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Everything posted by Zyillo

  1. This guy is surely being flamed to death by Biodrones. However, nothing he is saying is wrong. The game has not been out long enough to warrant ANY kind of nerf/buff because the player base has not developed their own technology to death with the Operative/Scoundrel threat. Every class should pose a problem that requires a different solution. I shouldn't use the same exact rotation when killing a Bounty Hunter that I use against a Marauder. Speaking of Marauder. Remember when people we complaining how horribly Marauder played? And then this happened: It's entirely too soon to be making class changes. Very few people are actually playing their classes to their fullest potential.
  2. Was running warzones on my lowbie Shadow earlier and bumped into a L46 BH with the Battlemaster title. At first I lol'd, and then it occured to me. Basically, when this guy hits 50 he'll skip the Champion/Centurian gear grind entirely and beam straight for the Battlemaster. All because he made the right decision at the Faction select screen. Time to pay more attention to my Imperial character.
  3. My guild needs me to spec for heals to do hard modes. My faction needs me to spec for DPS because in full champ gear I'm hitting fresh 50 Imperials for 3k non-crit. BIOWARE! Y U NO DUAL SPEC?!
  4. Space missions. Especially daily missions. Godlike exp.
  5. New hit single brought to you by Farm Ilum Records. BattleMaster Overnight by Imperial Zerg featuring Awesome Development team Can't wait until my BH hits 50. Skip the RNG Champion crap and roll BM gear out fresh 50.
  7. Zyillo

    Ilum Dailies

    So, I tired Ilum yesterday after swearing myself away from it. Republic is vastly outnumbered on my server (like all others) so we're basically fighting off of our backs at the Republic base. Playing on my 50 Sage (full champion) I was simply spamming AoE heals and keeping everyone up on Force Armor. This allowed us to make multiple advances granting dozens of kills. However, given how outnumbered we are, we held no control points and were given minimal valor benefits. Every time we managed to get the Republic base back into Republic control (x2 bonus) - they would quickly turn it over. On my Sage I found that grinding valor via Ilum is pretty much the same as the warzone valor grind. Something I'll be doing when I'm not running with a premade. I also logged into my 50 Shadow. This was a lot more fun. I would stealth out and hop onto the turret and just slap Imperial ****. That's really all I was useful for. Melee classes are absolutely worthless in the zerg until momentum is gained - at which point they're only really good for locking people in place with CC. Overall. Ranged is good. Melee is bad. Valor is worthless for Republic because of the standing faction balance issue.
  8. If he's not happy, then he is welcome to post his criticism on the SWTOR forums he paid for. This game has it's flaws and yes, Mythic Developers should have had no partaking in this development given their horrid track record. PvP is borked because of their impressive failure. I'm tired of seeing drones coming to the defense of these developers. In no other industry is the consumer so readily willing to make excuses for their product. I watched a Ford Mustang commercial, went to the dealership and bought a Mustang. I got a Mustang. I watched a commercial for SWTOR. I went to Gamestop. Bought SWTOR. I got some elements of KOTOR and a half baked PvP system coupled with garbage itemization. I won't even go into how horrid the textures in this game are compared to beta. Money is money. I should get what I pay for.
  9. Make Sentinel gdlk Seriously, the solution to Republic's problem is the Knight class. Someone did the datamining and found that while a strong majority of the Empire chose to play Sith Inquisitor, more than 70% of the Republic population chose the Jedi Knight. Why does Republic fail at PvP? Sentinel. There's a lot of them and a strong majority of them are ungeared, inexperienced, and completely useless.
  10. I agree. Knight is a lot of fun. However. Fun =/= Useful Every Tank class in the game is better than the Guardian.
  11. Knight...for PvP... I once thought like you. Too bad Vanguard > Guardian in every way possible. Need I mention lolsentinel?
  12. Ops/Scoundrels were one trick AC. Taking away their burst will make them worthless. gg Bioware. caving to the tears.
  13. Take point. Stealth. Zerg arrives. Zerg recaps Stragglers happen. Kill stragglers. Take point. Stealth. Zerg returns. Zerg recaps. Zerg leaves. Stragglers happen. Rinse and Repeat.
  14. My guild has already come up with a sort of solution. A fully functioning stealth PvP group. 1 Shadow Tank 1 Shadow DPS 1 Scoundrel DPS 1 Scoundrel heals Should be 50 before the end of the weekend. We'll see how this experiment goes.
  15. What irritates me more than anything is that Empire players are so used to an easy win. I counted 4 Warzones last night that ended early because Imperial players kept leaving en masse against myself and guild mates. For instance, we kept them off the first door in Voidstar, like usual. Instead of hanging around and taking the L - they went back to Ilum where the valor comes free. Leaving us with a warzone shutdown timer and a meager +500 valor for what should have been ~+1300-1500.
  16. Who made it that way? Everyone who knew Empire was stacked, rolled Empire anyways. And faction balance issues are our fault for consolidating ourselves? GFY
  17. There's only so much they can do about the faction balance issue. On HoG - typically 100-120 Republic players at any given moment on the Republic fleet. Whenever I log over to my Imperial alt - 200-250. Suck it up, play Republic and adapt to overcome. Or, switch sides and run with Team Easy Valor.
  18. But the darkside is so cool! Me and 70% of the game population are so dark and edgy!
  19. Implement Mandalorian 3rd faction. - only non-force sensitive characters may apply - dialogue choice at level 50 - must speak with three separate NPCs confirming player decision - make all Mandalorian armor in game social armor of Heavy/Medium/Light variants to identify faction more extensively problem solved. problem staying solved.
  20. The beauty of this post, I get teary eyed. I made the best part bigger, I know I know - it's like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa, that much more bad***!
  21. LETS GO BIOWARE. Make this happen.
  22. Allow all non-force using classes to join the Mandalorian 3rd faction. Implement light, medium, and heavy social armor to reinforce the identity. A few sweeping dialogue cutscenes as an end game option only. Again. End game option. Once your character is Mandalorian - they are sworn to Mandalore. You are no longer a member of your original faction. Open chat between all factions. Let's go Bioware.
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