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Everything posted by hippiechick

  1. You do not need more than one computer to box in swtor. I dont know if it is legal to say the names of the proggies out there that allow you to use one computer so I wont, but they are out there. Ive boxed every game I have played, and I have played a lot of them, and I do it very differently than most. I have rules, strict ones. They are as follows; I never ever use a program to operate any char. I also use minimal macros, usually just a /follow one, IF the game I am in allows macros. Each char runs independently and I operate them both, myself. I do NOT leech. Not rep gains, not xp, not quest item count, nothing. Each character must contribute considerably to the task at hand (healing counts). If the other char cant contribute due to whatever reason then they dont get anything. I will degroup them or park them out of range. I am always polite about the fact that I am boxing. I dont PvP and I dont do dungeons or raids expecting other people to deal with my boxing. The only time I do group with others is like if I see someone asking for help on something in which case I will /t them and offer to help them and let them know I am boxng. If they have a problem with the boxing I will dump a char to go help them. Most of the time they dont mind. Also a lot of my friends know I box and are more than ok with it, they actually take advantage of my ability to play more than one char at a time to complete more difficult quests and kill tougher mobs. The point of it all for me isnt to make money, or exploit anything, or show off or anything like that. For me it is about mastering the art of playing more than one character at a time and being able to complete group content with them. Its rewarding and fun. Please do not assume that all boxers are show off botters. There are more people like me out there than you realize. M
  2. Im going to agree with AshlaBoga which also requires me to eat my hat. I was sure that F2P was going to totally ruin the community in this game as it has in so many before but it only marginally lowered it. Im surprised actually. Most of the F2Pers I have encountered have been awesome. M
  3. This... WoW and Tera both have had more people on over the holidays. So um, yeah, what this guy said. M
  4. I have level capped all but one class which I am currently working on and maxxed all of their companions affection. I have never done an OP and I have never done a lvl 50 FP. I have SO much that I still want to do, including the aforementioned OPs and FPs and I am a LONG way from bored. I am fully aware of the flaws in this game and I am always ready to state my opinion on them, but I also have such a good time playing it and I have no problem letting people know about all the GOOD things to be had in SWTOR. Fun game over all! M
  5. Ive been saying it for a long time and in fact did last night in another thread, the genre is old and people want something new. They will play around with the available games because that is all there is to play but they all want something new, different, big. Someday someone will put out "the" game, I have a feeling that someone will be Blizzard. People are bored and NO game will make them happy under the current model. We need something NEW. M
  6. I dont care what they give away but it has been my experience that the one thing that makes F2P successful is making the F2P ppl pay for content. Giving the story away and giving the planets away was a mistake IMO. M
  7. They have the wrong things on the cartel for F2P. They should lock out the story line and planets and stuff like that, actual content, and give them the quick bars and hood down and stuff like that for free. Dont get me wrong I HATE most f2p models, but the ones that seem to work are the ones that unsubbed people have to pay for the actual game itself not the stuff IN it. Like zones and stuff. So, make it so they have to buy WZ etc but once they do they have FULL access. M
  8. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my hands are severely deformed from it. And I raid. And I listen to people complain about how much I suck at getting out of the fire or how often I miss a heal or how low my DPS is. And I dont care. The people who judge others based on how well or badly they play a game have a special place on my $**Y list and I have absolutely no respect for them. My hands are in horrible pain and I cant bend/unbend most of my fingers. My sucking at gaming is the least of my worries. You go girl, play however you want to. Click all day long if it is how you are comfortable. M
  9. I actually agree with you but its just the way gamers game these days. Gone are the days when it took months, maybe even a year or more, to level cap a char. I remember years ago when I was playing Asheron's Call. It could take literally years to cap a char. When I capped my first char (it took 9 months which was pretty darn fast back then) my husband and son brought out a cake with candles on it, it was THAT big of a deal. Today people just want to zerg through everything to get to the end. WoW changed gaming forever in more ways than one. Both in good ways and bad ways. One of the things it did was it brought SO many people to the world of gaming who may never have gone there if it werent for WoW. Before WoW the gaming community was a really small, tight knit group of people. Since WoW every one and their grandmother are playing these things. It is what it is. You cant un ring the bell and "easy/fast leveling" is now the norm. M
  10. This actually happened in LOTRO when it first went F2P. Theyll fix it, hang in there. Its just not updating properly is all. M
  11. Dear People and other species, Since the first time I heard about this game from my son I was excited and couldnt wait to play it. I followed it eagerly, watched its progress and as the release date approached I was almost giddy about it all! Yeah, it had, heck it still has, some things that are disappointing, all games do. There are some things I wanted that never came, and things I hate that wont go away. But over all this is a good game. In the past I have been critical, never afraid to state my opinion about the things that are wrong with the game, at least wrong in my opinion, which is the only one that matters to me lol. But I played it. And I am going to keep playing it for a while longer despite my earlier statement to the contrary. My goal was to level cap each race and complete all the companion story lines and I still have one to go. After that? Well, I dont know. Regardless of all of my rantings with no point, much like this one, I just really hope the F2P thing goes well for SWTOR. With utmost sincerity I wish BW/EA/SWTOR the very best with this effort. Only time will tell but if we all send a little good mojo their way maybe this game will continue on for a very long time. M
  12. Merrydeth Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Pyroteech A song by Blind Faith, done even better later by Steve Winwood called "Cant Find My Way Home" (Eric Clapton also did it. Both Eric and Steve were part of Blind Faith) M
  13. I actually agree with you. I think that "mirroring" them was lazy, and they could have done SO much better. Yes, Id like each class to be different and have something special that they, and only they, bring to the table. M
  14. Im lvling a Pyro right now, she is 44, and all I do is grab Torian Cadera and muscle my way through just about anything in the game. If I fail it once or twice I switch to Mako but I havent had to do this very often. I am using simply quest gear and random loot drops I have found along the way and and I am by no stretch of the word a "good" player. In fact I pretty much suck. What rotation do I use? Whatever is lit up at the moment. Seriously, I suck that bad. I have no trouble taking gold mobs/class quest boss mobs down. What it sounds like to me is that you dont like that char and it is effecting EVERYthing you do with it. So really, just switch to a char you like more. Problem solved! M
  15. First of all what server are you on? I have a ton of blue/purple/orange gear that I can send your way if you are on Shadowlands. Ok on to your questions, the ones I can answer anyway: 2.my armor is pretty weak where should I be to try and get better armor? I know I could buy some from vendors but I don't have that much money yet. Look me up on Shadowlands (Merrydeth) and/or follow the advice of the other people here but I would like to tell you that as you level you will get drops and quest rewards that are plenty strong enough to play through the entire game. I have had no problem getting any of my chars to 50 without using ANY gear other than what I got off mobs and from quests. Also, someone in your guild may be able to craft you some and you yourself can take on the right crew skill (Armormech for gear with Aim/Cunning as the main stat, Synthweaving for gear with Strength/Willpower as the main stat). In addition to using only dropped/quested gear on several chars I also have chars that leveled to 50 using primarily gear that I crafted for myself. If you keep your crew skill leveled properly as you go it will yield adequate gear for you to level with. 3.any missions or quests should I be doing before continuing the main story line? My advice is that you do every single quest you can get your hands on, bonus quests included. There are stories involved in them and also it is more xp for you! Your main story line is important, so be sure to do that too. 5.will I get to choose a color of the light saber energy? Yes. Color crystals can be bought off the GTN, or made by Artificers, and the harder to get colors like Magenta and Purple you will have to ask the more advanced people here how to get. 6.when and how do I get a ship? Follow your class story line. You will get your ship around level 16. 7. Do my companions come with the story line or are there side missions I get them from? Your class story line is also where you will get your companions, a total of 5 (6 counting your ship droid). Dont forget to raise their affection with conversation responses and gifts. They have their own story lines too and you can even marry one! Again, if you are on Shadowlands holler at me on Merrydeth Ill be on for the next couple of hours. M
  16. I knew absolutely nothing about Star Wars before playing this game. Well ok that is is a lie. I knew that Darth Vader has a sexy voice and Wookies are cool. Thats truly it lol. After playing for almost a year now I totally love this story. I am in the middle of watching the movies and am SO glad I decided to play this (thanks Jason [my son]). I have all classes capped but two. My Bounty Hunter is 42 and my Trooper is still a baby at 18. So far they all feel "right" to me but I will say that my Sith Warrior REALLY felt Star Warsy to me. But I love them all, loved their story lines, and I am sad that I am almost done with them lol. M
  17. P2W is not just gear. It can be content (which is the worst one IMO), buff items/health regenerators etc that are not available in the game, and (and this stuff WILL be there if it isnt already I promise) xp increasers, rep increasers (we dont have rep here so we are safe there), rep coinage, regular coinage, etc. I have watched several games go P2W and every single one of them eventually fold to include these items. M
  18. This is a most excellent question to which i do not know the answer lol Just wanted to let you know that I approve of this question! M
  19. Thats not what he said. He said to either have their effectiveness reduce for every person over the limit OR have them be total fluff. I dont think reducing effectiveness is feasible, but the fluff option is actually something they could do and it would be cool. We can have vanity pets out, why not companions? M
  20. I actually agree with #2. Let us just have them out. They dont have to do anything, no combat, not even affection gains, fine. Just let them BE there. Nothing wrong with that at all. M
  21. The weirdest thing to me is that you are trusted to pilot a SPACESHIP, omg I LOVE my ships lol. thru space at lvl 15 ish but you arent trusted to drive your land vehicle until level 25. It always makes me giggle when I think about it. M
  22. No one knows why yet but Torhead is not working correctly. One of the theories being bounced arouind is that it is not supported anymore. Please, if you use Torhead go to their feedback forums at http://www.torhead.com/forum/Torhead+Feedback and post so they know that we still need them. Even if this isnt the reason the site is broken it may get them motivated to work on it more quickly if they see how many of us DO use it and appreciate it. Thanks you guys...... M
  23. Taste testers dont normally actually DRINK the stuff they are testing, they simply taste it then spit it out. SO... Even if he IS a taste tester, his spending 2 hrs of his work day drinking is still a problem....or a party....depending on your point of view. My POV? Well, I wanna know what he did with the other 5 hrs because I would have been drinking. HA. M
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