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Everything posted by Dodia

  1. That's funny, because I've had 50 sorcs kill me in under 5 seconds, and I'm 50 as well.
  2. I'm starting to agree with the OP and others who are getting critical of this game, after reaching max level myself. The pressing issues for me are: -No combat log. Hello, what were you thinking, BioWare? -Ability delay, speaks for itself. -No LFD whatsoever, not asking for a cross server one, but something better even if on the same server than the /who list would be better. I dinged 50 2 days ago and haven't been able to find a group since. -Countless amount of bugs. Encountered quite a few during an Eternity Vault attempt today. IMO, and I mean this with all respect, but there isn't much, besides the cut scenes and possibly companions that isn't in some other MMO, and even then it is missing soooo much that made other MMOs successful. I realize the game is still relatively new so I'm holding out to give it a chance, but I will stick with my $15 a month subscription because there's no way in hell I'm going to subscribe for larger increments. Remember, I say this with respect, not saying this game sucks, just plenty of stuff that needs to be fixed or added in. Especially end-game wise.
  3. Funny, everyone who plays this game is a newbie, and yet Empire still outnumbers Republic 2/3. Sorry but you have more newbs than we do
  4. Of course the Empire has more kids when 2/3 of players are Empire...yawnnnnnnn.
  5. You're right, it doesn't happen to EVERYONE, only about, I'd say, 99.99999% of healers. You alone being the sole exception, ya know.
  6. Dodia

    Arena in swtor

    Arena, if implemented WoW-style would be awful. In WoW the best gear you get from PvP is from arena and class buffs/nerfs were made around arena, potentially hurting pve (healer nerfs at the beginning of Cata for one). So if they keep rewards from ALL PvP the same and do not nerf/buff certain skills in pve just because they may be OP in arena, then hey, I could care less if they have it.
  7. People can and do fall for that sort of stuff, believe it or not.
  8. Some people are saying that a LFD, even a SAME SERVER one will destroy the community, but what community is there to be had in the first place? I was there before cross-server LFD in World of Warcraft, I was constantly harassed and trolled by the "stellar" community on the forums and sometimes in game as well. I remember a guild called RIP Co on Horde side on Elune constantly griefing their own faction, using certain potions and exploits to cause a massive amount of lag in Orgrimmar. The community on that server was awful back in TBC, at least on Horde side, was a bit better on Alliance. I was also there before cross server LFD in Rift, the community was pretty much dead already before it came out, the global 50 chat rarely had a peep in it and I played on a full server, people weren't even really looking for groups anyways, in my 2 months of playing that game before cross server LFD came out I never made a single friend, never added anyone to my buddy list, not even one! These are examples of before a cross server LFD, not even a same server LFD. I fail to see how a SAME SERVER LFD would destroy the community, a joke pretty much, since the community here is not bound to be any better than it was on WoW or Rift. At the minimum they could at least have what WoW had before cross server LFD, a flashpoint list, where you can put yourself on a list of wanting to do this and that flashpoint, that way you aren't constantly spamming general and don't have to beg that tank or healer to fill your last spot.
  9. That doesn't make the game FOR casuals either, most casual players I know still like parsers and macros, the only difference between a hardcore player and a casual one is the amount of time invested.
  10. What do damage meters and macros have to do with casual players??? As for the OP, I agree 100%.
  11. I have played Rift but not Aion or DCU and what you're saying about Rift is simply false. Rift has, at most, 1 hour downtimes, and that is usually when they want to roll out a patch. I've never experienced a downtime of more than 2 hours with Rift, and even then that was rare.
  12. 6 hour downtime is not standard whatsoever, the only other game that I'm aware of that has downtime like that is WoW, and the funny thing is, BioWare decided to do the maintenance thing with this game the SAME EXACT TIME WoW does their maintenance. Good thinking there, really.
  13. Lol, are you seriously insulting someone's intelligence when you don't even know the difference between whether and weather? Anywayssssssss, good points OP.
  14. Either you are flat out lying, or those DPSers suck beyond belief.
  15. I'm rank 20, I know, not that great, but I swear to god I NEVER see another healer on the opposing team (I'm a smuggler sawbones healer). I, like others, absolutely hate huttball, cannot keep the carrier up at all. In PvP in this game the damage output is seriously high so you have to spam your hardest hitting heals because of all the burst going out but that will lead you out of energy very very quickly, rendering you completely helpless. Hey, at least you'll regain your energy when you die shortly afterwards I'm not sure if this is normal or not but it is very VERY difficult to heal just through one dps beating on someone, what's the point of healing then? Either damage is overpowered (from certain classes at least) or healing is underpowered. I'm willing to put my bets on the former. BTW, that raid frames thing is just ridiculous.
  16. Well said, OP. This is extremely noticeable as a healer in PvP, I play a sawbones healer and sometimes I will key a heal and it will show the spell animation but the spell is actuallly not being cast. The worst is the Take Cover ability, half the time it doesn't even work irregardless of GCD, I could be keying nothing at all for a good 10 seconds and Take Cover will not work. Instead of a new Flashpoint BioWare should be working to fix the countless number of bugs in this game, some of them quite game breaking. I like the story in this game a lot, but I don't see myself playing for long if all of this continues for long. What's the most disturbing is the rabid BioDrones coming to this thread to tell us it is our computers...LOL.
  17. Included both factions? Seems lpretty major if you ask me.
  18. In-game community: Excellent, except when the planet is empty as it often is for me. Forum community: Possibly the worst ever, mostly populated by hardcore fanboys and, on the other end of the spectrum, people saying this game sucks because it is too much like WoW/not enough like WoW.
  19. I agree with the OP. I play a smuggler and it can be quite difficult to get in cover even after pressing the corresponding button repeatedly but then all of a sudden 5 seconds later I'm in cover when I am no longer trying to do so and am keying another ability. Also the lack of a combat log is quite ridiculous, that should be top priority for BioWare, along with the bugs, I haven't even seen a patch trying to rectify the numerous bugs going on?
  20. If you guys got to choose which WZ to queue for you'd start complaining hardcore about the queues if you didn't pick Huttball. Face it, you rolled an overplayed, overpopulated faction, deal with it.
  21. ITT: A bunch of DPS who think they should be able to mow down healers 1v1, even faceroll them. Healing in this game is very underwhelming, in both pve and pvp. That's all.
  22. I support a LFD system, even if it is just same-server, as I fail to see how spamming general chat fosters a great community, or how having a LFD tool destroys communities? Eventually people, especially casuals, who make up the vast majority, will tire of wasting time trying to find other players to do flashpoints with through general chat or /who (lol? that is awful imo) and will quit the game. This game will start to bleed in a few months if they don't implement some sort of LFD tool or system.
  23. Lol, why are there queues at 9 am is what I want to know? But in all honesty, BioWare should just lock the full servers. Would help a lot
  24. It doesn't even work half the time, it just appears like any other dance. What a waste of a social ability imo.
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