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  1. Oh you mean the vendors in the supply area all you have to do is buy the green armoring's and reverse engineer them?
  2. I just got to level 600 with my assassin tank; I rolled the 60 level token. My crew skills were auto chosen and yes I was pissed it was synthweaving. I learned every single recipe and there is only 220 I believe Versatile Armoring's how do I get the tank ones?
  3. I felt the need to post a topic about some of the good things in SWTOR. I won't touch on Galactic Scammand for obvious reasons however this one negative feature really shouldn't be game breaking as you all are making it out to be. Here are my reasons! SWTOR is still my favorite MMO to date as far as story line appeal; this game was really done well the PVP is great and it does have enough content to keep people busy. There seems to be a stigma of users complaining there is no new content this is simply not true to be honest. If we compare this to WOW this is true; but again this is not WOW and I'm thankful for that. When were looking into content this game offers a very wide variety of options; PVP, Ops, Story, Uprisings, Flashpoints. If we were judging this game as a single player game or even something like diablo the content far surpasses the average game and is done very well. The argument some have that the content never changes to me at times is moot; part of the reason I love this game is because I can run a little story here and there I can run a couple ops maybe an uprising and then play a couple pvp matches. If I don't focus on the rewards which is hard to do; and just play it's still a very fun game. We have all grinded in games whether it be diablo or final fantasy and generally you were running through the same content over and over we were able to accept this I know it's harder to accept this as this is an MMO but please consider the story in this game IS what made it so appealing to so many of us and the content they did release I still consider it to be top notch as far as fun. I understand the death of the alt's and how that is killing replay value; look I'm not saying you need to do what I do but consider this; I have decided GC is garbage; I will not be opening any crates I get and I'm in no rush period to get to a high level of GC. I'm going to play the stuff I enjoy daily and log off it's still the same game I had fun playing previously with different mechanics. Now the engine has been updated and there is a lot of actual improvements that have come outside of the GC which to me is a downgrade. This should indicate to you guys the game is still in development and new content will come and it will take a long time. I get it raiders want to raid; but look at this as a new start and just have fun for three months. I haven't started the new expansion yet; I'm in no rush to play the story I was leveling to 70 and playing the modes I enjoy and it's just as fun as last week. If I were to rate this game I would still place it as the best MMO I have played just slightly more to my taste than FF a realm reborn. Star Wars and light saber battles have always been something I have thoroughly enjoyed. If I compared this game to the star wars game that came out last Christmas it wouldn't even be close. That game SUCKED!
  4. Casino slot machines generate random numbers continuously at very high speed and use the most recent result(s) when the user pulls the lever (or hits the button) to spin the reels. Even a simplistic generator can be used Also you realize the same thing you just said about Casino's can be said about BioWare. They are a business and their interest is to make money; they created a system which is random just like a slot machine to make money by making player's sub longer to get the RNG drops.
  5. Players have always had the same chance as anyone to get any gear the only requirement was to complete the content. That is not gating anyone; I'll tell you what gating someone is BUY A SUB and now you can get the gear. If anything 5.0 has gated more people than before. Do you honestly sit down and think through your thoughts or do you just rant endlessly.
  6. I will avoid typing in all caps for the moment. We will start with a simple definition as you clearly have no idea what the words you type mean. A Random Number Generator is a function object that can be used to generate a random sequence of integers. That is: if f is a Random Number Generator and N is a positive integer, then f(N) will return an integer less than N and greater than or equal to 0. Fair - free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice Balanced - a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. Do you now see how RANDOM loot drops are neither fair nor balanced in the least. However, the old method was both fair and balanced BY definition. For Example it was balanced as in equal distribution of tokens and rewards were given to all except on very specific drops. However now we have a very unbalanced system that is 100% based on luck and is not at all about equal distribution it's the opposite. Fair - I'm just going to point out that all who have opened 20 command crates and have received no upgrades well they probably feel they have had an "injustice" done to them. Also if you want to even the playing field; we could always just delete EVERYTHING! That would accomplish both fair and balanced. Well just introduce seasons and then everyone can have a fresh start every 3 months. Then we can all rush up the leaderboards in our RNG gear and brag about our E-PEEN drop and every 3 months a new winner will be crowned. Every 3 months a bot will be the most successful player as the system rewards TIME PLAYED not Content Completed. Wait.. I got it! Eureka! You sir must have a gambling addiction which in turn has made you certain that fair and balanced is the reason you go to the slot's everyday. Your sir should seek help immediately; gambling is an addiction and the RNG jesus will not be fair and balanced to you. I now feel empathy for you.
  7. Mox from fan podcasts Corellian Run Radio and Passionately Casual Podcast then asked a follow-up question that really hammered home one of the major criticism of the new content. Players are not in love with the idea of Command Rank and the lock boxes for the endgame gear. Irving responded openly to this question, too. “We’ve obviously heard the concerns from the community, which really boils down to one specific thing: In order to get my set bonus — which makes me as powerful as I can be — I need six out of seven specific items. What happens if I don’t ever in the 300 levels of Galactic Command end up with the piece that I need? We have a couple of thoughts on that. One, if in the future it turns out to be a problem, then we will be flexible. There are a lot of ways to solve this. We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game. “There are things like that that we can do if it turns out to be a problem. In all the testing we’ve done and the models we’ve run to see how this plays out for people, we really don’t believe that it will be a problem. But it’s really hard to know until we monitor player behavior and we monitor the things that players are actually repeating from the loot drops. But ultimately our answer is yes. If it turns out to be a problem, we will be sure to address it. We’re very flexible in those things. We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”
  8. What is it the Galatic Command is trying to achieve? Casual gamers could careless if they have 208/209/20?? gear. The new system is meant to reward time vs content that is all. You really believe people should only be rewarded for time not the difficulty in content. Hell even the RNG god's in diablo gave you better gear for better content. This goes against all LOGIC period. Remove thy tin foil hat bro.
  9. Andryah's no one is saying this is not possible; it comes down to the simple point of what makes sense. In story mode GC makes sense as it applies to casual gamers. When it comes to theory crafting and BIS gear people NEED the ability to try new things what happens if I put x or y or z in this slot it's called min maxing. A lot of people enjoy this part of the game! If you can lay out a NON RNG method of working towards these goals in a rationale timeframe everyone is happy. This is not the case; it's not a matter of need it's a matter of want. This is a video game this is not real life where needs vs wants can be applied. They need a road map to BIS gear and RNG is the worst possible answer. I will craft my gear but to be honest what a let down; the best part about running op's is the instant reward for beating hard content. They removed this from the game. The other great part about this game was the ability to run alternate characters that could be geared up to a fairly decent end game level through a guild or through another max level character this is also gone. This expansion took away from the replay ability of different classes. There is not a gamer out their that will tell you that replay ability is not important it was one of this games strength's. No one in their right mind wants to start a whole new grind for every character and crafting is such a letdown it does not inspire me to re-roll a new character.
  10. Don't worry bro BW will fix this it will be just like every other RNG game. People will complain BW will ensure eventually probably 3 - 6 months down the road you will get what you want either through a progression system or a count down to guaranteed drop. Every game with RNG has done this diablo finally has a decent RNG system in place; except it's pretty much not RNG anymore which is hilarious.
  11. Very valid points I don't know why raiders stick around to do hard ops maybe they enjoy the ops like some of us do PVP it's the same PVP instance over and over I enjoyed it. Diablo was the same content over and over just gear upgrades and people did it. If you want to debate the psychology of a gamer. I'm out of that conversation. However, my point remains that when I got bored with the story and I was around level 59 I started to run the flashpoints and I ran the story OP that changes every week or something to that extent it required 8 players to complete. I really enjoyed the experience it was different from story mode as it was challenging and it was different from PVP it was another part of the game I enjoyed. I then received the added benefit of getting a new PURPLE speeder and an elite token to get an ear piece. I was like that's awesome! I will add these into my gaming rotation. Now I don't see the point; I will be happy playing PVP and story because I still have the story mode to play! People will and always have cared about gear for both aesthetics and in game effectiveness. I will not get into a psychological debate with you; where is yoda when you need him. Lastly; not allowing people to gear alt's is a huge problem how many times have you joined an OP and someone left and someone on your team was like I'll just grab my alt and well finish this. Now GOOD LUCK.
  12. Your correct! In the story mode you don't have to care about gear they give you the appropriate gear. Now I want you to tell me how you would feel if you hit a brick wall in the story and got to the point where you could not do the content anymore because your gear sucked. Then realize you have to grind for 3 months to have a chance at getting the gear needed. Then your experience would not be as good would it? I agree with you I love the story it's 90% all I have played so far! I was excited to play the new and the expansion from before this last one as I'm still running the original story. However, I have read rotation guides and BIS gear guides just because I was interested not because I wanted to get there. I was stoked when I got my 209 gear from the warzone vendor with class bonus! I could have cared less that it was not BIS it was surely better than what I had and I earned it! You see being rewarded for what you earn is what an MMO is about and you like the part of the story just like I did remember when you got your first lightsaber when you built it. All the raiders want is appropriate rewards for the content they do; just like what you got in story mode. They have been robbed and I for one will not stand for this horrible decision of RNG for every type of in game content. I'm fine with GC but it cannot be the only way to gear up! Killing a BOSS that takes 2.5 hours to get to and complete should net me a reward. NOT exp towards a future chance of a reward or why the hell did I bother doing the harder content.
  13. Do what I'm going to do; just play the game I will gear from crafting and GTN and I will assume EVERY ITEM I get from a GC is complete trash. I don't know how the GC works but I will save up all my crates if possible and open them in a row like 20 or 40. If you can? This worked wonders for me in diablo's RNG system I will see if the same applies... I will do this in 2-3 months when I actually get to the appropriate level.
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