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Everything posted by Anthiel

  1. the design of every mmorgp since their conception is the stats but go ahead with your stats that apparently dosent extend any farther than the beta poll you put in a unnamed game with your unknown credentials. mmorpg= multi play rpg and there is no such thing as a rpg withthout gear progression a pvp rpg with no gear progression is guess what guys a fps
  2. or maby your stupid and just think they did
  3. look harder i see snipers have too much burst posts ever few days
  4. oh no they do its just unlike you their smart enough to realize that isint a good answer and it dosent solve the problem.
  5. i prolly wont play gw2 gw1 was horrible and beyond that if a subscribe based mmorpg cant cut it a f2p from launch dosent seem like it will be able to hack it at all
  6. gear based progression is rpg if you dont understand this go play a fps
  7. i dont get this nerf talk about my sweets i like pie and cake and ice cream fine and i dont see a reason why i should be penelised because sweets are plainly op compared to corn and beets. its not my fault sweets are so good its the devs fault for makeing the other foods so bland and boring they should buff other foods before nerfing sweets or at least put them on the test server so we can see how it affects the rest of the meal.
  8. flaw in your commentary if you lose in pvp the guy who beat you for whatever reason for that moment was better than you and making up excuses dosent help your case.
  9. because you refuse to learn im starting to wonder are we stupid for constantly haveing to tell you to l2p or the people who have to be told this constantly with nothing in return but a blank stare.
  10. stopped reading at as we all know. assumption is for tards.
  11. stopped reading when you said sorcs can kill people in 2 lit strikes.
  12. everybody cries for nerfs to everybody else in this game. you name one class that dosent or hasnt recently had half a dozen nerf threads on it if that isint balance i dont know what is.
  13. their both troll threads theirs so many losers in here complaining about a medium power skill its amazing if a bubble effect that's been in the type of game since the dawn of time that can only be cast once ever 20 sec on same target and absorbs at best a little over one attack is too much for you then you suck plain and simple because theirs plenty of people on my server who cope with this skill just fine. butthurt people want everything nerfed but themselves that they always want buffed thats why you never get what you want the devs know what an average player is and you aint it.
  14. 50% off a 3k bubble so you want it to not even absorb 1/3 of 1 average hit at lev 50
  15. healing class bg/troopers dont have tracer missle/grav round. or are you one of the chumps that believe that they have a healing tree so no matter what spec they choose their a healer?
  16. i played wow on boulderfist there were 0 as in no reward for ganking(open world pvp lol) and it happned 24/7/365 and yea even on the day in a leap year.
  17. Anthiel

    We Hate Huttball

    this whole thread is a troll from the start a thread based on ASSUMPTION that everybody hates huttball hence the title and the opening statement of WE HATE HUTTBALL as to say we as in everybody
  18. yea when i hit a group of 3 for 4k twice in 3 seconds its so worthless to my team its not like people group up ever on any of the 3 pvp maps
  19. no trolling melee fine. i LOVE how people defend bad ideas with words like sensible. this is a sensible idea like my slow should lockout melee's gap closers for the duration of the slow.
  20. i have 2 50's both under valor 55 both piece shy of full set of champ gear either im super lucky your not or your not telling the truth in any of these 3 cases i feel sorry for you
  21. my heal is unresponsive alot of the time and i mean alot i'll need to heal go off alone stand completly still for more than a second and have a heal cast the cast bar complete and the heal simply not go through i have to cast another. and this happens with nobody near me im not getting attacked or stuned or int the spell is just not recognized by the system at all.
  22. its not that you suck blizzard has same prob with hoard/alliance split good people just like to vicarously be bad with etoons its just a interesting fact of mmorpg's since the days of everquest and prolly before.
  23. really? you think a 3.5k shield every 20 seconds is the most powerfull ability in the game?
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