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Everything posted by JaingSkiratapwns

  1. I didn't say that got anything out of it from a game advantage. I'm merely stating most pvpers I know have never bought a hypercrate. Buying the gear off the GTN is a different story. Not sure where you are going with this. I'm not referring to people who run operations, I'm referring to the casual pvers.
  2. Pretty true. I played sorc and never had an issue with it. If I was still interested in playing this game I'm sure I could hop on tomorrow and dominate with it.
  3. The lack of dedication towards class balancing, promising things and never doing it (cross server ques come to mind) and This Thread is the cause of death when it comes to pvp. You can only keep up with the FOTM for so long before it grows old. And ques taking longer and longer on your server will drive the population away as well, something that cross server ques would have fixed. Overall, a lack of interest by bioware when it comes to pvp. The pve/RP community are the people who make them money in the cartel store, not the pvpers, and honestly, I can't get to mad at that, its a business.
  4. That's because pvers make them their money, not pvpers.
  5. Its not guarding the flag carrier, someone is going to sit back and be guarding your flag the entire round.
  6. Its funny that people want CTF, but don't want a new warzone involving guarding. Hate to break it to you, but you got to guard your flag in ctf. I still wish bioware would focus on the main reason pvp is dieing, which is lack of class balancing. A new warzone would be nice and all, but it doesn't matter how many warzones there are if the people who play the game can't play the class they love.
  7. Huttball really is capture the flag, just with the option of throwing the flag to an ally.
  8. I would guess that they have left because the lack of an impact from the class rep project, plus some of them were more than likely pvpers and have quit due to lack of pvp updates. I don't know though, I haven't kept up with the class reps that much, I had a feeling it wouldn't do much.
  9. That would be nice, but its not happening. The idea has been shot down for the last couple of years now.
  10. For those wanting NPCs in warzones, that's an idea that would have worked for open world pvp, like invading cities or something, but this game's engine can't support open world pvp. NPCs in warzones would cause a lot of lag too.
  11. Did the class reps really do anything helpful?
  12. Basically, we don't want recolored obroan gear.
  13. Especially when the color costs Cartel Coins to get
  14. I doubt it, It couldn't handle Ilum pvp afterall.
  15. I have never played smash, but nice try. I play sorc, the class everyone is whining about being bad, and I do just fine.
  16. It shouldn't surprise pvpers that they don't devote time to them. Its the minority of the game. The problem is bioware has at times acted like they are interested in the pvp community, then flips them off and leaves it for months to even years at a time.
  17. Agreed. As I stated earlier, TOO LITTLE, WAY TOO LATE. Classes are still horribly unbalanced, and the next patch is just going to make things worse, or at the very least, shake up what is OP and underpowered, there hasn't been a single point in this game short of maybe 2.0 where I felt the game was fairly balanced and every class had a role in pvp.
  18. Yeah, I've lost brain cells every post of his I've read.
  19. So ranged being the only way to go when it comes to dps is balance to you? Ok..... Marauder is going to be useless, scoundrel is going to be weak without a knockdown (horribly way to handle nerfing them, should have looked at their actual damage, not their knockdown) assassin might be ok still, but then again all of the ranged have a plethora of escapes, so probably not, and powertech is outplayed by ranged as well. Meanwhile, snipers is getting a better CD with defense screen, sorc is getting a lot of QoL buffs plus access to their root breaker for every spec, and enduring bastion. Merc is getting buffs to its damage, and already has a lot of defensive cooldowns. What is melee getting? NERFS. Scoundrel and assassin are getting their knockdowns removed, and smash is getting gutted.
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