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Everything posted by Terans

  1. If I don't like doing HMs but like doing PvP should I be penalised? I want to get PvP gear in that scenario because it helps me with the part of the game I find fun. But the datacrons force me to collect them whether I like it or not. I think datacrons are a good idea but they shouldn't force players to collect them if they don't enjoy doing it.
  2. He keeps saying he'll go down with the ship. I want to scuttle my ship. I don't mind walking between planets AS LONG AS HE SHUTS UP!
  3. I want mouse over healing but even if they implemented it now I probably wouldn't use it, because I need to click on the players portrait to see how long's left on any HoTs I've put on them. They need to update the UI and allow us to track the cool down on HoT's more easily at the same time.
  4. I've got nothing against the idea behind the datacrons. I do have a problem with the fact that you have to collect them all or have a -40 stat penalty. I want to choose whether I want to collect them or not and not be penalised.
  5. I must admit I'm finding the empire side more fun to play. The starting worlds and story line seem to be better; corruscant on the republic side made me feel claustrophobic.
  6. I really don't see why players are arguing for the loading screens to stay. The possible solution to these loading screens i.e. less of them, will not effect you at all unless you want them there ofc.
  7. The worlds feel very con-straining. You can't explore properly because, 9 times out of 10, there's some huge rock or a fallen space ship in the way. You also don't get that feeling imersive feeling because there are far too many instanced zones. Getting to another planet requires you to travel through too many loading screens.
  8. You should be thanking Bioware. During that time you should be studying and not playing SWTOR.
  9. I don't mind having to wait and travel between planets/zones, it's an MMO I'm used to that. What I don't like are all the loading screens. At the moment my ship is pointless, I have to go through the tedium of multiple loading screens to click on a galaxy map to then go through more tedius loading screens to get to my destination. Why not allow us to port to our ship? We still have to go through the unnecessary loading screens getting off the ship but at least it would be half as bad.
  10. What's the argument for not having your own personnel combat log again?
  11. While I understand these maintenances need to happen, it shouldn't be as long, and it shouldn't be on a Staurday during the day. I'm a very tolerant person but this is taking the micky.
  12. If the scenes Bioware are showing aren't actual game footage then they need to say this or they could be fined. If you think they're misrepresenting the game for advertising purposes then I suggest you contact your advertising regulator. Personally I can't be bothered
  13. The amount of time to cast should be related to the amount of damage it does. If it takes a long time to cast then it should give out more damage. Same goes for stun. If it takes you 1.5 secs extra to stun then it should stun for 1.5 secs longer. Personally I don't want both sides to be exactly the same. I like the variation.
  14. Less loading screens and the ability to actually travel in my ship. So far all my ship's good for is to click on the galaxy map.
  15. The PvP waiting times. Along with the challenge that's one incentive to roll republic.
  16. I agree with the OP. Why did they design the game like this? They should have designed it in a way so that the loading screens were minimised. At the moment it's effecting the fluidity of game play by far too much. It wouldn't matter so much if my ship actually did something.
  17. I must admit the repair costs do seem a bit steep especially at end game with purples.
  18. lol Bioware at least give us a server wide channel to find groups with.
  19. It's a balancing act for me. At some point the UI will bug me so much that it will take away my enthusiasm for the game and I'll stop playing. The UI is a fundamental feature of any game. If you haven't got the UI right people will get frustrated and stop playing. Skyrim is a good example of what I'm talking about. It's a fantastic game ruined by something as simple as the UI being very poor. Bioware you really need to release an up to date UI sooner rather than later.
  20. Same. An alt on the darkside sounds more promising for me now.
  21. I wonder if they have weight watchers in the star wars universe? Perhaps you could use them.
  22. I do have a mailbox on my plane. I can receive emails pretty much anywhere I go with my mobile.
  23. A mailbox on my ship would be useful and make more sense.
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