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Everything posted by DarthFletcher

  1. The GTN is a free commerce area, nothing states that players need to keep 1 price for an item, if people undercut you then fine do the same back to them. The issue only becomes apparent on items such as say the Vented Lightsaber where you know it is worth more. Tips: 1. Buy the undercut ones and monoplise the item(s) 2. Undercut by 5k to 10k (if you dont have mail coming in within the first 10mins of posting an item then your undercut) 3. Never list for 2 days it is a waste, any item up on GTN for 2 days is already subject to undercut 4. Gauge the market properly if there are 2 or 3 items up then you more likely to sell well because the demand will be there on the rarer items. If you pull the Imperial Banner for example there are shed load of those things and they are pretty much worthless so ofload for quick. 5. Use Fleet Trade chat to advertise some items if you feel that the undercut will not meet your expectation of the price set. Those that undercut you by upto 50k are just wanting a quick sale, they have something that they need to shift and don't care, it is after all a buyers market.
  2. Hello there all. Is there anyway to unlock the Arcann companion once you have played through th storyline the way you wanted to originally? IE if you kept up the pretense that Arcann was not exactly the best thing for the Universe and killed him off in Chapter 6. I decided to try get the companion, redid Chapter 1 and allowed Senya to go off on her merry way, is there something I missed between 1 and replaying Chapter 6 which only gives me the option I had when I first played. Thanks in advance
  3. Very good letter, shame they will brush over it saying la la la and continue the train wreck which is GCXP. Wouldn't be so bad if new open world content would have been released instead of chapters, 1-50 story is the BEST thing about this game story wise and being able to explore the star wars universe. This is what got me into the game and now they want to go down a route that dumbs down SWTOR into a pay to play mass effect clone. I saw Eric do an interview with the SWTOR youtuber and he claims to read these forums, well if that is the case Eric and you look over thos post make the right people aware that your actions are devestating this game and something needs to be done to make it relevant.
  4. Daily Quests: Yavin, Rishi and Oricon 20 cxp Per mission 2 cxp Per Gold 20 cxp Per Champion 20 cxp per bonus completed (3 stages = 60 cxp) Weekly Heroics: 20 cxp Per mission 2 cxp Per Gold 20 cxp Per Champion 20 cxp per bonus completed (3 stages = 60 cxp) Black Talon Vet Mode: 2 cxp Per Gold mob 20 cxp Per Champion / Boss Droid Boss - 125 cxp token Spec Ops - 125 cxp token Bonus Boss - 160 cxp token Jedi Final - 160 cxp token Exit to .... 200 cxp for completion Run time 15-20 mins solo, mobs are not level sync to 70 they are still level 10 roughly 800-1000 per run depending on DvL, CM Boost and players in group. Takes about 4 runs to gain one level possibly 5 as you progress the higher tiers.
  5. Two of the worst times in games is Summer and Xmas, every year is the same. After over a decade of gaming this is one of the true constants. Yes the timing of the 5.0 release doesn't help and people will get bored quickly, but once they do the 5.1 update it might be enough to claw some players back. They seriously need to make the command rank legacy wide
  6. Look out for the nod to the Old Republic!
  7. Lv28 now and apart from 5 pieces of 230 gear I have had little to no value goods in the remaining 23 packs last night opened up my 28th box and got 2 purple Jawa scraps and 2 ***** items that got trashed, and even the trash value wasnt helping the bar move along
  8. You know all this makes alot of sense, which means the numpties come tonights stream will bypass all this, mock the bingo card again, smirk and tell us the game is working as intended. They will never admit they were wrong, they will never admit they value little any and all constructive feedback and you will just get "we have exciting things lined up" code for more uprinings and little else to do. Says a lot when you can earn more cxp throwing damn snowballs at people than actually doing any quests.... again logic
  9. Possibly but if your just spending time what would have been solo heroics or dailies the BT is one of the better sources of CXP since they just upped the rate of the drop boosts by 5 (big wow) and can run 3 or 4 times in an hour which your roughly getting 860-870 per run or if you find 3 other people your are scaling 1,000 per run BT Vet also didnt seem to get the bolster apply all mobs are level 10 or there abouts you are scaled down but still mincing them mobs with little effort.
  10. 20 cxp for lobbing snowballs around fleet or 5cxp for the piggies in KP ah yes the dilema is upon us.... I thought Ops were meant to be challenging and rewarding the CXP for the time invested..... at this rate all mobs will be giving us nothing..
  11. Kindda miss not having the animation on the weapon, like the Ziost Guardian saber for example having the flecks of lightning.
  12. * Command Crates should offer - Pets, Rep Item, Mounts, Orange Items, Decorations, Titles and schematics, Relics, Implants, Ear Pieces, Main Hand and Off Hand - An unique token should drop every 5-10 levels that can be used as a currency to buy set gear - Amount of Tokens per piece depends on how many slots that item as Head Piece 3 slots (Armour, Enhancement, Mod) 3 Tokens Chest Piece 3 slots (Armour, Enhancement, Mod) 3 Tokens Gloves 3 slots (Armour, Enhancement, Mod) 3 Tokens Bracers 2 slot (Amouring, Mod) 2 Tokens Belt 2 slot (Amouring, Mod) 2 Tokens Legs Gloves 3 slots (Armour, Enhancement, Mod) 3 Tokens Boots Gloves 3 slots (Armour, Enhancement, Mod) 3 Tokens = 19 Tokens this would take the player to Lv 95 meaning you have made them grind enough, because you are looking at 3 tiers of gear the Tokens would be specific to that gear set. So Tier 1 Token would access T1 gear you get the picture When you move on to Tier 2 the same level cap applies but we lower the cost of the Token gear by 1 Token so 3 piece sets are worth 2 and the 2 piece sets are worth 1 and finally once you get to the 200-300 stage all T3 gear is worth 1 token each At this point you have given the player what they wanted and you have gotten your way of making them level up the bar. Now to aid and assist this long grind you have set them on CXP should be then made legacy with the Tokens being bound to legacy once the player reaches that 300 mark and can not longer gain a level rank the every 5-10 levels cap would be every 5 levels the RNG gods will either give the player a T1, T2 or T3 token in the crate because they have reach 300 and your system should know this and allow the unlocking all tokens in one go.
  13. Exactly it is a gift to those of us that have remained for 5 years and kept a subscription, since they never seem to give us anything else that sets us apart from everyone else. CE edition got the VIP area only to the wristband sold by a vendor for 1m credits. The vendors up there have dont seem to get updated at all either.
  14. Why would you moan about us subs that have never lapsed getting an item to reward for being subbed? If anything BW/EA should have done what SOE did with SWG and have a 3month, 6month, 12month, etc reward for being a sub.
  15. 1. Live streams were done month prior to this expansion and each one they mentioned no companions as some of the community had moaned that the main story had been held back to get companions back. 2. In Alliance base, where you hand the in rep items to the commanders there is a small room, which you get the Quest for hitting a certain level with them. There is a round terminal right of that table and once click gives you an option to "Locate Crew Members" I did this for Quinn & Jaesa recently, as well as re-writing your story to get deceased companions back
  16. [Refined Istotope Stabilizer] Try Refined Isotope Stabilizer
  17. Same on Red Elipse, Lightside always wins, just wish there was a way to disable that damn pop up, might as well leave light side in permanent win state
  18. The puzzle was just that, a puzzle, took me a while first attempt but got there in the end. Didn't mind the walkers, was something different. I detested the final fight on chapter 9, as someone who as loved star wars since i was 4 , it didnt feel like star wars to me, infact what should ended the expansion on an high left me wishing the fight was already over. I agree with the poster that the Imp vs Rep needs to be brought back and they need to U-Turn away from the Mass Effect 3 chapter arch. SWTOR worked because open planets allowed you to explore were you wanted and find hidden object. These chapters have killed off the unique story chapters we faced in lv 1-50 and now forced us all to be some emperor/empress.
  19. Tend to agree with the sentiment of the following; * Green items should be removed from the crates and put on mobs, after all this tends to be vendor trash * Blue and Purple items to be left in command crates * Tier bonus set gear in Crates but also in Token from bosses in Ops * Story Mode drop T1 * Hard Mode drop T2 * Nightmare drop T3 Heroic increase should be Quest 50 Bonus 50 Champ 20 Gold 5 (not 2) Daily Quests should have an increase Quest 30 Bonus 20 Champ 20 Gold 5 (not 2) This gives something for everyone and it gives players something to work for in Operations and makes those out of ops the casual gamers a better reward for doing content. Introduce mounts into the command crate pool with Rank 300 having a chance to get a mount from the past cartel packs from the 1st pack to last pack before current packs. Place Grade 10 materials on the Jawa Peddlers so we can use our scraps collected from the packs.
  20. Lv 22 1x Mainhand 1x Offhand 2x Relic 1x Boots w/ Set Bonus Several 230 schematics Humpteen Jawa scraps
  21. Your forgetting in the time line now you are forced to lead the alliance of rep & imp factions (no longer forced, they are willing participants) The Sith Empire and The Republic are even told to be still at each others throats whilst your away for the 5 years instead of dealing with the threat. Because BioWare have sent us down this path making us ALL the Emperor/Empress at the end instead of the story ending from 1.0 which made sure we all had a unique role to play in the galaxy. The cross faction team up would work for 65+ onwards with new content that could be brought in (if) they wanted to. For the age old Empire vs Republic the alliance we have now needs to split and you the character returning to their respective factions to try and make something of them. But I don't see it happening since that would ruin what the Knights story line tried to achieve. Right now the story as taken a weird turn and I dont think is much return hope to the simple times of the old world of vanilla and upto SoR expansion.
  22. I read the letter that the NPC sent for Vette, then the follow up, I spent 5 mins on Oddesson trying to find said npc, it is a shame the NPC wasnt there, a cutscene force choking him would have been hillarious. Maybe if BioWare added these little cutscenes from the NPCs people would read the in game mail.
  23. I used the token when I opened the game on 5.0 day so I am missing items?
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