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Everything posted by Feargal

  1. I read somewhere (I know, it's the internets) that Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world, behind Mandarin Chinese. If it isn't 2nd, I'm guessing it's at least 3rd. I am surprised that the game doesn't have a Spanish language version. Maybe the economic demographics don't support it.
  2. I don't know if the posts above are accurate about a confirmation dialog box already existing, but if not, what would an additional step accomplish? The GTN clearly lists the price of items, both per unit and total. Won't people unwise enough to ignore the total price just ignore the popup?
  3. There's still a Kingpin Vendor? I learn something new every day...
  4. I sit on a crappy $69 chair from Office Depot that has to be 10-12 years old. I'm plenty comfortable.
  5. So. Much. TL;DR. 2/10 for asterisks in the title, because asterisks make it more likely that the devs will read.
  6. RP'rs are a very small minority in this game. Characterizing the majority as somehow how playing the game "wrong" is just the tail attempting to wag the dog.
  7. I am absolutely blaming poor game design, and advocating for a change to make the game more intuitive, hence the word "should" in my premise.
  8. Great, then the fix is even more simple, don't allow targeting of flagged players by unflagged players.
  9. I couldn't disagree more with folks who say it should be the responsibility of the PvE'r to avoid being unintentionally flagged for PvP on a PvE server. It is utterly counter-intuitive--it's a PvE server. I recognize that there are players that want to do both, even on a PvE server--if a player wants open-world PvP, that's fine, they have the toggle. Don't want unflagged players aiding flagged players? Don't allow targeting of, or aoe effects on, flagged players. If there exists a possibility of griefing, it will be exploited; that's a sad reality of MMO's.
  10. I support any kind of absolute opt-in system for pvp, even to the extent of being ejected from pvp areas rather than auto-flagging.
  11. If you have enough credits you can buy the large stack, take what you want, and relist the rest for the same unit price you paid. There is risk involved, but if you really did pay a fair price they should sell fairly quickly.
  12. Happy New Year to those who have already hit the milestone, and safe New Year's Eve to those who haven't.
  13. This argument is lost on the folks who just want to rage about markets they don't understand.
  14. Because, obviously, if you don't do it MY way you are doing it wrong.
  15. I'm just here read the "L2P you n00b" comments. So far I'm pretty disappointed.
  16. OP wants to define spam to suit OP's tastes. That's a slippery slope. FWIW, it bugs me too, and 90% of what I read in genchat is uninteresting, but I don't think I should be the chat police.
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