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Everything posted by Jenel

  1. I'm running on a 4 year old system with 3gb of ram, and the only upgrade I've done is the graphics card to an Nvidia 240GT over a year ago, and I don't have any problems. PvP fine, PvE fine.
  2. Indeed, I'm not sure how unsubbing is constructive to the game doing well. If you want the game to do well then support it. However I can't really see this thread going anywhere, the subject is to broad to keep it on track without completely derailing or being trolled to death. It's best to post a thread with a single subject, whether that be discussing the games story, what you would like to see in future, or even what you feel is needing improved that way you keep it focussed and allow for constructive feedback that the Devs can see clearly. The forums as a whole are what you are trying to do in a single thread, it won't happen. Also, bumping your own thread after 5 minutes of posting?
  3. Indeed, not enough constructive threads on these forums so it is nice to see one. I do like the idea of shorter off-hand sabers, and the dual-colours for double bladed sabers is something I'd like to see too. This however would probably require a second slot being implemented into the saber which could only really work if stat-less colour gems are added. Personally I'd like to see more customisation options for the actual hilt to make it "your lightsaber" not one that you went and bought from a vendor is very appealing. The option to use different lightsaber setups such as Shadow/Assassin using one handed sabers would most likely be difficult but probably not impossible. The type of weapon you use is very much a signature of your advanced class. WoW allows classes to use a variety of weapons, yet they all still function in the same way, but a Fury Warrior for example using a 2hander would probably be a huge dps loss. However, a caster is able to choose between a staff, or a 1h+offhand and still maintain the same DPS/HPS. I think it would be very nice to see and would make the classes feel a little less cookie-cutter but would take considerable work on BW's part to make it happen. Fingers crossed it comes in future, but would probably be a long way off. Adding effects to Gems/Barrels/Hilts which give unique effects, much like the OP suggested, very much like WoW's enchanting system I think it would probably be the best way to go for item customisation in terms of effect.
  4. The Shuttle>Obital Station>Lift>Ship. But that won't be an issue after 1.2 \o/ Hood clipping, Ahsara looks ridiculous with a hood with her head poking through and the full masks on a Miraluka clipping through a hood. The Hood up/down option that's coming should fix this hopefully. Yes, bad names too. Fortunately I've seen very few characters with "Sephiroth syndrome" yet. Think Bioware did a good job with the canon names being blocked. My main gripe is when your companion returns from a mission with a phase like "I didn't do well" or "that could have gone better" or even when they say something like "the results were better than expected" always makes me have to check the item they made to see if there's anything different about it. There never is.
  5. Body type 4 is hardly what I would call "fat". It simply has a larger bottom, thighs and chest. It's curvy at best, but far from being fat.
  6. Personally, I'd rather see bug fixes every week where they've had time to test it solid for a week and then get it fixed and out a few at a time. Rather than one huge bug fix patch where they've had to focus on so many different issues that you can guarantee that they will either resurface or generate new issues. Also, more frequent bug fix patches would probably mean less time to ensure that the bug is properly fixed and ready for release. You must realise that the entire Dev team does not deal with bug fixes. In most cases, especially with an MMO, the Dev team is split up into areas which deal with specific content. In my experience, the Devs which deal with bugs probably have the hardest job, not only do they need to be aware of bug, they need to find out what is causing it specifically, go through all the code that somebody else wrote, find the issue, and then correct it without their fix breaking anything else. If you rush bug fixes, then you don't fix them and most likely end up causing more problems. I like how Bioware are currently dealing with things, we're getting info on what to expect in the coming patches, specifically 1.2. And then we're getting a weekly bug fix and slowly but surely they're getting there. Slow and steady wins the race.
  7. I think jumping from planet to planet isn't the way to go, even it's on a cooldown. However, maybe they could add something into the Legacy rewards where you can port to your Ship, and then you can fly where ever you want, obviously on a few hour cooldown so it doesn't just become an easymode button as you said. That way you're not really breaking immersion, just getting picked up by a shuttle and dropped off at your ship.
  8. Give them time. If they wanted to put in all the stuff that we'd love to have in the game, we'd probably still be waiting for the game now. MMO's need to be given time to build up steam, then the improvements start rolling in. Once they're comfortable with how the game runs, then we'll probably start seeing additional features. There's a lot of stuff which needs to be resolved before they start bringing in extra's which could end up causing more headaches for players, even if you've got a system that can run all these fancy features with ease, if they introduce it too quickly then it becomes more of a hindrance than a benefit.
  9. To be honest, the 18 hours does seem excessive. I've use the Security vendor passes regularly, but I would like to see an extra ability which ports you directly to your ship, few hour cooldown would be fine. Would just be handy to avoid the spaceports on certain planets where you have to run through three different sections to get to your ship. But meh, that doesn't happen often, just gets really annoying at times.
  10. DDO and LOTRO are perfect examples of how to do F2P right. There's no real PvP element in either game, so the Pay 2 Win aspect simply isn't there. Most of the stuff on the stores are things which help you level such as pots, XP boosts, and cosmetic stuff. STO is doing extremely well as F2P also, all the stuff on the STO store can be bought with in game currency once you convert it to Cryptic Points, so if you play heavily you can get anything you want on the store without paying a cent. Other F2P games can be very different, I think these tend to be the more Eastern designed games without a huge amount of content where you just have to grind to level. I'd disagree with the comments on F2P games attracting idiots and kids, I've found the DDO, LOTRO and STO communities to be very mature and respectful. The same can't be said about many subscription based MMO's where the community eventually devolves into self-entitled spoiled children who think they own the game because they pay money every month. Everybody has their own personal tastes in games, and just because a MMO is F2P doesn't mean that it's bad or that it's for kids or people who can't play a sub-based MMO. Or even that when an MMO goes F2P that it has failed, DDO, LOTRO and STO have all increased their active player base by going F2P and increased revenue. One F2P which I thought was very well done was Allods Online, very much like WoW with some good game mechanics and gorgeous graphics.
  11. I have to say, adding the Same Gender Romance options to the game needs to be done right. Simply copy/pasting the current romance options over the other gender won't work for a lot off characters. As somebody posted very early on in the thread, it just doesn't seem to suit the personality of a lot of characters and while some characters seem to have that kind of personality that they'd be up for anything, many are reserved. However what I'd like to see is "companionship" options instead of outright romance. Playing a Male Trooper? Elara not floating your boat? Not gay? Have a bromance with Aric. Nothing overtly homosexual, just all that "I got your back" stuff and just 2 guys sitting in the armory sharing a beer. The full romance doesn't need to be obvious, a lot of depth and companionship can be gained simply through a close friendship. Personally what I would like to see is NPC relationships. As a Female Trooper, I've not particularly warmed up to Aric at all, it feels you have to force the relationship to start, but every time the SIS Agent on Nar Shadaar turns up he makes me flirt outrageously. Same with Sgt Jaxo, she's adorable and really feisty! So the "romance" options don't just need to have same gender options, I think it needs looked at hard and some major improvements are needed, as some romances start very easily and feel quite natural but some you really just don't feel it and then all of a sudden they're all lovey dovey with you. Even some group relationships would add a lot, and not that way, get your mind out of the gutter. But imagine you've just finished say Act 3, you've got your full party, just blew up whatever, or saved so and so or defeated the big bad boss dude. You get a nice cinematic of you sitting in the lounge of your starship or in a cantina somewhere with all your companions, sharing a drink, having a laugh and just showing you that you have a close group of friends who have your back and you have theirs. I've only played Trooper to high level, so I can't really speak about other class companions and whether this would work, but I know that my Havoc Squad is there for me and would fight the entire Empire for me. They love their Captain, just not romantically.
  12. Yeah, you go hunting for your former squad. And then actively start building your squad rahter than just picking them up as you encounter them along your story. All the Trooper companions are Troopers themselves, Arics default is the Assault Cannon, Elara uses a Pistol, which while she is a primary healer, she doesn't really come off as a Commando. M1-4X is supposedly your Ranged Tank, he's a huge robot with probably one of the most awesome personalities in game. If you are offered any customisable Droid parts from Heroic missions and there's nothing else better to take then grab them so that you can upgrade him fully when you get him. When I say that he's "supposedly" the Ranged Tank, it's because he has a cable pull which pulls the mob into melee, however this can be disabled. His Customisation options are fantastic too, he just keeps getting bigger and meaner looking. Your next companion is Tanno Vik who is supposedly the Demolitions expert. This is the bad boy of your group, he's a Melee Tank using a Techblade which a lot of players have complained about, but soldiers using Vibroswords and techblades seems to be pretty common amongst NPC's so I'm ok with it. Lastly is Yuun, who is your Tech Expert, he uses a techstave and is your Melee DPS, I've not actually gotten him yet but am in the process of getting him. All in all, the group is nicely balanced, from uptight, by the book Elara to plays by his own rules Vik. Nicely rounded off with the irrepressible M1-4X. And to be honest, most companion setups have all sorts of different classes wearing different types of armor. The Trooper group feels and looks like a proper squad of team mates. Especially when you have them in the white trooper armor with a different colour scheme for each.
  13. So it's better to wait for Curtain of Fire to proc and have FA ready to use than use it as soon as it's up? I'll give your rotation a try, to be honest mine is pretty similar but I'm not paying attention to my buff bar which I guess I really should be doing. Edit: Ok, just reading through the talents again, Curtain of Fire procs from Grav Round and CB which finishes the cooldown on FA and increases damage on the next FA. So I want to be using FA whenever I can but spamming Grav Round while it's on cooldown to proc CoF? Obviously mixing in the other stuff such as HiB and Demo Round where possible.
  14. Well, I don't do a huge amount of PvP simply because I suck at it, did in WoW do here too. When solo levelling and I come across an elite mob or champion, or even in flashpoints, I usually open with 3 Grav Rounds for the full debuff and then use HiB and then FA only using a Grav Round when the debuff is about to drop off to refresh it. I've found that my Hammer Shot is doing around 800-1000 damage in total as I crit regularly with it so I usually spam that while waiting for cooldowns, using Demo Round whenever it's off cooldown. So as Gunnery, I can only see a use for CB in PvP if interupted. Thanks for the advice guys.
  15. I heartedly agree, I've yet to come across anybody in game who's been anything but pleasant. SWTOR has had a fantastic launch, the storied levelling is wonderful and with the classic Bioware conversation system I find that even by level 5 I was deciding how my character would act and what kind of person she would be, which is incredibly rare in an MMO. All the negativity and hating going on comes from a minority of players, however these tend to be the most vocal. It's quite likely that these are the same players who were screaming at Blizzard that they were going to quit WoW and go to Rift, and then went back to WoW, and then screamed again that they were going to SWTOR if they didn't get their way. Now they're here and doing the same. You can't escape them unfortunately. However as long as Bioware continue to put the effort into this game and listen to the community as a whole when constructive feedback is given, I see a very bright future indeed for SWTOR.
  16. I'm sure this has been discussed before but I can't find anything on the forums using the search feature, yes I suck at searching. I'm a Commando 42 with Gunnery spec obviously, and since I got Grav Round I can't remember the last time I used Charged Bolts, I've not even had it on my toolbar for about 15 levels now. From what I can see, they both do almost the exact same damage, have the same cast time, same cooldown but Grav Round has the added debuff and the Charged Rounds stack. Am I missing something here and should I still be using Charged Bolts to trigger something else as for the life of me I'm just not seeing any reason to use the ability other than maybe in PvP when Grav Round is interupted.
  17. most trooper style armor (white with a color scheme) should work perfectly with this. If you're using random greens or swapped out modded Jedi armor then I guess the color scheme can go a bit screwy. But I'm really looking forward to this feature, I have a lot of Modable Chests in my bank just waiting for matching items, now I don't need to look for them, just need to wait until 1.2
  18. On my female Trooper I got the letter and the gift too, the letter invites you to a "girls night". Oh the possibilities of what could have been!
  19. Not a question I expect a clear answer on, but can you give us a rough estimation on when we can expect 1.2? Within the next month, 2 months, 6 months? It seems that 1.2 is going to be the first major patch bring a lot of new features, fixes and content. It also seems to be the patch that implements a lot of features which players feel should have been in game since the start, or are really looking forward to. So it's a pretty major patch, so just some rough time frame would be awesome.
  20. To qoute Yoda "always two there are. A Master, and an Apprentice." This is the way of the Sith, it's deadmans boots. Sidious used Dooku for what he needed which was a figurehead for the Seperatists and to lead them in the war. His objective since Ep1 was always Anakin, he knew he was the chosen one, he could probably feel the force radiating from him. But he couldn't get to him, so he befriended him whenever he could, twisting his thoughts and laying the seeds of doubt and mistrust. And then when it was time, bamn. He claimed him.
  21. I don't think I'll give this a proper go until they get all the crafting completely in place.
  22. SWG was one of the most wonderful MMO's and the biggest failure and disappointment all at the same time. It gave you the feeling of living in the SW universe. I was a Droid Engineer, didn't do combat, just got up every day, made some Droids and Flight Computers. Then went out to check my Harvester and Factory farms, took the goodies, started up new runs on the Factories and then made sure my Shop was fully stocked. I was also the mayor of the town Arch Mesa on Bria, we were just outside of Mos Espa, in amongst the big stone arches. You may have visited us, probably bought an R2 unit off me at some point for your Xwing, or a Flight Computer for your Tie Fighter. In my eyes, this is an MMO, an online world where the community makes the game. However the major flaws of SWG overshadowed everything else. The content was zero, ziltch, nada. They did Chapter 1: Cries of Alderaan and then promised more in the future continuing the story up to Empire Strikes back. It never happened. Jump to Lightspeed gave it another year of life, as it was an inspired expansion. Literally a seperate game nicely tied into SWG. Then the Combat Update came, and destroyed the economy as people were able to solo Rancor Nest missions with Doctor buffs which were originally meant to be a large group mission. The economy levelled out and all was well again. However still no content, then came the Prequel inspired expansions. Then the Force Village, where everybody could be a Jedi in a time when there were no Jedi left, or the few who were alive were in hiding. Then the dreaded New Game Enhancements, which were uncalled for, unwanted and far too little to late. If Sony had of invested in the game from the start, we'd probably be on SWG2 now with a new engine, set in a time after the movies and progressing the story on with a couple of million players still subscribing. However they did not, they released it in a state which was pretty much Alpha, with zero content, but when it became apparent that the players formed a strong community on the servers, and played it very much like a second life, they just left us to it. I miss the game dearly, I've tried the *cough* "flightless bird" and even going back to it, but it's not the same. MMO's have moved on, SWTOR is a classic example of a current style MMO and I feel Bioware have done well capturing the era and the style as they did in KOTOR. I've been enjoying SWTOR immensely the Trooper story is fantastic, would I love to be able to have my own little house somewhere in a town of other players? Yes I would, will I ever get that in SWTOR? Probably not, stuff like just doesn't happen anymore.
  23. To be honest, I was very surprised at the small amount of playable races in SWTOR. I can understand a limit on races in games such as WoW as each race has it's own starting area, zones, quests and racial abilities. However SWTOR and the Star Wars universe itself just doesn't work that way. The character models for non-playable species is already in game, they have had as much effort put into them as playable races. There's different faces, skin color, gender, even unique body type species such as Ithorians have different looks and even clothing options. This indicates that most of the species that have been listed in this poll could easily be implemented into the game without any fuss at all. Personally I'd love to see the Nautolan and Togruta available and the Cathar too. Rodians and Ithorians worked well in Galaxies and I don't see why they wouldn't in SWTOR with the exception of the voices which could be a problem. But I can see Rodian Smugglers and Bounty Hunters working really well. Also on the Romance aspect. Rodians have sucker fingers, the imagination runs wild!
  24. I used to have an awesome helmet for her which was kind of a trooper helm which was elongated at the back and a visor but her nose and mouth were visable which was great. But now I just run with no helmet on her as it kind of spoils the fact that she is a separate character with a full helmet.
  25. You've also got the costs of every Voice Actor in the game, and there's a lot of them. And I'm sure some of them were not cheap. Not 500 million, but it all adds up. Also, Bioware has said that they've got a ton of new content coming with future patches which were all worked on along side the game and will be released periodically as the game progresses, so that's a lot more development than what we actually see now.
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