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Everything posted by Yuppy

  1. Ok now this is where you and I differ a whole lot! This game WAS NOT amazing when it came out, good yes, not amazing! The overhauls and continued path that they seem to be taking might finally MAKE this game amazing! And as far as I'm concerned you and the people that bash the game (with nothing other than bashing, nothing constructive to say) can unsub turn your self around and don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!
  2. ^This. I was wondering what it was like as a female smuggler? I played through the male version and while I still don't think the story was the best, I have often wondered if this would be a bettter female role? Don't get me wrong I'm pretty sure my male smuggler is loaded up with every alien/human STD possible, I just wondered if the female story for smuggler would be more suited for a female role? I enjoyed the smuggler, JC and JK stories, but I loved the SW story so far the best out of the 4 I have completed. I have the other 4 all started in some fashion, but I'm pretty sure the SI female is the next one I finish as it has grabbed me the most so far.
  3. Lol to pull that off though they would have to add a makeup section to the fleet, with a tutorial stating that more is better!
  4. Very well put! I'm pretty sure we all have some sets that we look at and say hrmm..ok.. But, I like most of the sets/looks that are in game. Usually to me the only thing that throws most sets out of whack are the head pieces. I look at some of them and go wow sometimes, but I think the stuff we have is not bad. I know the tradisionalist don't agree. Some things are a stretch, but for the most part it's decent!
  5. Simply put! And here it is. Simply put the only thing that has changed is "us" the consumer! Our greed for the hurrying up to get a game out to the hurry up and update it after its been out for 10 mins. People that play mmo's nowadays are a whole lot different than the mud's generation, hell its alot different even from when AC and EQ smacked us all in the face after the success of Ultima. Patience of playing a game to be the best or obtain the best is gone and as my sig suggests we have no one else to blame, because the devs that were brilliant back then is a newer generation of brilliant now, but we give them very little time to expand a world or do this or that cause our demand to add more dungeons or races is so now, now, now! The devs we all seek are out there. Its just they have to eat too right? I really believe there are still gamers making games for gamers, it just dont happen in somebodys house anymore. Its happening in big moneys living room, and big money is over the shoulder saying hurry you filthy maggots, the consumer is winning, must make new stuff faster!
  6. Voss is bad! But, Quesh is equally as bad or worse. I couldn't stop noticing it today as I ran my 3 chars there for the Gree droid.
  7. They added campfires right? Whats a campfire without a 7 eyed thingomobob?
  8. I love your idea, and I love the whole idea of being able to do anyform of this as actually being part of Artificing, but! This right here. If we had any control over the colors we made or the combos to make them in, then EA wouldn't be making money off there CM. Don't ever expect more than what we have right now, cause it's probably as good as its gonna get!
  9. I like the idea, throw it in the suggestion box.
  10. VA imo is what makes this game, seperates it from pretty much most other games! After being gone for a while and playing a few other games, I'm right back her with ToR. To answer the OP no I wouldn't want them to continue the story without VA, it's integral to this game! What would be fantastic that this time next year we are downloading the next addition to the game and that would be an additional 10 levels and chapter 4 to all classes! And over the next year let EA keep adding there fluff to the CM and allow for the devs to work on bugs, balance and qol projects. While in the background they blow our minds in Dec of '14. A guy can hope right??
  11. OP +1 for saying alllll of that and using 3 periods.
  12. So play him to 50 as prefferred player and from there its a judgement decision if you want to pay for last 5 levels and the newer content. If you don't like free/preferred options to play than sub and play it out. I resubbed a month ago and am having a blast!
  13. Boo! Hate to see a person leave that I enjoyed reading comments from! Enjoy your next adventure, but incase ya dont come back soon lol.
  14. I have to say good job as well! Its a breath of freah air into what was a very dull scene! As Zorvan said above, now to get rid of the green, red and blue glowy planets and replaced with something along these lines imo is only win/win for the game! I have to add that flying into Oricon for the first time was the first time in a long time I didn't look at my phone or use the bio, get a drink etc! Cause not only was the cinematic nice, but the music used to incorporate Oricon was amazing! The deep and dark sound was brilliant imo!
  15. I'm not sure just cause of the movies alone it will not boost it dramatically, it certainly wont hurt! But!! If by the time the first movie comes out they don't have some super badarse 3 minute trailer that previews before the movie that really sells the game, then imo it would be a huge fail on EA/Disney!! And when I say sell it they need to show the action, grouping, both aspects of the pvp and just mention the CM without focusing on it alone! I really want to say sell the 8 different stories as well, but by the time the movies come I'm afraid that aspect of the game will have very little meaning anymore, unfortunetely!
  16. It don't matter what people say or think about swtor, the only point is... You and your family are having fun and are enjoying what you're doing! So keep logging in till you can't log in no more! Good day sir!
  17. Personally I would have to go with A, with the continued side updating and bug fixes to B as things roll on! Going with A as the selection I really feel that they keep expanding the universe to open the game to a list of things. 1. It would be a great way to open up possible future race selections. 2. It could allow this dev team to maybe expand and open up the game some sorta speak! Like bringing in new planets and opening them up some where we might feel more open or less channeled to a certain point. 3. It would allow for more story. I personally would love to have mire class story added (yes Ravenhurst I know you don't like this) but, even if it's not class oriented I feel the focus should be some type of story driven content of some sort. The Emperors fate or story revolved around this would be choice. 4. It makes raising the level cap (if going to do so) feel as if it's natural. All increases done to levels should be done by 10 not 5 from here on out. It could allow for two or three new abilities and give you the impression within that your character is progressing or growing more powerful or feeling more iconic however it is you view your characters. Few things I tossed out there, I can say if none of these happen I'm not gonna up and quit the game, but the path the devs are going seems to be promising. So as long as they keep tweaking things with QoL improvments and keep making changes that still make me keep feeling like logging in, then I will be happy!
  18. You contradict everything you are pining for in four words! How many people are playing wow's free to play setup? Oh thats right. Regardless of how many are playing either game all this whole topic boils down to is gimmie more for nothing! I personnaly don't care what game you play or want to play and if you don't pay for sub or buy coins or support said game whatever there model, then I personnaly feel that posting here saying you're not getting enough for your closed wallet is kinda, well silly. Support the game you like and be done with it. All the people playing for free should just be happy that they can atleast do that!
  19. ^This! Two things though! It's EA and it says next-gen so no idea if it's gonna be PC or not! http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-developing-open-world-star-wars-game/1100-6416442/
  20. Love this! And really love the last part! Since unfortunetely the class stories have been fozen in carbonite, the main story has to delve into these very two figures! And if I had to chose one with just tid bits of the other its time to blow the doors off the emperors story and get it into motion as the focal point!
  21. If you are liking the dbl xp weekend I'm glad you and countless others are getting a nice little treat. I honestly just like pounding away and doing them, granted I do spacebar alot of the sidequests on my alts, but it just seems to mess up the ebon flow to me. Whether it be my resource collecting for crafting or collecting comms it just seems like it throws it all outta whack. I'm quite pleased that you and countless others are enjoying it, tis always nice when so many get something they enjoy. On a side note I wish they would unbound the xp bonus's you recieve for completing certain questsI would really love to sell them to those that desired them. Enjoy!
  22. Man that lil troll has derailed countless threads in 24 hours. Hoping he gets another ban and hopefully sooner than later!
  23. /signed Anytype of customizable appearance options is win/win! Would love to have more facial hair, tattoos or jewelry type options!
  24. Lol yes and I do do that, but normally just for my slicing skill to get unsliceable to que up. The thing is I play the game to be logged in, not to be doing a roulette style of crafting scenarios. There should never be more than two companion gift options per 5 choices. Not saying they should all be rich or bountiful but 4 of 5 as companion options is pretty lame imo.
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