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Everything posted by Anthiel

  1. how is it leeching? how in any other way other than your perception is looking for a team as good as you leeching i figured the leeches were the 4 pre lev 25's literally leeching from the players with enough skills to compete with a premade.
  2. whatta *** you added nothing to the post if you dont care so much why did you even reply
  3. come up with more argument please repeating cheat death ability over and over makes you look like a child or a really butt hurt adult and if your are an adult be really ****in sorry for yourself bh's are made to kill stealth classes really think some articulate an argument stop repeting your self you look like a tool here.
  4. too bad all the guys they pay alot to study this say the opposite that people want gear to lord over people. people who pvp for pvp's sake are the minor minority like in life people want rewards for their actions and progression in skills. this is pavlovian it is unavoidable this is science.....this is sparta! wait wait went overboard there a sec sorry
  5. it helps alot but dosent work every time you get 4 sec lockout on one ability they usually just railshot or rapid fire then tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle 4 sec lock out railshot or rapid fire tr...........
  6. do you use the rakata 2 piece =15% crit cuz thats what the good merc usin guy i pvp with hits me for 4k alot and he rarely gets 5 stack on one target cuz your already dead by then
  7. meh i hate valor resets but this deff worked in wow and it allowed the devs to easily smooth over mistakes from last season now were left with a snowball effect that can only be fixed by pissing off a large chunk of the player base be it the pvp'ers or the carebares who think they are pvp'ers
  8. like all the proof in this post? if getting stuff didnt work in pvp then guess what the proffesional they pay alot more than alot of us make would have told them this years ago and we wouldnt be here right now but it does and he did tell them that and then here we are.
  9. whatta stupid **** thanks for adding to the discussion
  10. trust me all your gonna get here is casual gamers swearing up and down their the true pvpers because their the only ones your finding that like the changes and as long as they think their the true pvpers(even though you never see them in a wz) this crap will continue till all the true pvpers are gone
  11. it would be great if true that would help crafters and pvp'ers alike but after seeing their prior changes it leads alot to believe they will take the lazy way out and simply nerf the gear.
  12. this isint logic its the definition the argument that they guy linked to bravo
  13. rakata two piece with your bm gear is already best way to go
  14. go read the new patch notes its right under the biochem section gradual phaseing down of pvp gear stats its pretty clear if you can read
  15. without pvp gear raid gear becomes the best pvp gear skill is even more meaningless the only people who support this are the losers on the wrong side of the skill/equip parabola. the biochem changes instead of making any other of the skills worth having whats the laziest thing that can be done nerf biochem people ************ about not wanting to pvp for gear so they dont get housed lets put in the lev 50 pvp gear thats already on your computer no no thats too lazy lets just make no reason to have the gear and force people into the raids at the same time is a weakass strat that benefits them ****s us but go ahead put your head in the sand stupid people only hear themselves anyway.
  16. please think before posting we all have to read the crap this will reward pve'r(carebares) by not having to pvp to get the best gear to wz in like all the other morons you should look up why pvp gear was made then try to understand it then maby when you speak it wont sound like im crapping in a toilet
  17. my thoughts are i think your an assassin because only the mentally deficient argue against themselves
  18. go read the history and the reason why there is pvp gear in existance till then please remove head from *** and stop pretending you know something important
  19. huttball is great for anybody with mobility i have a shieldtech and between jet pack and grapple im doin just fine
  20. soon it will all be based on raid gear so whats either of your points.
  21. nobody might like to hear it but being better than your neighbor is the driving goal in alot of peoples lives remove it and alot of people will go looking for their vicarious life elsewhere. not saying i am or are not i like the game i like the pvp but if the driving goals are removed it will deminish participation and the length people will stay with the game
  22. awww dude and what would be wrong with these my powertech is named uncle ruckus and i'd love him to yell ruckus up in this mucher****er every time i jet leaped on somebody
  23. 39 bags and 2 gloves sorry if your just unlucky buti have 2 toons one in nearly full bm and one in full champ and i'v opened alot of bags and i just simply do not believe you when you say this you could have sait like 15 and maby maby i'd believe you but i think your either fibbing or prone to hyperbole
  24. agree with all but the hutball thing baron deathmark says cheatings ok and you know hes never wrong resolve works fine if you dont like it say you dont like it not it dosent work when it does running behind somebody to achieve a counterspell instead of using a skill is far far more noob than autoface.
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