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Everything posted by alifaraaz

  1. True, they havn't explicitly said it will be 63 items, but that makes the most sense doesn't it? Columi was 56, Rakata 58, Then jumping to Tier 2, Campaign 61 and so the obvious next step is the 63 datamined items. But yes you're right, we dont "know", but it's a pretty safe bet. There were also the 65 rank datamined armour pieces too. The quote I could find: "I talked to David Hunt (Systems Designer), and he shed some light upcoming gear. He said that (for PvE), Terror from Beyond's Hard Mode will include a new set of gear that is a sub-tier of the larger tier that started with Campaign gear. It will also have non-slot restricted armornings. Nightmare Explosive Conflict will speed up the acquisition of the new set and provides new challenges for Operation groups." Again this isn't concrete fact, but we can infer from the quote that Terror HM will be dropping the next set after Campaign. And the same set will be dropped in EC Nightmare. As it says speed up the acquisition, suggesting any gear in Terror HM may also be found in EC Nightmare. Again the 63 Denova set may have been scrapped, or renamed, as having a set called Denova dropping from Terror HM is a bit weird? But it's clearly the set that was created with the idea in mind of it dropping in EC Nightmare. And then maybe the Legionnaire/Warstalker (65) items will drop in Terror Nightmare once its released. Since it would sort of make sense: Tier 1: Tionese(51), Columi(56), Rakata(58) Tier 2: Campaign(61), Denova/Hazmat(63), Legionnaire/Warstalker(65) Still we can argue over the assumptions all day, they are still assumptions. Some obvious, some not so obvious. We won't find out till they either reply, or most likely, release Terror onto PTS. I would like to keep this thread going over hope of some word on it though No news yet, but I'm guessing they are busy with internal testing and cant quite give us an ETA as to when itll be ready for public PTS.
  2. Which part? Erm have a read through the Dev Tracker. Its possible my memory's being a bit fudged, or maybe I've assumed meaning from the Devs words incorrectly. (Posting from phone so cba looking them up ) Edit: if you mean about the gear. Then yeah it could be like legs gloves boots offhand dropping in EC Nightmare and the rest in Terror HM, like how EV and KP were, or it could just be all the same drops. I guess well just have to wait and see
  3. Not to be rude, but this kinda could have just been posted in the thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=524858 Since BW are supposedly reading that thread too ^^ And also, they said Multi-spec is on the to do list, but no ETA i.e. Not a priority atm. Infact it may end up being in the cash shop (my opinion) Additional character slots, again i think they said that is coming in future, but again I suspect it will be something you will have to purchase. As for Voss, maybe they didn't choose them since they play a part in the general story of the game about who the Voss align with. So it might not go wel with the story if there's Voss in both Empire and Republic side. Still I'm sure they could work some story around that. But there's also the fact that people complained saying they dont just want more coloured humans, but some different races. Which may be one of the reasons Cathar was chosen, the general models arnt too different, just their facial structure a bit.
  4. lol wow yours are actually quite bad. I've had a few in the past, usually all in PUGs where they didn't want my class cause they had some already. Such as the other day. Some pug doing KP SM needed any dps they said. So I said I could come as a marauder if they like. Dont need any gear just after the Blackhole comms. To which they told me no Marauder. I asked why, do you need ranged dps specifically? And i just got ignored 8-)
  5. Its not without its flaws, but it's fun for me too I understand that some might not like it, but doesn't mean they have to go nuts and start flaming. Glad you're enjoying it too. There was a thread the other day about some guy who quit because of all the news and bad press the game had, and felt there was no hope left. But they he saw sense and realised he was and still is having fun playing, both him and wife, so he resubbed. People really should just calm down and stop with the nonsense. If you like it, play it. If you dont, dont. if you want to like it buy arn't liking it, post some genuine contructive criticisms instead of acting like children.
  6. Its karma for all the people hating on gw2 instead of just playing the game they love Now look what theyve done!
  7. Yeah they said Terror will be coming first. Terror Storymode will drop Campaign/Blackhole Terror HM will drop the New tier 63 items. And yeah EC Nightmare will also drop 63 items and will be used as an alternative source for the next Set, as well as being a challenge. Edit: Also received a tweet from one of the Community team saying there's no news yet :< Hope we hear something soon!
  8. I'm not sure why you're struggling, since well we usually kill Toth first and then Zorn, but we've also done the bring them down to 0% at the same time, which we found to be a bit more hectic but doable. Are you sure you're not hitting the Hard Enrage (when the boss goes red) at the last few seconds causing him to wipe everyone? Because although Zorn does start doing a lot more damage after Toth dies, it shouldn't be killing everyone like that everytime. It has happened to us, but most of the time, Toth dies, I'm usually tanking Zorn at this point, I pop any remaining cooldowns and the dps finish off Zorn. Occasionally we hit the enrage timer too, at which point when the boss goes red, if I was tanking Zorn I just start running and kiting him in a nice big circle so that the ranged can dps him down before he kills everyone. Hope that helps, but really, I think you just need to keep having at it. We struggled on that last 10% phase for a good week or so before eventually getting them down. And after that we've rarely had issues.
  9. For the Hardmode Flashpoints? Yeah it's limited to 4 taking 16 people there would be madness!
  10. This happened a few times before with other threads. I don't know if its them posting and then pulling the info away or if its just an occasional bug. But both times before the yellow post appeared like a week later XD so keep an eye out I guess.
  11. Yeah I have seen this before. I've personally never used it, but I saw a video of it months ago. Might actually have to give it a go next week.
  12. Nice vids ^^ I thought about compiling a list of tanking videos for all the bosses, but unfortunately my PC is too crap to run the game and recording while raiding without it becoming very choppy.
  13. They kinda should, they can learn a lot from it in order to improve swtor =] Also yeah a day like this, but Tusday is the official release date, today's just the prepurchase headstart people.
  14. Taris....oh I hate you Taris, I hate every moment I spend on Taris.
  15. Most likely content updates, they may not even be released at the same time. For example, the Operation and WZ that was previously shown in the same videos as Makeb and the Cathar, well the Operation is planned to be released next month, and the WZ most likely in November. I would imagine the Cathar and Makeb may be released say time as F2P in Nov/Dec. A new event is also planned for January.
  16. Thats one of the other perks of LI. You can't always get a raid together to test new guild members, but their performance in LI hm is always a good indication of what they'll be like raiding EC hm. Actually recruited a good handful of people after running LI hm with me and 1 or 2 guildies and inviting them to apply if they're interested in raiding.
  17. A more realistic approach would be turning it into WZ. But it would pretty much just be team deathmatch inside a Jedi temple So what seems awesome in your mind, doesn't always play out as awesome in a practical point of view. It could be done, have checkpoints of sorts, storming the entrance, making your way to the chambers or whatever.
  18. Yeah, what the other guy said - pretty sure the general story of the Event continues in the next content. I'm quite sure the Ancient Hypergates (next WZ) is ancient Gree technology. Not sure about Terror from Beyond, that's continung Dread Masters story, but may have something to do with ancient Gree stuff too.
  19. Or just play 2 MMOs at once if nothing else tickles your fancy surely then you'll have enough content to chew on
  20. Dont forget though, it's in Group Finder but its 5 commendation reward is SHARED between the Tier 1 HM Flashpoints too. The very reason it has been seperated is so that people can still get their 5 daily Black Hole comms without accidentally landing themselves in LI HM. A great team of guildmembers could do it Tionese, a good team in Columi, a decent team/PUG in Mixed Columi/Rakata and a below average team could do it in Rakata or higher.
  21. Their biggest worry is losing PvE players to MoP, hence the timing of trying to release Terror from Beyond in September. As for GW2, a PvP orientated game, the new WZ aint ready, and wont be ready before like November. Other than those 2 things, what magical special content could you expect on Tuesday? That and maybe they decided to skip it cause a) Not needed this week. b) If servers are up, people are less likely to go to the shop and pick up GW2. Those who really wanna play gw2 will play it anyways. Those who are curious, would be more curious if their usual MMO was down for maintenance that evening. End of the day, even if Terror has been planned for release to combat MoP, things shouldn't be released early or held back late just to combat the release of a game. Cause chances are those we want to check it out will check it out regardless of what's going on here. Some will return, some wont.
  22. My guess is it will linger on. Regardless of I how I feel about it (enjoying it a fair bit) its taken massive hits. I expect it to follow a similar path to lotro after its f2p, I.e a ton of content quickly released to attract people, and then it will slow down again to a somewhat normal pace. What I hope is that they'd also learn from lotro mistakes and their own mistakes, but only time will tell. I don't expect the game to fully, die, but I don't expect it to explode and become awesome. I imagine number of players will probably settle around 1 million once f2p arrives, maybe a bit higher. And about 30% of them paying either a sub or over $15 worth of stuff a month, keeping the game going.
  23. Joined in early 2010 but was following the general progress of the game since it was announced. Infact at the time, I was kinda bummed out. I was still playing and loving WoW, I couldn't see myself having time for 2 MMOs and was gutted that they didn't decide to make KoToR3. However as the years passed, and I got bored of WoW - I got more and more excited of the prospect of SWToR. I considered going back to WoW both about 6 months before its release in early 2011 and last month. But no, I can't see myself ever going back to it now, it needs to be left alone to die so that Blizzard can work harder on Titan. As for SWToR, I'm still enjoying it enough to keep playing. Unless it truly dies, or something much better comes along, I'm here for the long haul. All the changes in MoP don't seem all that great, the new content looks alright, and well the only new thing that seems awesome is their new Challenge Mode. GW2 doesn't interest me as I generally prefer PvE over PvP. So yeah I'm here, I'm no loyal dog, I see its flaws, but I also see it's good side, and its enough to keep me happily paying for a Sub, and will continue to sub after F2P unless it really hits the fan.
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