would you rage-quit then, to? Or did you seriously expect to earn a one-time, only-thing-rquired-is-time and have instant access to the best gear forever? Trololol
  20. Tank spec'ed jugs arent going to kill me anytime this week. Yeah, he can tie me up, but that's about it. And Orb Strike takes tanks down just as well as anyone else. Its not defendable, its not shieldable, and it totally ignores armor.
  21. They dont do enough damage to win the DPS race. I can outlive his saber ward, and then shoot his face straight off. And if he tries to get on me... Orbital Strike. 2/3 of his life, gone, elemental damage. But again.. i feel pretty strongly that juggs are bottom of the barrel as far as melee goes.
  22. two friends who have it both say that the buttons are too small and too close together. Try the Naga Hex instead.
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