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Everything posted by curzen

  1. laying people off is bad and means things look bad. If you have anything positive going on, like replacing people or hiring better staff, then that's what you report. Yet the best sugar coating they can do is talk about how they will continue to grow the game. I guess that dude didn't get the memo that they are bleeding subscriptions at an alarming rate.
  2. they announce layoffs and you dream about them adding new staff? let me be blunt: lol.
  3. what new content? my class story has not advanced since launch and won't be for some time.
  4. they simply failed at (among other things) being able to deliver story driven quest content. Once you hit lvl 50 and finished the class story you had beaten the game. As those class stories apparently don't continue in patch content there is less incentive to play until the next expansion.
  5. The evolution of SWTOR: Unrealistic expectations or bad company policy ? both. for the next year I'll make do with what swtor actually is and direct my unrealistic expectations towards Elder Scrolls Online.
  6. just after 1.2 and during the Plague event server pops seemed a bit more healthy. didn't pay too much attention, but the screen might have been from then.
  7. I weep silently. Or at least I did until an hour ago when I finally caved and rerolled on Fatman.
  8. I've just about had it with this game. The server I play on isn't even the worst ghost town and often lists as "Standard". I got into one warzone during the last hour. ONE. Rolling an alt earlier there were 3 other players on the starter planet. I better be able to transfer for free to Fatman or another Very Heavy server very soon or they can shove this game into a dark place.
  9. some more recolored humans, next expansion.
  10. congrats, you have encountered one of BW's design flaws where they couldn't be arsed to design eight unique classes and story lines from level 1.
  11. It took me an hour the other day to get a group for Esseles together and my server isn't even "light". Can't wait for TESO next year...
  12. BioWare is killing the game by having launched an unfinished product and still not having added the missing features half a year later.
  13. aww crap, this still isn't in the game? meh.
  14. what are those benefits? or is that the joke?
  15. because I'm used to it and it works just fine for me. I also use a two button mouse and click abilities. shocking, I know. *shrug*
  16. need carrots for later expansions. if we had 200% now they'd go to 500% in an xpac or two and such speeds would be ludicrous, thus the increase is more incremental.
  17. to be honest, there really isn't anything to do casually after 50 apart from starting a new char. Dailies for gearing up is boring as hell, my "standard" pop server doesn't form FP groups easily - took me an hour last night to finally get a group together and I really am not going to do that again, it's a waste of my time. With my new alt I treat it as a subscription based single player game until they get their @#&* together and give me a usable LFG tool and decent population, I'm concentrating on story and quests instead of leveling speed. Which for an MMO is a rather sad thing to be forced to do.
  18. I guess many of those who left were in it for a playthrough and are done. Some presumed this to be primarily a pvp game while it's not and left. Some assumed there would be a new leet raid every month and there isn't. Some thought they could easily run flashpoints on short notice and the tools and population aren't there. It seems with ranked warzones, server transfers and improved lfg at least some of that will be mitigated in the future. Should have been included when the game shipped though. But really, who cares? the game will be around for a while, is bound to improve in the near future and by the time that BW/EA shutting the game down becomes a real possibility other games will be out. As someone who likes to play an MMO I'm not concerned.
  19. I'd love if you could junk your ship droid and buy a variety of models to replace him with. The game has a wealth of fitting bipedal roughly human sized droid models already. Let Cybertechs craft them. Or just give me a variety of (crafted) customizations I can use on the ship droid to change his looks at least plus make him more universally useful.
  20. stealth doesn't equal total invisibility. if you are in front of an enemy he'll see your outline at quite some distance. it does pay off to put the points into improved stealth. Then again I don't know why I'd have to tell you this, you'll have seen it with stealthers of the opposing team. I don't know, somehow you are doing things terribly wrong or are trolling.
  21. seeing the title I thought this would be about Final Fantasy 14
  22. Scoundrel here. Scrapper is crap now and never really was any use outside of warzones and leveling. Sawbones is a pain when soloing dailies. Dirty Fighting is quite crappy too, but sadly the best of the bunch. I'll go and halfheartedly level an Inquisitor.
  23. While this game IMO badly needs more than one planet per level range I don't see that happening. Your class story quests lead you through the content making it nigh impossible to give a choice of planets to level on.
  24. BioWare CS, if you have customers like this who spam and annoy you in numerous ways about services currently under development and manage to merely not answer instead of being rude - tip of the hat to that. also means I would be terrible at customer service. toodles.
  25. OP, you are perfectly right. You are entitled to get everything served to you on a silver platter.
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