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Everything posted by Zyillo

  1. "We have the best PvP team." Except. You don't. Really.
  2. Zyillo

    1.2 BM Prices

    will we be able to revert merc comms to warzone comms post patch?
  3. Go Sentinel. They have all the perks the Guardian has in 1.2 (sweep spec related) and have much more PvP survivability. Or play a Shadow. And be the best.
  4. I wonder if he managed to say that with a straight face.
  5. Bought a 6 month subscription on launch. The game was far better back in closed beta. I've pre-ordered Guild Wars 2 so that I can enjoy the beta weekends. Planetside 2 is free to play, and beta should be arriving soon. I'll play SWTOR until GW2 or PS2 launch. Once those games are accessible I'm likely to never look back. I had such high hopes for SWTOR, but the game does absolutely nothing to foster a community. There's no reason to play post-50 aisde from the gear grind present in every MMO on the market. Looking forward to PvP done right. PS2 and GW2. Awww yeah!
  6. Fact First few screenshots of SWTOR featured close up shots of kel dor and nikto. I hate SWTOR for the same reason I'm learning to hate all Bioware products for. The illusion of choice. Yes. You may choose your species in SWTOR. Red human. Blue human. Orange human or green human. Or the human with the binoculars on his face. LucasArts hasn't made a good game in the last decade because they have been following the set path. WoW making money. SWTOR was made. God of War sees success. The Force Unleahsed. Lego Star Wars keeping it original. Meanwhile all of their best franchises are on the back burner because they want larger profit margins.Battlefront 3, Jedi Knight series, Republic Commando, and KoToR wont get a shot because LA wants some of that COD: MW3 money and just can't figure out how best to get it.
  7. at least he uses punctuation.
  8. Planetside did it. A decade ago. Darkfall did it. Half a decade ago. vanilla SWG and vanilla WoW stuttered through it, but they did it too. 30 v 30 on Ilum is a slideshow, and it's a joke.
  9. So basically, this whole thread is about how Sentinels and Marauders present a problem for players in PvP and that nothing can be done to stop them. And with teamwork Sentinels and Marauders are unstoppable. Funny, there's a thread about the Guard mechanic that sounds a lot like this. You know, healers and tanks being unstoppable. So let me get this straight. Healers, tanks, and DPS are all completely unstoppable. And we can do nothing about them. But getting back on focus, apparently you can't CC a Sentinel with low health. I see all these complaints about CC, so many threads crying about stuns and snares and roots. Certainly people must have tried using these tools against Sentinels and Marauders, you know - applying them with purpose instead of just throwing CC out at random. One thing that irritates me most, is that people don't actually bother learning what tools their classes have to fight against other classes abilities. You have CC, use it appropriately. Against a watchman? Cleanse the DoT stack. Problem solved. Against a Focus Bomber? Don't cluster up, and CC them when you see their singularity stack. We talk about how imbalanced Guarded By The Force is, and then we go off about how healing makes it imbalanced in a group setting. Suddenly we can't interupt healers. More and more it sounds like a situational awareness problem. But hey, I don't suck at this game. So what do I know?
  10. Zyillo

    Fresh lvl 50 in WZ

    Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? Give me more. I'm special, even my character's storyline says so. And no one should be able to kill me.
  11. Tanking in PvP requires teamwork. As such, countering said teamwork should require - teamwork. Typically my 4 man team will just pressure the crap out of the healer. Properly used interupts and CC will kill any sage/sorc regardless of guard/taunt. When it comes to Mercs/Mandos and Ops/Scoundrels - have one teammate pull the tank in one direction, and push the healer in the opposite direction. CC/Slow each of them. Burst down the healer. Problem solved. Problem staying solved. And what I would like to emphasize here is that Tank/Healer combos present a PROBLEM in PvP. Yes. Problems are a very good thing. Nothing should be without some sort of consideration in PvP. Otherwise PvP is reduced to health bars and mindless rotations. PvP should have windows of opportunity that open and close as players make appropriate and inappropriate decisions. The good players will be able to capitalize, separating themselves from the bad. And as I've stated numerous times, this is by far the worst MMO community I have ever had the displeasure of being in. This thread should be titled: "I spammed my flowchart X,Y,Z and that tank didn't die like the DPS class I just killed moments ago. WAAAAH"
  12. Because when you can see through the veil, you realize that each "species" is just a human with a different hue.
  13. Tanking requires teamwork. Countering that requires equal teamwork. Typically a guildmate will force push the healer, and I will force pull the tank in complete opposite directions. That's IF they're proving to be too much of an issue. Usually don't have to do this unless it is a Bounty Hunter/Bounty Hunter tank/heal multiple healer team combination.
  14. no. no. hell no. This mentality is everything wrong with the video game industry. **** like this is why day 1 Disk Locked Content exists. I paid for the full game, and I pay for $15 a month worth of content and support. 9 times out of 10 I'm not getting either one.
  15. What irked me the most about your post was, "I won't kill level 13's in a Warzone." The concept of honor, in a video game, is stupid. It's like purposely NOT throwing the ball at the fat kid in dodgeball. He's fat. It's his own damned fault. But no. Everyone deserves to be special. We should all get $3 plastic trophies and pizza parties. Everything about your post is false and misleading. You are a PvE'er roleplaying as a PvP'er. I agree, the state of PvP is horrible. But not for ANY of the aforementioned reasons.
  16. Sage/Sorc healers are killed easily with properly timed interupts. Nothing is stopping Merc/Mando healers from living forever.
  17. Guild Wars 2 arenas don't use gear progression. The one feature that most people are excited about is WvWvW and gear progression is definitely there.
  18. Talk all the trash you want about hardcore players, but they are the driving force of the server communities. Hardcore players are the first to down raid bosses. They are the first to discover the most optimal rotations. They are the first to find the strongest classes. They run the strongest PvP pre-mades. They organize the raids that you do run, and they are the players pumping products onto the Global Trade Network. Without the hardcore players on your server, the community would find itself wanting.
  19. I thought the OP would be warning people about how Battlemaster gear is only marginally better with respect to expertise and armor gains, and how every other stat on Battlemaster is typically a step in the wrong direction for most classes. Well, you heard it here.
  20. Without the amount of CC/snare/knockback/interupt in this game, people would be nigh unkillable. As it stands my Shadow can go 3v1 because 45 second cooldown on 5 seconds of CC immunity makes me god tier.
  21. We'll be waiting, when that "new game scent" wears off you'll wake up to the stench.
  22. I'm sure GW2 will provide some incentive for their arena gameplay. I won't have anything to do with it. Too E-sports for my tastes. World vs. World vs. World is where I will be. The reward in itself will be the gameplay. 3 faction warfare, multiple resource objectives, relics much in the like of DAOC, PvP player loot drops, a castle siege system complete with siege engines and back doors. All of which will bond the community. Bolster system will help for accessibility but won't account for gear, talents or specializations. The bolster system is important because players will receive actual EXP for participating, leveling their character and gearing up simultaneously via world PvP. I'd rather not make this thread about GW2. This started with a single comment. Anything further to discuss about GW2 can be sent via PM. I'm happy to talk about it.
  23. Expertise is a system intended to cancel one another out. IE Player 1 has 10% expertise Player 2 has 15% expertise Player 1 will take 5% more damage and deal 5% less damage to/from Player 2. Some expertise is better than no expertise, but something like 2-3% expertise gain is negligible if the rest of your stats are min/max'd appropriately and if you find someone wearing a set that could set you back 5% or greater, just pop an expertise stim (+15%) when you recognize their burst procs and make the most of it for the stim duration.
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