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Everything posted by Khabarach

  1. It works the same way, even without the stun talent. Personally I prefer it like this. It means that if, for example, a sorc is sprinting and we hit force charge, it'll root them where we first press charge, rather than when we reach them at which point they would have gained 10-20 yards. It also makes immobilizing people in fire pits much easier as you can just hit charge as soon as they first step onto the fire pit and they'll be guaranteed to be caught. Without it, there's a good chance they'd be over the firepit by the time we reach them.
  2. There's a thread stickied here at the top of the Juggernaut forum with suggested levelling builds and other useful stuff. Good place to start out in any case.
  3. The objective scores are worthless. As an example, in Huttball, capping gives you 0 score.
  4. The commendation cost assumes you've been pvp'ing prior to level 20. If you did, you'd have enough commendations for most if not all of the gear once you do hit 20.
  5. What false claims? Every class has Force/Tech attacks which bypass Defense and Shield. The ones that do use melee/ranged attacks more are Jugg/Mara/Sniper/Assassin. The current 'fotm' PvP DPS spec for Jugg and Mara is Rage, which relies much more on force attacks than the other trees. That leaves Snipers (who can spec into Engineering/Lethality for more Tech attacks) and Assassins.
  6. I'm a Jugg. I regularly defend against this. There's only a limited range which the ball carrier can throw to. Stand far enough back from the edge to not be charged and just follow the ball carrier left/right. As soon as the person unstealths, Force Charge (which roots them), then Force Push them off your endzone and straight back into the pit. You've plenty of time to do it, in fact a couple of times I've been quick enough to actually get the Force Push off before the ball even lands, hence it drops directly to me.
  7. That's debatable and will depend on how you play. Which is fine. Killing things is not the focus of the Immortal tree. Winning objectives on the other hand, is. The only time that I wouldn't be using my AoE taunt on CD is when I'm defending a node in Alderaan which nobody is currently attacking. In that situation, your increased damage from Vengeance is just as useless. I'd disagree, in PvP damage patterns are never constant. You will have burst moments with 3/4 people trying to get you down. This is why Invincible shines. Aside from all that, simply put, there is no better Huttball ball carrier than an Immortal Jugg with Unstoppable.
  8. Or you could just pick up Unstoppable in your Immortal build... You still miss out: Backhand Stun Force Choke stun 30s CD reduction on your CC breaker 15s CD reduction on your AoE taunt 15s CD reduction on your Force Push 50% increased duration for Endure Pain Damage bubble every 12 seconds 40% damage reduction talent 4% damage reduction for Internal/Elemental All while still picking up Unstoppable. Your claim that Immortal is awful for PvP is fairly ludicrous.
  9. Indeed. I did a WZ last night on my Sorc Alt (level 21) and there were no less than 8 concealment Operatives and 5 mercs there. Given that I was the only healer, it was constant faceplanting and tracer missile explosions. I spent half of the time face down in the dirt, the other half in the rez area.
  10. Hence why you try to time it with Intercede to get you back in range immediately. I'd argue that in group play, stopping them is easily good enough. For example in a 4v4 situation where both sides have a healer, if you can focus and lock down their healer on your own, then you've basically won. You probably wont kill them solo, but between stuns etc. you can usually do enough damage that any healing they will do will need to be on themselves. There aren't a whole lot of other classes that can do that.
  11. I think you may be referring to this comparison with PT and Jugg: http://blackrabbit2999.blogspot.com/2012/01/swtor-juggernaut-versus-powertech.html
  12. Go into your graphical settings and reduce things things like the texture quality. Less info loaded from disc = less load time.
  13. The trinity is definitely in SWTOR. If (like myself) you aren't a big fan of the DPS end of things, try picking a Healer or Tank role. Healers in particular tend to be a lot more dynamic than the other roles as typically every fight is different as to who takes damage when. There's the legacy system which gives you Legacy levels across all characters. There's also Valour (pvp) rank and the usual gear level progression too. Largely, as much as you want there to be. It's definitely viable to level solo if you want, however from level 10 there's pvp and flashpoints available all the way to max, as well as heroid 2/4 people quests on all planets. There's also your social level which promotes grouping. Basically for all of the dialogue you take part in while in a group, it'll give you social points toward your social level. You can get various gear from social vendors based on this.
  14. For 'big numbers' dps, Rage. For utility/objectives Immortal.
  15. Some attacks bypassing defensive stats is fine, in fact it's what already happens with Armour. 80-90% of attacks bypassing defensive stats isn't fine and it's where we stand now with Def and Shield.
  16. I'd disagree. Personally I don't think the full 31 points in Immortal is worth it. If you are going to go for an 'objective' based build (which is essentially what the Immortal tree is for), then Unstoppable is Incredibly good and I'd easily value it over Crushing Blow. Even ignoring the Huttball utility of Unstoppable, if you use force charge and force push on cooldown, it basically makes you immune to cc for roughly 30% of the battle, as well as reducing your damage taken by 20% for that time period.
  17. How do you manage that if you are in the corridor before the final room of Voidstar? It's a single choke point where if you stand in the middle it's impossible to get past you without being within 5m at some point. The only counter to it are classes who can charge someone who is past the Jugg spamming it. Actually, it isn't true. People in this thread are missing a key fact about Chilling Scream. Not only does it hit people who are in stealth, it also lowers their stealth level. It won't take them out of stealth completely, but it will make them visible as if they had wandered directly into your line of sight. It's extremely difficult for an Assassin/Operative to get a jump on an anyway decent Jugg that's not already in combat. If you kick an Op out of stealth before he can open on you, then quite framkly, he's f'ed.
  18. Negative. PvP would then be dominated by the hardcore raiders as it'd be by far the best gear to have.
  19. It counts as the same area, you'll die if you have the ball there too.
  20. That doesn't really solve anything. All that'll happen is people will queue in the first queue with full Rakata raid gear and destroy the lower levels just as much as the expertise people do.
  21. Perhaps it's just different playstyles then. I tend to always run and play as a tank, so regularly (and quite often deliberately) end up outnumbered while attacking/defending a node in Voidstar/Alderaan. One of my favourite moves is charging the ranged (who inevitably are clumped), taunting, then interceding back to my healer. It heals me for 3k, and reduces the ranged damage by 50% to both me and the healer. The extra 1s on Choke is nice alright, but can be achieved by keeping 2 piece of the tank set and swapping out the mods.
  22. I'm afraid this is completely and utterly incorrect. It's been known for a good while that tanking stats in PvP are extremely lacklustre. For a bit more info, read this. You are pretty much better off wearing DPS gear regardless of spec, though keeping some of the End heavy bits and swapping the mods out might be preferrable if you tank a lot,
  23. Not a bad build, but there's a couple of things I'd question. First off, quake is pretty much worthless. When taking damage, the first combat roll is their Accuracy vs your defense. This means that Quake and Guard Stance essentially do the same thing. Guard Stance isn't a whole lot better than quake, but given how awkward smash is to apply reliably (especially as one of the few classes it'll make a difference with is ranged), the flat 4% is definitely better than an extremely situational 5%. The same applies to Revenge, the rage savings are incredibly minimal due to how rare that parrying etc. happens. As above too, I'd avoid crash as it's very counterproductive to have. Personally I run with a 'full tank' build which takes unstoppable. Gear wise I'm slightly mixed, lots of dps gear, but I keep the end heavy tank stuff such as the saber and make sure to keep 2 piece tank for the set bonus, though I swap out the mods.
  24. You do indeed take the fall damage. You can test this easily with intercede actually. Start from the VIP area in the fleet, jump off and intercede someone when you get close to the bottom. You'll actually move horizontally to where they are standing, then die on the spot. I spent a lot of time doing this while queuing for warzones late at night. It tends to confuse the person you interceded to a lot. Actually, there is, but it's awkward to do. If you accept a warzone invite while in mid air, when you leave the WZ, you'll end up standing on the ground below where you accepted it. This may seem fairly useless at first, but it's allowed me to reach and wander around the 'bottom' of the outer ring of the fleet without dying.
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