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10 Good

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    Yorkshire, UK
  1. April Fool's joke or not, it would be nice to have the option to shut the thing up.
  2. He's the droid you get with your ship as (at least) Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent. Same droid, same phrases, double the annoyance.
  3. Please for the love of the force shut this guy up. Saying one of the same 5 phrases every time I pass the useless thing on my ship. I mute whenever I pass him for that reason. This has probably already been said but the forum search has been disabled.
  4. I'm currently just looking for a search feature. I've been looking for a while is it really not there?
  5. The ability to shut 2V-R8 the **** up. I press mute every time I pass him on my ship to avoid his annoying same three things he says. Actually the option to scrap him and watch it happen would be even better.
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