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Everything posted by Anthiel

  1. Anthiel

    Resolve FAILZ

    good thing his resolve is full after that stun or hed be in trouble.
  2. fave fun star wars themed name i'v seen so far is Ob'juan frijole. guess in the old movies he'd be known as Old Bean Frijole.
  3. dont think their will ever be server merges the game was designed around rather small population servers. it seems alot of the game was designed around the fact that their programming cant handle lotsa people in the same place. is the same reason ilum was abandoned for now untill they can make the game run even medium battles on average rigs were stuck with the perception of low population servers and small instanced pvp wz's. (hope they can fix it though i like the pvp in this game its just missing a few things and a few bugs need to be worked out)
  4. its the simpleness of the spec to be effective but from your tone you either get it and trolling or are simple and just dont get it.
  5. would like to see something like the space battles in the star wars game where you could play any role in the battlefield. i liked the option of either picking a fighter bomber or transport ship, would be fun haveing large guild ships with dogfights outside and the point being to capture important locals on each others ships and whoever gets a certain amount of pts before the other team wins.
  6. ffs are you people still ************ about a 6 sec skill that requires 50% health sacrifice?
  7. it takes 50% of my life and lasts 6 sec its powerfull when used right but also as counterable as it is usefull. just watch for the graphic and use your escape or cc tools to evade.
  8. point in post where it legally became a ***** waveing contest.
  9. the ability is fine it just needs a 20 sec personal cd like the bubble has so you cant chain pull. but its just to unique and fun of an ability to cut out of pvp we cut out all the flavor and were all just going to be standing around in pissing contests seeing who can hose who down with the most damage first either way im ready i drank a whole lot before i came into this post.
  10. i love huttball is my fav zone. only thing i feel they need to change is rescue needs a 20 sec personal cd like the bubble has so you cant chain pull because it happens every once in a while now but when rated comes out all the good teams will have 3 or 4 and they will get that **** down to a science.
  11. it might be your server i know alot of them are very one sided and a few are slightly one sided i play on grand master zim and i have 2 50's on both sides i do nothing but pvp class quests and a fp every once in a while its empire heavy but not too bad we seem to win a little under or over 50% depending on what time of day it is. sometimes you have a bad day (3w-12L) sometimes you have good days where we'll go 7 to 9 wins in a row. i think alot of it comes from the fact 3 of our pvp guilds have guilds on both sides. if your servers really bad i know it sucks giving up on a character but with how easy it is to get to 50 it might be worth it to just go to a server that will make you happy with playing.
  12. happens to me a good bit in my case isint an ability i have a poor quality wifi connect so when it hiccups sometimes my screen will freeze a sec and then i'll be floating the rest of the match, didnt know other people saw it though i just though it was a bug on my end of the system.
  13. lol those type of people are the ones your wanting to play with who are competative geeking out 24/7 for the best gear. the others are the grabasses playing death match during huttball.
  14. Anthiel

    Stun and fun.

    resolve is fine if the 2min stunbreak gave 3 sec immunity is only thing i would change other than that its way better than any system i'v seen yet. pvp in wow seamed to revolve around makeing teams with non clashing dr's and all that did was limit who you could and could not have on your team it made every season too predictable and the people too hard headed not to have a cookie cut team got boned over and over and then pretty much did whats being done here complain about the system changeing for them and not them haveing to adapt to game the system.
  15. you dont have to buy all the gameing toys but the 12 button mice do help me a good bit at least i play a sentinal so i have tons of keys i use the mouse to move the camera with wasd and bind my long cd's to rtfgvbzxc. they key to me is splitting up things my hands do relativly evenly so neither is forced to react faster than possible and just pratice a week or two and your brain will build the neural pathways needed to make it fast. being a clicker or a keyboard turner will get you killed,no matter how many people say they do fine doing it their either fibbing or deluded.
  16. who cares new season new gear champ gears gonna be worth nothing *** are you ************ about again?
  17. just imagine the possibilities we could have other than huttball we could have hutt hurdles or hutt golf and for our cold weather fans wecould have hutt ski jump, hutt moguls, and the always exciting hutt curling. but really i would like more huttball maps and about 4 or 5 new trap variations to go along with it.
  18. no ****tard hes playing a style of game that has had gear progression since the dawn of gameing some people signed up for a mmorpg with expectations of mmorpg style of game being condicending to somebody who expected a rpg to function like a rpg just proves your either braindead to the system or trolling poorly. peope at the top end of the gear curve dont NEED it to win they earned it to put them at the top of their area of gameing. are an ***** for wanting normal raid gear to start on hard modes? no your a ***** for asking to go on a raid in green gear when everybody else is wear the right ****. chump.
  19. Anthiel

    Final blow to pvp.

    You know... Once up on a time people played games to win. For fun. what little league sports? *********** everything you do in life is prepareing you for competitions,wins, losses and gains. its to teach you winners gain and losers dont just in a light and fluffy environment suck it up winners get stuff losers get the shaft its the way of the world. winning without gain dosent satisfy and if a game dosent satisfy it dosent get played very long then dies.
  20. Anthiel


    the most usefull thing you can do for you team is gettin up going outside sitting int the street and wait for a bus to hit you. you are a waste of the human genome get with the program play the game right or go for another game more in line for your taste. really if all you want to do is pvp poorly and come here to ***** just dont show up thats how you help
  21. my sentinel goes donkey kong on people and if i have a healer i feel as dangerous as a lion on a unicycle juggleing chainsaws who just got told his wife cheated on him with a gazelle.
  22. like theirs not several other posts on the subject but you did it to feel special about your opinion so you dont care anyway. this is a rpg at heart and in rpg's you level up and get gear dont like it dont play but insulting people who are on the ball just makes you an ars(throws 2 cents on the ground) and there it is pick it up yourself i dont hand chumps change.
  23. no thats the words your putting in the persons mouth ***. alot of people play rpg's for item progression and new stuff but you dont care about that right you just care about getting what you want and stuffing words into somebodys argument because your too stupid to make your own point.
  24. dunno i'll have to see the changes to know if i like them some of it sounds good some of it sounds iffy. i dont mind detatching gear progression from valor as long as it still takes skill and time to get in the new system i dont like the 4 medal limit thing i figured after adding new objective medals it wouldnt be needed right now i jsut forsee the loosing team getting 4 medals out the way then afking where ever till the next match cuz you know path of least resistance is the primary rule of the universe easiest path to the most gain nobodys changing that.
  25. isint a bad idea i just hope theirs decent rewards being leader of wz is kinda lame only thing being leader of wz is being able to mark targets it dosnt really stop backseat party leaders or people just not paying attention and in rated play nobody cares about party leader anyway they care about teamspeak and winning being leader of a wz gets you a fleur de lis above your name nothing else. mounts and asthetic gear would be cool as long as the mount is cool and not a reskinned version of the weakass mounts we have access to now
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