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Everything posted by curzen

  1. game launched with too many features missing. it's extremely linear. given all the opportunities you have within the star wars universe BW wasted a lot of potential. It's not a bad game. It's also not awesome.
  2. dunno, looks like BW and this game are falling apart.
  3. they had enough time. unsubbed until 1.3 drops and will see if they deliver needed changes with that patch.
  4. "Annihilation" is a very fitting description for the state of the game as well.
  5. come back in a month or two. if they haven't fixed things by then I guess you can give up on the game entirely.
  6. duh, of course "mega servers" are merely a way to try and obfuscate the bitter news that they have no option left but to consolidate a dwindling player-base onto a very few servers. as for the OP, those numbers look believable. as a recent Fatman reroll, I'd consider the numbers on that server as they currently are to be close to the lower end of what a population size can be to guarantee short queues easy group finding and an all around good time. Which also means, I'd welcome a substantive influx of more players to that server.
  7. Lots of words were written but no actual information conveyed.
  8. I'd be bothered and see it as a strong indication that the game is withering away.
  9. ****** implementation. My high legacy toons are on a dead server. the char I level now on a high pop server gets none of the perks. If not for the population issues I'd not even level alts, making most of the legacy stuff irrelevant to me and the rest are nothing but repackaged credit sinks with an added requirement for unlocking. I actually do have an issue with the whole Legacy thing. Once the level cap is raised someone who dumped the massive amounts of time into maxing all legacy perks through alts will have extreme easy mode at leveling up. Seems to be an odd implementation. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if they retcon these perks to only work for chars up to level 50. Either way, I don't care much about Legacy.
  10. announced features with a release date would be nice. and no cutting of features hours before the deadline again!
  11. do you see all the dead and dying servers? want to run that community concept by me again?
  12. Legacy is irrelevant to me. I do not intend to level countless alts and don't have the millions of credits for the other inconsequential fluff. How could anyone think it'd be a good idea to require players to level a char to 50 to unlock a race/class combo they prefer? bad design is bad and they should feel bad.
  13. citation needed. this among other fun things had been suggested loooong before launch, but BW/EA has proven resistant to good ideas. Well, we know where that led.
  14. I don't because of the roughly 90% filler quests in this very linear game which are the same each playthrough. SWTOR is the FF13 of MMOs.
  15. you and the 4 other players on your server sure will be ecstatic
  16. WoW jumped the shark. They piled too much crap onto the game and it's gotten ugly. While swtor is a pretty bad game I got bored with other MMOs. But Secret World has me interested. Not really into fantasy stuff right now, although the MMOs intended to launch next year in that category have my attention. What I really think is foolish right now is to have delusions about huge changes to the game which would make it 'good'. It's not as if EA has qualms about gutting a game if it under-performs. But hey, swtor is doing better than that golf game...
  17. WildStar should be next in line for a scifi mmo. and as someone else mentioned the game, I'd give my left nut for a shadowrun mmo.
  18. It got better since I rerolled on Fatman. Playing IA as it's supposed to be the best story. I'll likely freeze my account until something new and exciting gets added to the game once I hit 50 with this char.
  19. The Best things in life you have to wait for you mean Elder Scrolls Online? ;D
  20. well, they are still trying to add basic functionality. There is no telling when class stories will finally get more content. I guess the game is doomed?
  21. BioWare won't do another MMO anytime soon so whether or not I trust them is a moot point. WildStar, Copernicus and Elder Scrolls Online will compete with SWTOR for my money. I'd be surprised if Bethesda ****s it up as badly as BioWare just did.
  22. so what is more likely, that they are absolutely terrible at writing press releases or that they are trying to obfuscate the negative news? I go with the latter. Although the first option would be bad as well.
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