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Everything posted by DarthFletcher

  1. Really I did the 20 tokens needed in about 1hr or so, they spawn so quickly, then again I tackled that point around 1am GMT time when The Red Eclipse is quiet. I met one other guy when I arrived at the spawn location, so I changed instance to another instance so we both didnt get negative results. I would say that one is easier than made out to be
  2. In the testing 'aka "when we command coded ourselves to Lv90 and hacked several packs" they found having the power to give themsevles 20 odd cxp boost items from bosses enough to see what content would drop. Whilst playing said test they also had Gold mobs being 10 cxp and bonus missions working on Heroics and still didnt bother to see if you could enter any generic number to Jawa scraps to exploit the system. It is however, postiive news that they are willing to look at a vendor for certain players, but at what point when you can see the hardcore gamer types crying in outrage about not having best gear in 8 days of doing an expansion. I don't mind having the ability to open command packs for gear, it was like getting a booster box for cards games and pulling the same crap over again, but unless your doing NiM / Ranked pvp which not everyone is that grind your talking about is a lot more soul destroying. The get the gear by playing how you want, really doesn't compute, I understand a set bonus is all and mighty for some players so for them just stick a token in the GXP as a random drop so they can go a buy their set item, and give back the 10 cxp for the casual that just do the Daily, Heroic, odd Flashpoints that are not spending 20hrs gaming a chance to get that bar to mov. It was apparent last night that during the height of the UK/EU raid time that BioWare could shaft the player base doing their content to fix an exploit which should have never been allowed into the final product so they can alter this system when they feel like it. Also I am appauled that the DEV team who read these forums, or supposed to, have yet to accept and address the current mood and morale of the playerbase they are paid to serve. Yes you can't please everyone, but by damn it you should be able to compromise. I would bet right now a simple poll giving the community options that would make the game more enjoyable at all levels from Casual, Hardcore and PVP fanatic that would make us respect the decisions taken to change the game. Think it as been mentioned before the initial hype was to play a star wars game that YOU was in charge of, a unique story only to you, exploring vast planets, encountering mobs, finding lore and hidden datacron this seems to die when you get to the SoR expansion and your forced into this alliance ark which blurs the lines of what you actually are. At this point we are all sat on a throne made to believe that we are the Emperor/Empress etc yet you go and through a DvL system in which makes your story completely irrelavant, you are no more bad than good you supposed to see things both ways as you made Darth Mar and Master Shan make us believe. At this point a Level 65+ Guild creation could have been made were by any players that were in the Knights story line could make a cross faction Guild and allow end game content to be shared have Jedi and Sith band together to face new Operations which were themed around the threats facing the Eternal Empire now you were in control. If there is a beacon of light to be had at the end of the tunnel then they need to get away from this forceable single player narrative and start going back to the routes of 1.0 - 2.0 and give us "proper planets" with meaningful quest chains and Daily/Weekly Heroic and repuation. Give the PVP players what they want and build upon what Galaxies allowed players to do, explore and invest in their character not constrict and remove.
  3. Cartel Market should be only used to sell us the following; - None achievement unlocking Adaptive armour - None achievement unlocking Pets - None achievement unlocking Mounts - None achievement unlocking Decoration - Unlocks for Mail, Bank, Task Bars and Credit limit for F2P - Racial Unlocks Cartel Packs should contain the following; - None achievement unlocking Adaptive armour [iconic Sets ie Revan, Malgus, Vader] - None achievement unlocking Pets - None achievement unlocking Mounts - None achievement unlocking Decoration - Companion Gifts - Jawa Scraps The removal of the them stupid boost pack would be ideal but we would be spiting the F2P lot that already have their XP nerfed to grinding alt so these boosters should have a limit on "will not work for premium players" because we already have enough experience boosts as it is. It is increasingly worrying that cartel market is veering into territory like the GC XP booster being place on there giving 25% increase to amount of rewarded GC XP and I am one of those people that like to buy the packs to see what fun stuff I can have to lighten my game and make a few creds on the GTN for the stuff I don't find interesting. I am all for a Pay to Look Good system but would also like the basic Cartel Market armour designs to be in game like the Destroyer set being the Section X armour albeit a different colour. SW:TOR was based around a Subscription model but how they seem to be going, their Cartel Market might be only thing keeping this game alive, they have veered so far from the original game that it is pushing it a bit to call it an MMORPG. Unfortunatly now matter how much concern we raise about it, the £/$ will be what EA and BioWare see and care little about us that show the love and support for the game.
  4. Because we over the pond are not considered worthy enough which makes our Raid times prime time for them to fix their stuff before the US lot get to do their Raids.
  5. Tait 1. Why would anyone at 600 crafting "KEEP" JAWA scraps? so how is an exploit when the JAWA Peddlers don't even stock Grade 10 materials! Your team brought this upon itself, you can not punish anyone selling back crap in the command crates because they have no use. 2. You have multiple comments on the forums regarding bugged quests, mounts, companions lagging miles behind and yet your team focus on something trivial. If anyone gets punished for this exploit I am sure you will understand any and all backlash from the community, and I say this as someone that keeps my JAWA scraps because I am insane enough to think at some point someone sat in your office will allow Grade 10 to appear in them.
  6. +1 to that, I had Vette hide in the bloody ground earlier
  7. Nope they have been giving 20cxp for me and also around 32-34cxp in flash points
  8. So to spoil the UK and EU servers playing for the evening you decide to shut down our servers for the 15mins when now most players will bugger off to bed for the night! I guess the new patch brings the champions down from 20cxp to 2cxp to make this even more a bloody grind
  9. The companion bork is really annoying, just ran Hoth heroics and during one of the missions I noticed a mob targetting Vette and looking down, spinning the camera angle around I couldnt see her either so I focus on her and I am looking down, Vette as magically fallen through the floor and is pretty much doing nothing but make the mobs look down. This with the fact that companion seem to be lagging miles behind than in previous patches, it is almost like your putting your character life in their hands whether or not they show up in time to heal or do anything. I can't see how by adding an expansion they managed to screw up the companion coding.
  10. Instead of nerfing, lower the weekly cap. Someone that spends 15hrs a day farming Gold mobs is not a cross section of the player base at all. I wouldn't imagine a casual gamer spending that amount of time to farm CXP to cap for the week. Bad enough people crying they want all gear within the first few days of the expansion but making it slower to get the crates for everyone that doesn't regularly run Ops or Warzone is taking the biscuit, think 2-5 would have been a fair trade off. Oh and in other slight spots goto Oricon and farm the champions in the Heroic Area they spawn relatively fast and still get 20cxp... so guess what is next to get nerfed!
  11. Well due to some unknown reason and the infamous wisdom of those in the know over at BioWare and EA you have just practically given us no reason what so ever to do the Heroic missions any more. I am not sure what led to the decision of making Gold strength mobs go from 10cxp to 1cxp but if you are a casual gamer not some lunatic spending 15hrs a day grinding for 3 days then your cap of 318k cxp wouldnt be reached at all doing the Heroics. You would be lucky to get 10-15 Gold mobs on a typical run through some of the heroics which meant that 150cxp plus the 20cxp for Bonus and 20cxp for completion gave you 200 per time which was reasonable for the amount of time your spending going from place to place. Now instead you will be lucky to walk away with 100cxp in 3 Heroics or even a daily quests. Maybe you need to clarify what you want us to do, I am not going to spend my life in Warzones! I hate PVP and the only reason I did it recently was for the Conquest points to help the guild out but we are not in a position to run NiM to get insane amount of CXP and Uprising will soon become boring if your doing nothing but repeating them.
  12. Firstly, Vanilla was a lot more unforgiving as the game is now, regardless of how you got your gear. Trust me I raised Sith Warrior, Smuggler, Jedi Knight and Consular back then and spent humpteen millions on crafting gear for my level and for my companion so that I could quest and do the content without going splat. That is before we started doing Operations and Hard Mode flash points. I came off the game around the time Czerka Labs stuff came out and took a break, I popped on when the Strongholds launched but never stuck around to do anything it was only after injuring my wrist recently in Sept I decided to give it a shot again and made my customary Bounty Hunter before my main Juggernaught. 1. The content is easier to get through, and with the damned DvL event you could sneeze and level 10 times it was obsurd! You can complain about many things in the game for the casual but there is no way on this game you should hit max level before leaving the third planet! 2. The gear system you are moaning about only really effects anyone at Level 70 but even then you have this amazing back up called Crew Skills! you can craft 228 rated gear which is just slightly below the 230 and what not from the command crates. I have had Offhand, 2x Relics and the Boots (set bonus) drop from the crates I have crafted 228 armoring, mods and enhancements for my gear to tie me over and I am starting to do the 228 augments for my gear too. So this "RNG" moan binge for a casual player, doing Operations and Hard Mode flashpoints doesnt make you a casual player, that makes you an end gamer. a casual gamer wouldnt care to do the weekly Heroics,Daily quests on Black Hole, Section X, Yavin etc and get what the crate gods offer because you can easily enough use other methods to get the gear you are saying you cant obtain. I think the argument here is that some people still want to be able to get tokens to get stuff from a vendor, and btw even that gear wasn't always "best" for the class either, for tanks there is an ongoing debate whether or not more HP or more Defence is best for the tank and the only set the vendor sold was far to heavy on HP over defence which is why I never bothered with it.
  13. 1. Can you fix companions whilst your at it, they seem to be lagging behind whilst following you, during one fight I had Vette completely vanished from the area only to resurface when the champion was dead (heroic on Taris). 2. The Jawa Peddlers hopefully will be given Grade 10 materials to make getting the scraps useful in the Command Packs. 3. No consistency when taking Flashpoints from terminal some say start Flashpoint or Hard Mode and others say Veteran and Master etc... 4. The Grade 10 isotope crafting material as the flavour text only found in Hard Mode flashpoints , this isn't the case it is dropping in the regular Flashpoints too
  14. Just hope in an Hotfix they remind the Jawa Trio there are Rank 10 materials to flog us
  15. Liked until coming the end, then I felt taken out of the story before finishing the final encounter then it picked back up. I am not a fan of those types of "areas" and feel this should be avoided in future story telling.
  16. yes i hope so too, very annoying
  17. Hey, Been around since pre-launch of the game, had a small break when our Rep guild closed and came back last month and liked the journey from a fresh perspective. However, there are several things can could be introduced that could / would make the game a little better. Stronghold & Flagship * The introduction of Crew Skill Vendors * The introduction of Class Trainers * Guild vs Guild (faction) Flagship PVP which the Guild leaders would have to set their Flagship to enable PVP confrontation, this battle will have three phases Phase One: Attack & Defend - The ships would fire and players would have to fix hull damage, the ship that reaches a certain damage level will be the victor and that guild then go into phase two Phase Two: Boarding Party - A landing craft carrying the Guild who won phase one will land on the opponent flagship with the goal to make their way to the bridge and capture an objective. The boarding team must detonate doors to get through the ship to reach it, meanwhile the defenders will have full run of their flagship to counter the attacking team. The defender would need to defeat a set number of players to fend of the boarding party. If the defending team wins they counter and the initial attackers must defend. If the attackers are successful though they go to phase three Phase Three: Capture the Commander - An NPC on the bridge will be the goal, a champion level mob at current max level with HP and armouring which would be determined by the following - NPC Level will be basic max level so 70 for 5.0 - Armour and Weapons will be equipped using "companion style" and can only wear Adaptable gear so Guilds would need to equip their companion with the best gear they can. The attacker will need to defeat the commander for him/her to give up and be a prisoner, once this as happened the attackers must then make their way to the shuttle and leave with the commander. The defending team have one more chance to keep the defeat by defeating all enemy players within a radius of the commander, the commander then will walk 50% slower back to the bridge if an enemy player is close to him they will resume following the attacking player to the escape shuttle. Once the attackers leave with the commander they return to their flagship and the match is over. Winners: The winning team will take 10% Guild funds from opposing side as spoils of war. Flagship Decoration Holographic Model of Enemy ship [small Hook) Participants will get 10 command crates Losers: The losing team will suffer a 10% Guild fund loss must pay a repair cost to the flagship for the damage caused Participants will get 5 command crates PVP * Allow players to choose which type of warzone they wish to take part in * Unless competing in a Ranked Ladder tournament, group entry into warzone should be removed * Create an Arena like Eternal Championship & Bounty Hunter story line A Grand tournament that players could enter, you would need to build up prestige by taking part in the matches, the PVP system would pit you against comparable stats wins/loss ratio at the end of the month the top players on both Imperial and Republic would be rewarded with the title Grand Champion of the .... A PVP tournament could then be held for in game credits were any players that have appeared in the ranked Arena and have a certain level of prestige could enter, a notice board will appear with the players who would need to compete in matches that week or drop out of the competition. When the list comes down to the final 10 players it could a massive event live streamed on SWTOR channels and the player who wins in the grand melee would get 20 million credits. This type of PVP event would also give exposure of the game to other players and could bring in potentially new players. PVE Doesn't take a rocket scientist that PVE players want content, and not all of us want Solo content and the flip side not all of us want 16-man Operation. Don't get drawn down the path of closed world areas like happened throughout Knight expansion, allow the content to have open world, PVE player love exploration, finding lore and hidden Datacrons, bring back a reason to land on a planet and quest. I know the game is catering for existing players, but with new player base coming through how about the default option is for the exploration quests to be ON and have the option to turn them OFF appear in the Preferences, to any new player being given practically 250% xp it makes having gear irrelevant, XP bonuses should only come from the Guild (making them have a reason) and Legacy unlocks, removing the Bonus tokens completely. You want players to experience the game yet at current you can get to 65 within 3 planets if you are savvy and know what you’re doing that ruins a lot of the game play for the vanilla story and removes the challenge, yes you lower the player level to the planet, but you do not restrict the move set, you can now wear Green 65 gear from a vendor and complete the story and start Knights.... So, suggestion here is to * Do away with stupid XP bonus and cap it at less than 30% additional * Allow Exploration missions to be auto ON not OFF with the ability to turn them OFF * For "Alt" for anyone that with the Explorer of the Galaxy achievement allow all future characters to have the map unlocked on all planets just like you have given the speeder points. * Introduce more open world planets that add to the story * Introduce Wookiee , Kel Dor, Nautolan etc. for players to choose to play as * Any achievement that cannot be obtained by players joining the game after it has ended, or no longer can get the item should no longer count towards the legacy completion table or make those items available in game from a reputation vendor or other means. [i.e. Party Jawa] * Allow Legacy bank to hold player currency allowing all characters on the Legacy account to access and add to the funds of the legacy bank account. * Don't spite player classes because unfair mechanics in PVP, for example Sunder reducing armour of target, instead of the total remove and impeding PVErs you could simply have put does not work in PVP and altered the code from npc to player (whatever that code is) Feel free to add to the ideas here, these are my suggestions
  18. Hand of Korriban Who Are We? Hand of Korriban is a group of close gaming friends returning to SWTOR after a couple years absence from the game also we are an actual UK Star Wars costuming club. What Do We Offer * Friendly Guild with helpful members * Guild Stronghold on Dromund Kaas * Guild Flagship (newly acquired) "The Devourer" * A crazy Pink Dress Wearing Healer * Guild FPs , Datacron & Lore runs * Dedicated Team Speak Server Who We Want * We don't have an age limit but since the majority of members are adult some profanity may appear from time to time. * Social players, why join a Guild a remain silent, a Guild is about give and take! be part of the community and help it grow. * No experience needed! all player experience are welcome, we are more than willing to guide new players through the game and help them become the best they can be. How to Apply Well application is dead simple, since the current trend of making people apply online is dead and buried all you need to do is grab one of our Officers online. And we are pretty much online daily up until about 00:00 GMT Look out for one of the following players; * Vyn Sarkin * Essek Sar * Mius Dingbat * Kehdava On behalf of the Hand we look forward to seeing you in game
  19. Bit more than you and still not got the oversized lizard fair play to those that have, some you win some you loose but having sold most of the crap on I have made 4 million credits. Don't really want the Varactyl I wanted the black and yellow speeder and the little green droid, still not found that little bugga
  20. First and foremost before I start with my post I would like to point out that I have been here since early Beta and was registered user before even then so I have had time to evaluate the game fairly. When TOR was first announced the community went wild in anticipation, KotoR 3 it was being branded, the continual of the much loved series, returned to BioWare after a short stay with a relative that didn't quite cut it. The snippets finally came through, we saw screenshots of Planets that we knew, Taris, Nar Shaddaa and was treated to some in game footage of Black Talon "the captains dead..." and it was looking promising, a fully voiced game with decent graphics that some criticized as being cartoony but never there less the buzz of anticipation was there. Each month the site revealed the back story, to get players ready for the 300 years gap which had seemed like an eternity in the gaming years, with the journal of a Jedi Master who had lived through the harsh realities of war and reflecting on the key moments, again made the community more hungrier to the play the game. So fast forward from the early hype to what we can see now, a game that as past the year mark and counting, with some near 1.7 million players and just under 500,000 subscribers it can be fair to say it as not set the MMO market alight and the early months of 3 million users spread over what seemed like a million servers as now a distant memory. Looking at the game and what is available in other MMO is paramount to sustaining interest of the player base. BioWare invested heavily originally in the 8 classes stories, so much so that each one felt like a mini movie, everyone equally interesting making the player want to find out if their hero could change the fate of the galaxy or become the ruthless oppressor. In fact there is little more BioWare can do with the storyline but in the meantime it is the setting that is really holding the game back, the Treaty of Coruscant is now the reason this game as not fulfilled it potential, the war "seems" to be over and won by the time you finish the class story line which is disappointing. If you take your mind back Star Wars Galaxies, Sony Online Entertainment purposely placed the game after the events of A New Hope and before Empire Strikes Back so literally the Rebel Alliance had just won their first decisive battle against the Empire but were no means in any position to say "hey we won" and it made landing planet side very interesting as both faction vied for power and control. Planets were neutral by default, quest givers of course were factional and delivered at the HQ of the faction you represented, and if certain amount of objective were met your faction controlled that planet meaning NPC selling items were likely to offer discounted rates because they now wanted to show how loyal to the course they really were. Something was always happening, factional patrols became routine, be it Rebel forces holding the planet or that of the Empire, multiple star ports allowed for safe passage should you find your faction not in control of the planet you was questing on. Likewise PvP and PvE objective could be achieved to recapture a planet to liberate or oppress the citizens and every so often a main player of the era would visit the capital of the world. I remember walking out of the hanger on Naboo only to be shot at by Darth Vader's elite stormtrooper unit that landed before he arrived to clear the landing zone of any would be threats. This game fails to capture this and its a shame, planets have been locked away and those that are shared have no real reason, no purpose, we hide behind this treaty and tiptoe around the bloody place hoping never to encounter the opposite faction and if we do we hope we are 10 levels higher to successfully force push them off a cliff or into the mouth of a sarlacc (whistles innocently) In galaxies there was never a sense of "safety" to a planet the story was sort of in place, but the locations felt alive. I know it would be a monumental nightmare to bring the planets together in line to allow for what Galaxies had with the factional only story planets but there is nothing stopping BioWare revisiting the plans of planets already shared and delivering a system that makes the players go out and seize control of the planet. Open the capital world up completely, let the Empire invade Coruscant again, let the Republic push on Dromund Kaas and Korriban lets move this game forward or something that makes the player feel connected to the game. Another prime example is in World of Warcraft with mass PvP raiding parties from Horde and Alliance as they try to invade the capital areas e.g. Stormwind, Iorn Forge etc with objective and achievements for doing such. Which Imperial player wouldn't want to raid Typhon and attack the Jedi Council? which Republic player wouldn't want to bang on the door of the Citadel, I am not a PvPer by any stretch of imagination but even I would love to bang on the front door of the opposing faction and take the fight to them. Instead we have a game that feel too safe, too tame and that the treaty just put to opposing faction in some weird courtship dance which is fine for now but sustainable for the longer term I don't think it can. Other area we know that the game lack can be easily reeled off; Capital Ships (Guild Base) - Could be used in faction space PvP all Guild members on the capital ship when it enter the PvP zone could launch their fighter to engage in one to one attack or man the turrets and attack other capital ships in the area. Ditch the "random" PvP warzone and allow players to choose which one they want to enter, have veteran rep for the individual warzone which give items only relevant to that scenario, and with Hutt Ball for those that are in ranked games have a season and a league which shows up on fleet and the capital worlds with the teams position in the league. Gamers are now moving away from "website" based communities and sign ups which makes planning and organising Operations tricky, so much so that there is now hardly any point being in a Guild to run an Operation! this needs addressing, an in game guild events calendar which can be viewed and used by the guild members should be introduced it will also show what the Guild as cleared, have rewards for the Guilds that clear content, things that make working with Guilds more rewarding than standing on fleet spamming to find a group to run the Operations! As we move into the future at the current rate a lot of people will just see this game as a single player game that really didn't need to become an MMO the story lines are that amazing they could have made KotoR 3 really but in the quest to make the best story driven MMO they have over looked what makes an MMO And it is that fact that holds us back today in the now.
  21. It is interesting one of the key selling features of this game at the start was the codex and lore and yet one year on it is pretty much obvious that the Dev do little to interact with us with the massive list still ever increasing. However, the Devs are quite happy to pop up and play fetch the stick with the PVP lot on majority of occassions they actually look at the boards. So Dev's how about giving us PVE players something "similar" to the amount of time you show those that do nothing but Warzones and explain how things are progressing for us that want to actually complete something which should have been working before the launch.
  22. Is this a sub division of Soverign that holds the Imperium Guild on Forsaken World?
  23. VirMortalis Republic My Craft List Advanced Elusive Mod 31B Advanced Resilient Mod 31 Advanced Might Armoring 30 Advanced Skill Armoring 30 Avanced Elusive Mod 30B Advanced Mettle Mod 30A Advanced Potent Mod 30A Advanced Reinforced Mod 30B Your mats - no fees!
  24. So people decide now is the time to play the game! after all it is free to play and they have seen and heard good things about the game play, shame no one bothers to tell them how shocking "Red Eclipse" is for community interaction in major play hubs (Fleet etc...) You only need to stand for five minutes to get a grasp the issue with a cross section of the population that inhabit our server Basic questions are met with intense sarcastic wall of text which to be blunt would put off any new player from bothering to take the time to get to play the game, why should they when the people that make up the MMO are pompous t**ts. I know not everyone can or should be tarred by the same brush but really it is beyond the joke, it doesn't take two minutes to give the correct answer and help someone along their journey, I understand that the same questions are then repeated throughout the day but why should experienced players need to be around the central hubs in the first place. You have been around longer and there are unlocks for the Starship which take the biggest majority away from being around the area, the only main reason now for any experienced player to be on Fleet is the mission terminals and the guild bank so that would leave genuine new players seeking the help and support of the community. I will get those same moronic comments below this but open your eyes, you choose to play an MMO you choose to share experiences and the game with players from all walks of life and it doesn't take much to reduce looking like a douche. Gaming People Activist:- Suited to experiential rather than reading anything Pragmatist:- Solely works alone and researches how to improve Reflector:- Still sat there reading the manual before even pressing launch Theorist:- Paper everywhere with the stats, maps etc Next time someone asks the question, reflect how you was on the first day you got to Fleet and didn't have a clue where everything is.
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