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Everything posted by Noctournys

  1. THe world would be interesting if your isolated opinion had any weight. Resolve works fine. CC in this game is so much easier to deal with than any other mainstream MMO. 12 seconds of being CCed is a far sight better than 30-40seconds of being CCed.
  2. Champion Rifle is far superior (until 1.2) to a 10KK, even one with an augment slot. The damage difference from the rating 126 barrel to the rating 136 barrel is gigantic - over 40 base weapon damage, and since our abilities are almost all based off of weapon damage, currently a Champion Sniper Rifle is better by far, despite the PvP-centric stats on the remainder of the weapon, than any rating 124 or 126 gun. Once 1.2 drops, the 10KK with the highest rating barrel you can get will still be best - unless you cant get a 146 barrel from PvE, but CAN lay your hands on a rating 146 PvP weapon - once again, the bonus tech power and base damage will outweight the "downfall" of the expertise.
  3. You cant just pick and choose the content and pretend the rest doesnt exist. World, and logical debates, dont work that way. You cant play 10% of the game and pretend it was 100% of the game.
  4. There is no gear grind in this game. A week or two of casual play to get a full set of gear isnt even remotely a grind.
  5. Some classes get CC immunities. Snipers/GS get a 20-second total CC immunity while in cover (Entrench/Hunker Down), Juggernaughts and Guardians get 4 seconds of CC immunity after a charge if they talent for it. Im sure other classes have similar talents. Also, the biggest thing: Unless your bar is SOLID WHITE and COUNTING DOWN, you're not full on resolve. It takes 1000 resolve to trigger immunity/countdown, but the bar above your portrait only shows 800 resolve. Sooooo many people see a full bar above their head, arent staring right at it to realize it isnt solid white and draining, and assume they should be immune.
  6. Why should you be allowed to play only 10-20% of the game and succeed as well as someone who plays 100% of the game?
  7. Or do the daily quests that open up at level 47, while leveling to 50, and step into a full set of epic gear the moment you hit level 49. (The 300k a day from dalies will allow you to buy crit-crafted six-stat implants and ear pieces, about 100k on the GTN) My alt already has an entire set of rating 124 purple gear ready for her to hit 50 - and she's 22 (as i have been farming the daily quests that give mods/enhancements on my main, and using the daily comms to buy the rating 126 armorings)
  8. No they arent. Theyre better than Centurtion, but they aren't better than Champion at all. Each piece of Agent armor has roughly 25-30 endurance less than my Champion pieces.. for a tradeoff of 10 expertise. That's not better at all. No way a 150 point expertise gain is going to make up for almost 3200 lost HP.
  9. Its about 8 games to get a piece of BM gear. 8 Games. Have an entire set in less than a week. On top of that - the champ gear is better than recruit gear. So youll want to keep that. In addition - Merc coms can be traded 1:1 in 1.2 Glad you took the time to educate yourself though, before going off on a pointless rant.
  10. Because Cover Pulse isn't a defensive cooldown. It's an offensive ability that can be used in a defensive fasion, but since it checks enemy resolve/resists/etc, it can fail. A defensive ability is something you use on YOURSELF that cant be parried/dodged/immuned. We dont have any real defensive cooldowns or self peels - none at all. Im not sure about "Roll Back", though i suspect it would be easier to code than my version which is "Dive for Cover" - targeted with a reticle, you dive there and set up portable cover. I'd accept either, though the potentially hillarious self-screwing you could do by launching yourself over a cliff because you were 1 yard too close to the edge could be some seriously good times.
  11. The numbers popping up above my head say otherwise.
  12. most roots dont break on damage in WoW - only the druid root spell, that i can think of, though i havent played since the first tier of cata raiding. Charge root definitely does not, Druid immobilize from bear charge doesnt, Mage novas dont. They also last longer than SWTOR roots - which last 2/5 seconds - 2 seconds where damage wont break them and the remaining 3 seconds where it will be broken by a single point of damage. No root in this game "lets you get wailed on". They all break after 2 seconds if you're getting hit. in WoW, if you get stunned (not that those are only forms of CC that allow you to be beat on without responding - Death Coil from warlocks springs immediately to mind since i played one), you're going to eat 6/3/1 from most classes - 10 total seconds. even if you break the opening stun as fast as human possible, you're eating 5-6 seconds of stun, total. Well call it 5 just for shizzles. In this game, stuns are 400 resolve/second. Two four-second stuns will immediately fill your resolve bar. So you eat the first 4 second stun and immediately break the second - you've spent about.. 5 seconds stunned, just like WoW. Only difference is in WoW the damage is a lot higher.... and anyone with a brain isnt' stunning you anyway - theyre stunning your healer to keep him from healing you while they burn you down. That's a lot less feasible in this game because of resolve - a lot of CCs splash (mezzes) meaning it might be hard to get your healer locked out when he needs to be.
  13. Its hard not to confuse them. I shoot the guy and get 3 deflects in a row, then an Ambush crit for 400. Meanwhile, he's twirling his little glowbaton like a colorguard pro gone mad, hitting me for 2-4k a swing. Huh.
  14. The fact is, you have no idea what you're talking about (modern shooters almost universally use hitscan - specifically because there is almost zero overhead) and a game like Eve doesn't have to calculate terrain - EVER. It's not just the Hero engine - its traditional server/client MMO games, period. Eve is not a traditional client/server game (despite there being thousands of players in one zone, there is NO TERRAIN OF ANY KIND - a GIGANTIC portion of the server overhead is calculating for terrain - CCP addressed this when asked this very question at Dragon*Con last year). Eve also had to introduce time-shifting to handle the lag from giant space battles. Basicaly, the game slows down for EVERYONE, and the in-game reason is that large masses of ship drives cause time to slow. So they made up an IN-LORE reason why the game lags when you have giant battles. Planetside was a shooter - with, typically, 40v40 about the biggest fight you were going to get into. It also pioneered the use of hitscan. Planetside 2 is built on the bones of planetside 1 - its a shooter. Name a traditional MMO, and i can tell you about an MMO that cant handle more than ~60-80 clients in one area without going slideshow or taking a gigantic performance hit. (on my rig, i can run WoW output to my 240hz HDTV, with Vysync on, and never see the framerate drop below 240... until i fly into/ride into a highly populated zone like Orgrimmar. Flying into Org sees the framerate plummet to 30 or 60 (with Vysync, it only will display in multiples of the refresh rate) - usually 30. And that is with all sorts of stuff blocing sightlines.. and that is an 11 year old engine! If it is primetime and there are craploads of people in Org, the framerate will often stutter below 1fps for 10-20 seconds as the client tries to deal with having to load data for 200 people into the frame buffer. And that is on a high-end workstation class rig (Hexacore i7 Extreme-based Westmere Xeon, 12GB of FB DDR3, Radeon 5870). During these times, process monitors will clearly show that both the CPU and GPU are sitting idle while frame data is loaded or while the client waits for updates from the server. All of the current crop of traditional MMOs work on the same basic client-server architecture - they HAVE to, because if you let the client control any more, you get rampant hacking (ohai BF3 and MWF3). Hell, even WITH the client-server relationship in this game there are still some client-side hacks that can be done.
  15. This forum is also like.. 2% of the playerbase or less.
  16. when it launched, RvR was a slideshow. It was also an unbalanced, buggy, OP mess. 60 second non-breakable AoE CCs, stealth archers two shotting anything not in heavy armor.. yeah, good times. RvR in DaoC still gets framey - single digits - on high end rigs - because the CPU and GPU sit idle waiting for resolution from the server. Go look for DaoC videos of "hundreds" of combatants - you wont find any. About the best you get is 20v20 or so. The few keep battles you can find are all huge, laggy messes with people not even loading in - just their names. DaoC was not that great. Why people would want to emulate it, i have no idea.
  17. If you understood what actually causes the framerate problems, you'd realize it isnt client computers. Ilum had bad framerates because the game client was starving - my CPU and GPU would sit idle 70% of the time. (Hexacore Core i7 @ 3.06Ghz & Radeon 5870). Wintergrasp (or Tol Barad, now) turns into single-digit framerates on 4,000$ computers. For the same reason - its client/server communication and processing that causes the issue.
  18. Yeah, the 12 seconds you can stay stunned in this game is OUT OF HAND i tell you. Unlike, say, WoW or Rift where you can spend 30+ seconds not in control of your toon via rotating CCs and Diminishing Returns systems. Resolve works fine. And it's FAR better thant he competition.
  19. All of those games turn into slideshows (even on high end rigs) when you put 200 people in an area interracting with each other, for the exact reasons the guy pointed out: client/server interractions and background maintenance going on (predictive pathing, to-hit rolls, etc, going on for every person involved) are hugely crippling. Planetside was an FPS, all it had to deal with was hitscan. The overhead there is much smaller. The framerate issues in Ilum with 100+ people weren't caused by people's rigs - they were caused by your rig starving for information while the server tries to handle to-hit rolls/dodge/etc for every person you might have an ability interracting with and everyone they are interracting with, etc.
  20. This post is so full of fail it hurts. Champion is every bit as good as BM. It's a FOUR RATING DIFFERENCE. 2 end and 2-3 mainstat per piece. THATS IT. Couple that with the fact that the enhancements and mods in the Champ gear are usually actually good instead of complete crap like BM gear, and OFTEN TIMES, the CHAMP GEAR IS BETTER THAN BM GEAR. "ZOMG THAT GAI IS IN BEE EMM GEARZ HES INVINCIBULZ" is not an excuse. You can roll into a Warzone day with 14k HP just from getting epic gear from daily quests. You can be in full centurion in a day.
  21. Its almost always the retarded invulnerability bubble that gets me. Why they needed that, i have no idea.
  22. 50 sniper (marksman, primarily) in fully remodded Battlemaster, for the most part (few champ pieces where theyre currently better than the BM sitting in my bank since i need tog et more pieces - no poiint now) I feel completely useless in Warzones. Assassins and Marauders (and their mirrors ofc) eat me for lunch. If a Sentinel who isnt in garbage gear gets on me, i might as well just afk for the 3 globals it takes him to kill me. I cant put out the damage the other pure can, i bring almost no utility to the table, and against anything but squishies i deal junk damage - and even then, since one of the two squishy classes is sorc/sage - they have a higher base deflect anyway (who decided they needed that?!) The number of times ive seen my Ambush/Takedown get deflected when it would have killed someone is absurd. Im not even sure 1.2 can save the game for me, since all the data coming out of the PTR is that we're the worst dps class in the entire game - by a very not-small margin - in both PvE and PvP.
  23. you can soloqueue rated WZs, though, and get the same gear, so... yeah. This game is a lot more balanced than most people give it credit for. There are some issues - guard + heals needs a look for a rebalance (not syaing gutted.. but if it were reduced to 35%, would the world end? no.) or a counter (like an attack that disrupts guard for X seconds. Marauders/Sentinels need to be evened out. As it is now, they are absurdly bad in all but the best gear, but in the best gear, they can do 10k in two globals to a medium or light armor target. The class isnt totally overboard.. but when they can burn someone down in 3 globals.. they need to be tuned.
  24. Deathmatch is not the only form of competetive PvP. In fact, if you look at what actually pays money in the eSports scene - competetive PvP is almost never deathmatch. Only in fighting games, really. Deathmatch is awful, and forces them to try to balance around FOTM comps and microscopically sized teams. They have no desire to do that (and good for them). I dont blame them.
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