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Everything posted by Feargal

  1. I'm not even going to ask for your stuff.
  2. My breasts are too large too. Of course I'm a guy, so maybe less time on the forums and more time on the treadmill.
  3. "I Hate Huttball" has been around as long as, well, Hutball. I wish everybody luck in getting a switch to turn it off. For the record, I hate it too.
  4. I'm just here to see people call you an elitist and demand that everybody get the CE rewards.
  5. You should be able to pick up some appropriately leveled green gear off the GTN (look for terminals in the green area of fleet) for not too many credits. Also, try to join a guild and ask your guild mates for tips and tricks, mots will be glad to help you out. Better than playing for a few weeks and deciding the whole game should be revamped.
  6. Great tank. Healer, not so much. But, TBH, I'm not that great a player, so maybe it's just me.
  7. Wouldn't be "illegal," just dumb, the whole idea behind the cartel market is to generate more income not less. That doesn't mean a mistake couldn't be made, just that I doubt it has been intentionally done.
  8. It's never too late for a revolution.
  9. Not one person has asked for your stuff. The quality of these forums is going downhill fast.
  10. Or just don't get butthurt when somebody disagrees with you. Oh, and freedom of speech is a ridiculous argument. You are on a private system, subject to whatever rules the owner wants to impose, not standing on the sidewalk in front of a public building. Learn to Bill of Rights.
  11. TBH the system for splitting stacks is not very intuitive. If that's your worst n00b moment you are a rockstar!
  12. I'm not trying to be snarky, but isn't "leveling up" a part of every MMO? Maybe I just have limited experience.
  13. The link to your website isn't working for me. But best of luck with your recruiting. UPDATE: The link in your siggy works, but not the one in your post.
  14. I let Santa know--better buy some hay. And a shovel.
  15. I didn't like it in SWG and I wouldn't like it here. But that's just me.
  16. Onoes, my character died in a videogame. Alert the media.
  17. Limited time items are limited time items. I hate these "I couldn't log in" and "it's not fair" posts. You missed something in game, deal with it.
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