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Everything posted by JaingSkiratapwns

  1. I don't expect cross server queues, but they were needed a long time ago. POT5 is dead except for at the peak of primetime.
  2. I'm not sure anything can revive interest in pvp, specifically ranked pvp, in this game. The pvp servers are at an all time low from a population standpoint, and you can go for extended periods of time without getting a queue for an arena. Bioware has ignored pvp to the point that I'm not sure what could bring people back.
  3. I'm just surprised that people are surprised by this. When bioware asks what you think they should do, they're only asking so they can do the opposite. In all honesty, pvpers are a very small minority in this game, I gave up expecting anything out of them regarding pvp a long time ago.
  4. That he's judging pvp based off of lowbies is bad enough, but this is just hilarious.
  5. The server is on life support. A month ago it was just in the nursing home, ailing, but nothing life threatening. They should honestly offer a transfer from the server.
  6. Is any class supposed to do much in 3v1 or 4v1?
  7. It may be booming with subs right now. But f2p brings in potential subscribers as well as the f2p community gobbles up micro transactions. LOTRO is a game that comes to mind for me about this, when it went f2p it had plenty of subscribers at that point of the game, opening up a f2p model brought in more people that spent on the turbine store, and some that tried it ended up subbing. Going f2p isn't a sign of whether a game is doing well or not anymore, it just makes sense from a money stand point.
  8. Ranked was dead in this game long before Wildstar came out friend. (Not talking about YOLOs)
  9. It will more than likely go free to play because they lose nothing by doing it, and potentially gain a ton of profit through micro transactions in whatever store they set up, plus there is the potential that people trying it for free will subscribe to it.
  10. Thank you. I don't know how someone could think the pvp population is the same as it was last year. Last summer we a lot of ranked teams on POT5, it takes forever to get ranked some days.
  11. That has to be the most hopeful post I have ever read. I can guarantee you that there were WAY more people pvpers last summer then so far this year.
  12. Thank you grammar Nazi. My point is they are getting destroyed by other games right now when it comes to how many players they have. Most companies would be trying to implement content into their game that would keep people/bring more people in, what has bioware done regarding this game recently? Not much, player housing was announced but got pushed back several months, and lots of cartel store additions. Actual content is pretty much non existent, it took them over a year to implement a new warzone, and then it was only a variation of a warzone that was already in the game. Oricon was the last new questing zone, and that was 9 months ago. Galactic Starfighter was no where near as successful as they hoped it would be, partly in my opinion because of how pay to win it is with starships in the cartel store.They are only focused on things that generate money, cartel packs and housing that will rack in tons of money through the cartel store exclusive items. Add it all up with new movies coming out soon and how badly this game has done overall, it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't trying to get rid of this game and start fresh with maybe a new MMO related to the new trilogy. Its not like I want SWTOR to be shut down, I've played since launch and even though I've heavily considered quitting several times, stuck with it. But the game's population is shrinking month by month, and little has been done to stop it.
  13. And here I thought que syncs were just a POT5 thing
  14. GSF was a flop, and a waste of time considering all of the other options they had for content they could have worked on instead. I've played $10 flight sim games on the Wal-Mart discount rack that were better then GSF.
  15. I think they are trying to wind the game down, maybe try and milk the cartel store for a while longer, but overall, I think there are some closed door meetings regarding getting this game out of the way for other ventures.
  16. You do realize how dead a pop every 15-25 minutes is, right?......
  17. It is if you are trying to que in the off hours. And 150ish people on the imperial fleet and less then 100 on the republic fleet at 3:00 P.M. on a Saturday is the definition of dead.
  18. Try and get a que on POT5 right now. It will take you around 30 minutes for one. The server is extremely dead right now.
  19. Pretty much, I never liked arenas a lot and haven't been active in ranked since ranked WZs were removed.
  20. If you try and cleanse PT dots, you're going to be cleansing every second, they can just reapply them.
  21. I've been complaining for years that half of the robes clip with a helmet for body type 3 males, I doubt they are going to fix this any time. Its quite annoying though, I use the gree saber too.
  22. I run madness almost exclusively and this sound right. I have no crit stats on my gear and it sits at about 22% force crit as well.
  23. The 25% damage increase to force lightning on a target affected by creeping terror is going to make me lean towards full madness over hybrid specs come the next patch.
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