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Everything posted by hippiechick

  1. I thought the Imperial Agent story line was incredible. And the Inquisitor ome to be hilariously entertaining (no spoiler but I LOVE Khems part in it). M
  2. Yeah Ive lost more than that many times lol. We wont discuss it further, it causes me stress...... M
  3. I played a game called Asherons Call. It was THE best game I ever played and one of the reasons was that gear had NOTHING to do with it. Yes you COULD get the best chest piece ever but you had the same chance of getting it as anyone else as it was a random loot drop off ANY mob that you tinked up. Some of the quest gear was pretty good too and ANY one could get it. But you didnt need ANY of it to play the game. In fact we used to do naked runs just for the fun of it. Yes we died, yes it was harder, but it could be done. Ahhh the memories. I sure loved that game. And I hate the gear grind in games too btw lol. M
  4. /signed With the race/class possibilities and the fact that the game really supports alts IF they are on the same server, they NEED more char slots. OR let the Legacy benefits cross servers. Either works for me. M
  5. I came over here from WoW with 20 or so (maybe more, not less) people from WoW. When we first got here people were STOKED. Many unsubbed WoW for this game (I did not, I know better). Less than two months in every single one of them was gone except for me. Why? They did not zerg, most took their time leveling the best they could (leveling is fast no matter what you do). They didnt spam content, in fact most left without having set foot in a single raid and with a good share of the FPs left untouched. They left for two reasons: Boredom with the repetitious leveling and inability to get groups together for the remaining content they had yet to see. Simple as that. BW cant merge these servers fast enough. In hind sight they never should have folded in the first place and made more servers ,,but once they did they should have been prepared and willing to merge them as needed. If they wait til the next patch to merge they will find themselves with very few people to merge FOR. The leveling experience, although rich and great fun, is too repetitious to keep people rolling alts. Whats left is the group content (ie: flashpoints and ops, PvP activities, etc). They need to merge servers so people can complete that group content, simple as that. They are a day late and a dollar short ALREADY on it. Wake up BW and DO it. M
  6. Although I love the OPTION to do this (sometimes its nice to have a higher level come and just take you through the thing so make it an option) I dont see it helping much with the grouping problems on SWTOR. I tried my heart out to get help from ANY one on the group quests to no avail. Finally about a month ago I gave up and just wait until I can solo them. But NO one would help me, low or high level. /shrug M
  7. Ive said this before in these forums but this seems like a good place to repeat it... I watched the guild summit, every minute of it. They stated that they are watching the economy closely and that 82% of the population has less than a million credits. Then they proceed to make the legacy stuff so expensive that you have to have several million to buy all of it. You have to have a couple of million to buy "some" of it. Less than a million? That doesnt get you much. I am one of those people in the 82% bracket. I will never have time to grind out enough credits to get ALL the stuff, so fine, I can live with that. What I am having a hard time with though is that I probably wont see ANY of it. Maybe one or two things. I am a SWTOR lover. I have an absolute blast playing this game despite the few things that bug me. The linear questing most notably. But the price of Legacy stuff is making me actually consider unsubbing, I am going to finish the chars I have started then rethink my position on how long I plan to sub to this game. It was definitely longer when I thought I could take advantage of at least SOME of the Legacy stuff. Sorry but I am just not a grinder. I dont mind working for things in a game but I can NOT go grind out the credits it will take to get the things I want from the Legacy system and call it fun. They screwed the pooch again IMO.. M PS They DID lead us to believe that it would take EITHER credtis or Legacy to obtain this stuff. I dont mind doing what it takes to get my legacy up but I DO mind grinding for creds. A lot of people who play like I do feel the same. I dont care if it takes me a month to gain one Legacy level because I dont have as much time to play as some others do. But I DO mind having to grind out stuff I dont enjoy (dailies for example) to earn credits to BUY the stuff. Hate me all you want for it, but I was simply expecting them to stick to what they said. M
  8. This is a terrific idea to help ease the plight of the casual player and also to help with how difficult it is to get groups up for a lot of the Heroic quests while leveling. I hope BW is listening because this idea is brilliant! Hire this guy! M
  9. The Republic legacy vendor can be found on Coruscant (Master Khovari) in the Senate Commercial District:
  10. I almost DIDNT play because it is Star Wars. Im not big on SciFi and the only thing I knew about SW before I played this was that Luke Skywalker is a good dood and Darth Vador is a mean dood. I now know better and know a LOT about the story lol. But yeah, I have a blast in it and Ill be here a while. M
  11. The problem is so bad that I have stopped trying. I have a pretty good system down for soloing the heroic quests. I know when to go back to each planet to get them done and have quite a routine down. (I insist on finishing all the quests as well). Im NOT an advocate for dumbing down content, in fact Im very against it, but in this case I HIGHLY recommend they make the quests all soloable. People zerg through leveling and it just wouldnt hurt. WoW did it, SWTOR needs to. M
  12. I know this is already posted on but the thread is so long I am sure this will be buried. A friend of mine was talking to me the other day and saying how he hadnt got his free time yet. So I got to thinking and had him go check and sure enough, he HAD gotten it, he just wasnt looking in the right place. If you look at your Payment HIstory and are looking at the list and looking for a big FREE, it wont happen. You need to look at your last/next billing date. For example, I was last billed on April 18th and my next billing date is June 18th instead of May 18th. I just wanted to share this in case some one other than my friend missed this and thinks they havent got their free time yet when in fact they have. Thanks, M
  13. Im sorry, I really liked this game. But Im going to have to unsub if PANDAS are not implemented by midnight Sunday night/Monday morning. How can you release a game without Pandas and call it a finished product? If the Pandas arent here by my deadline Im GONE and I wont be back until they are here. Love, An Ex Loyal Customer/Panda lover.
  14. Yes I have played other games (many, many other games) and yes I have seen worse, BUT... The downtime lately is really getting bad. This last week I spent only a few hours gaming because my play time coincides with their downtimes as of late. I was barely able to get a pet for one of my characters from the event and wasnt able to participate in the rest of the event because I missed a day due to downtime. It seems like every time I log on, as I just did, I see another message about yet more downtime. I realize what it is for and I understand "scheduled maintenance" and all of that. No matter how you justify it there has been a LOT of downtime recently (since 1.2) and I am miffed because I cant play SWTOR! /end vent M
  15. The answer is simple: Before WoW (sorry lol) the gaming community was a small, pretty tight knit, group of gamers who were pretty dedicated to gaming. WoW gave gaming to the masses. Every one from 5 year old kids to 95 year old grammas play them now. These people in no way shape or form play like that original group of gamers did. They want things easy. And they want them now. Can you imagine what would happen if it took a year or more just to reach cap lvl only to have to spend another year or more to fully develop that char like we used to have to do back when it all started? Games were HARD. You actually lost your stuff when you died, and lost xp, and had to work to get it back. There were no summons, you RAN to where you wanted to go. And if you died? You HAD to run back to get your gear back. Most of the gamers today have no idea what hard is, yet they want it EASIER. The players changed, simple as that. M
  16. Go to your UI Editor and choose "Default" in the drop down menu. Load it, hit "apply" and done. M
  17. YOU are whats missing. When you first logged into that first game you were awestruck by the whole thing. You felt overwhelmed and lost and even scared (remember Son of Arugal?). But over the years you got better at this. You have seen some, or maybe a lot, of worlds and just arent taken away like you used to be. Quite simply, we are "seasoned gamers" now and it would take something pretty huge to shock and awe us at this point.. M
  18. I also have a ton of fun in swtor. I dont like some things but I like many many more than I dislike. I took my time from the start, my first 50 was a couple of months into the game and I just got my second the other day. Im in no hurry to do everything and I think thats the secret to any game really. The people who zerg them get bored, I dont, YAY me! Over all I think BW did an amazing job on this game. M
  19. This is not true and it bothered me when BW made this claim in the pre 1.2 video that they made. Lotro has a "legacy" system of sorts. It is called a "Family Tree". You can adopt other people or BE adopted up to I think 24 generations of family. This includes characters NOT on your account, so you can adopt, or be adopted by, your friends. In addition you can write a "Bio" for each of your chars in which you can further detail your relationships to your "family" members. It is not as extensive or complete as it could be, but it does exist, and its a really fun feature of the game. I cant stand it when any company, gaming or otherwise, makes claims that simply arent true. The LOTRO family system is a LOT like the legacy system here on its face (you cant share abilities and such) and does exist. So saying no game has it is blatantly ignorant. M Info about the LOTRO system: http://www.thebrasse.com/lotro/family.php
  20. I absolutely loved this effect. Bring it back! /sign M
  21. I hadnt seen your post until after I made a thread on the exact same subject. As I said in my thread, some classes arent so bad, but my Operative in particular has absolutely ZERO slots left for ANY extras. Im going to have to sacrifice some lesser used abilities to get a mount up on the bar and maybe a stim or something. Bummer really. M
  22. With the addition of the new legacy abilities I no longer have enough slots to hot bar any extra things. Extras to me means things like mounts, fleet pass, stims, etc. My Inquisitor is okay with even a few empty slots. My Operative? Totally full, every single slot. I COULD, and probably will, take out the two revives and sprint to add a mount and stim or something but I shouldnt have to do this. Please, for the love of all that is holy, give us another bar or more slots in the ones we have. Thank you. M
  23. That other game that we dont mention finally raised it to 40 after many complaints, and it was the right thing to do. It needs raised here big time. I complete each and every quest on every char I roll. Sometimes I cant find a group for the heroic quests right away so I just move on. I come back periodically to try to find a group and get them done but in the meantime my log gets full. Its a problem. Im constantly juggling quests and have a list of the ones I couidnt pick up on each char and where to get them so I can go back to do them. It would be much better if my list was on my char instead of a word document. Please raise the cap.. M
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