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Everything posted by Feargal

  1. OP, I very much doubt the game designers are going to jump into this thread to explain anything to you. If the current design wrecks your head, maybe this game simply isn't for you.
  2. This is why I read the forums. Thanks for a laugh.
  3. Which do you thinks gets more attention: profanity laced rants, or rational suggestions? Just wondering.
  4. Adding another congratulatory post.
  5. I don't know if it is the first rule of gaming forums, but it's in the top 5: "If one thread is good, 10 is better."
  6. There should just be a bright orange 72pt hyperlink at the top of every page.
  7. I applaud your suggestions, save one. I don't think we need to erode subscription perks by giving more of them away to F2P. The F2P system is supposed to be a little unsatisfying in order to push people to buy into the game either through subbing or the cartel market.
  8. I would like to point out that, based on the capitalization, syntax, and structure of your post, you should probably refrain from calling other people stupid.
  9. Please stop confusing "mistakes" with "accidents." "Accident" implies that the action is unintentional, which it is not, buyers have to go through several deliberate steps to locate and purchase an item. What you are describing is a "mistake" -- the player fails to pay attention to the process. GTN mistakes are pure user error. I should not have to suffer through your inane GTN mechanic because some people can't GTN.
  10. Doesn't hurt me at all, I never bought dropped gear from the GTN, so it doesn't hurt "everyone." Actually I'd imagine it really only hurt a few.
  11. Who shot JR? Nobody, it was just a dream...
  12. My 2 cents worth is to add that trying to keep up all your gear with commendations is nigh impossible, and you are going to wish you had hung on to those comms when you get to level 60 and can purchase the level 60 basic gear. Other folks may disagree. EDIT - I found that reasonably current greens are fine for leveling.
  13. There's a difference between an "accidental" 10M purchase and a "stupid" 10M purchase. "Accidental" would be "I drove by the GTN and it sold me an item that I didn't click on." "Stupid" would be "I ignored all the numbers in the price, and the existing pop-up."
  14. Now don't go bashing 'murica. That will really get folks riled up. It's the worst country on Earth, except for all the other countries.
  15. I continue to be amazed at how many lawyers play this game.
  16. Several threads throughout the ages have suggested this. Still a good idea.
  17. I kind of like the idea to choose roles at creation. I don't think it would be an efficient use of resources to change it , but that's another issue.
  18. If the replies I've read to your thread constitute trolling, I am very disappointed with the trolls. It isn't trolling to disagree.
  19. You didn't put slot machine in the title to your thread, so I actually read the OP until I saw "slot machine." Is this bait and switch? Can I have my time back?
  20. 1. I am a mat buyer. 2. What's wrong with being a mat seller?
  21. You made your own arguments against your idea in your original post, no reason for me to restate them.
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