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Everything posted by theUndead

  1. I suppose your right, I guess I love my mom to the point of forgetting that addictions as you say never truly go away. I guess I am just a believer that even when your addicted or show signs that you are addicted one can get help and still do the things they like to do. However I now realize that perhaps in the OP's case perhaps he should indeed put gaming aside for the sake of his health. Thank you for enlightening me. Ps No offense taken not about my mom nor about me
  2. Actually my mother is a recovered alcoholic, and she knows all to well the dangers of a addiction, but because she has recovered from the negative effects she does indeed drink but in true moderation and never when she is alone. The point I am making is while I understand what you are saying and I agree that the OP needs some help, I still believe that with the right amount of assistance and effort one can overcome the negative impact you mentioned and thus still be able to enjoy the things you love. Kudos to you for caring:) we need more like you.
  3. Please tel me you joking?
  4. With all due respect that sounds incredibly harsh. The OP loves the game and is addicted but he asked for help. I don't think its fair to say he quits completely, as that well be a solution but only a short term one. I say this because even if he quits he will still think about it and want to play which means rather than just quit, start setting limits and if possible seek help from a professional. One the OP can curb the addiction he can still play the game he loves just with limits. Also it will only truly get unhealthy if the OP turned played every hour of everyday which according to his post he doesn't.
  5. Thank you all very much. I think I will roll a agent and go operative because after leveling a assasin i kinda liked going all stealthy and the added bonus of heals well that pretty much settles it.
  6. Thanks for the helpful response man, your getting me excited but I want just a little bit more from other people before I make up my mind.
  7. Hi everyone So I currently have 6 characters including two level 50's. I am considering rolling a agent, but I want to know is it fun? is the story good? Any advice or feedback would be most helpful thanks.
  8. Excellent post, I am glad your having fun. I am also enjoying myself and intend to stay for a long time to come.
  9. What exactly is so delusional about the post? the fact that subs are still healthy? Or the fact that server populations are actually being addressed with transfers and eventually mergers. I think the only delusional people are the ones who continuously think the game is failing, despite the fact that the devs try so hard to accommodate and listen to feedback, but I guess people will never be satisfied. I also find it quite hilarious that people will continuously bash anyone for saying positive about the game.
  10. I just want to say that I for one thank you all very much for your words and introductions. I have been playing for quite sometime and yes i was somewhat worried about the community but all your posts and responses have re enforced my love for the game and quite frankly made me respect the amount of work that you guys do so much more. I sincerely look forward to all your future changes and perhaps even getting to know some of you. Great job and best of luck Oh one more thing. Remember to use the force it does sometimes bring cookies:cool:
  11. It sincerely pleases me to see a positive threat as most threads in general are quite hostile and negative. But I to am having fun. I tend to overlook small annoying bugs purely because I know any gaming experience is not perfect and that I play on a mid range laptop. Also my progression with my new toons are at my own pace so that i am not rushing. All in all pretty happy. Good to have you back OP
  12. First of all yes MANY people still play this game myself included. I play on a oceanic server in a 300+ guild and at peak times we have atleast 100 people on at a time. To your point about your server population, it has been stated numerous times that they are addressing it with server transfers and eventually "super servers" which will consolate the smaller servers and increase population. Finally I am of the opinion that the game is infact not dieing but rather needs some rather important changes which seem to be on the horizon. Therefore my advice to you is roll another charater on a bigger server for now and wait for transfers so that you can eventually move all your toons. But about your pvp concerns i'm sure you would do better on a higher populated server. Good luck
  13. When I started playing i tried to be quite chatty in general chat, but as i continued the amount of rude comments, sexist remarks, and most importantly trolling infuriated me to the point of switching off general chat permanently. So yeah some people may be fine with that but most are not which is why people like myself turn it off. So now i only talk in guild chat and will whisper if need be but NEVER in general.
  14. I have two level 50's one of which is currently in Tionise gear (full set) so I love my raiding especially the hard modes. Longest sitting? Total of 9 hours with one 30 min break.
  15. Agreed. Also want to add that the following the dark side and becoming a Sith does not inherently make you evil it is the choices you make that defines if your good or evil. An example would be Anakin Skywalker who only chose to embrace the dark side and the Sith ways just to save his wife and it was Palpatine who manipulated Anakin to become evil and murder etc. Thus being a Sith means you follow their philosophy to use passion to gain strength and become powerful but to become evil you have to CHOOSE it.
  16. And your proof is? What makes you think GW2 wont be as buggy or have similar community issues as well, bearing in mind that its already F2P.
  17. With all due respect it has been stated many times that transfers are coming. Also if your on a low population server re roll on a more heavily populated server, that is the point of legacy to roll alts. Finally and this is just my opinion if and when they do merges which I highly doubt they will I'm not sure one server will be enough considering the fact that the Oceanic region always has a heavy population both on normal and peak times and despite the drop in subs plenty of people still play therefore they would need more than one to compensate for the players that are still here. Again just my thoughts.
  18. My two mains Jiirn 50 Guardian and Acusor 50 Assassin are part of the Hellion Legacy I chose it because I love Greek mythology and one of my favorite of all the Greek gods was Helios the god of light
  19. Greetings Devs Because most of what is said on the forums are negative I felt that I would share that I totally love this game. Everything about it including bugs. Now I know that there are things that must be worked on, but I can forgive the annoying things because come on its Star Wars. Also I want to personally thank the devs for all their tremendous hard work and the fact they can still remain sane when there is so much negativity on the forums. Finally, another huge thank you because when ever I have had a issue it has always been taken care of promptly and professionally overall I am a happy subscriber and will continue to be for a long time to come. PS: The Jedi Guardian Recruit armor set is incredibly awesome. Thank you to all the creators.
  20. No actually it is you, I do not know how many times people are going to have to say this but this game is still young and it is growing. For many people the fact they release new content quickly and honestly try to fix and address bugs at a fast rate is nothing short of praiseworthy.to have players moan and groan that they weren't included yet still be rewarded is pretty impressive if you ask me. if your so bored by all means go play something else as the majority of players are happy. Also to prove a point I also have a job and I am still able to find time and play and ENJOY myself. Finally the fact that you use large complicated words to try justify the notion that your unhappy with the companies just shows that you are just a person who will never be happy so good riddance. Have a good day and long live true STARWARS FANS, good job Bioware you keep doing a better and better job keep it up
  21. Just putting in my two cents here. The dark side/ light side debate is complex because both have legitimacy as well as failings in both factions. I for one disagree that love is a inherent dark side emotion reason being is that Jedi do form emotional bonds but make the choice to let them go as they want to remain at peace. Also in terms of the Sith, they are encouraged to channel every passion to gain strength and this includes love. A interesting take on it would be that when Obi-Won watched Quigon die at the hands of Maul he was absolutely enraged and he struck at Maul in anger as revenge for his master's death does it mean he flirted with the dark side yes but as Jedi he chose to let the attachment go. In the end the game as well as the lore all state that being good is following the light while being evil is following the dark, to me its more on the lines of you can follow the dark side and not want to hurt randoms or follow the light side and "kill" for the greater good both of them can be attributed to the decisions we all make and each has its merits and its downfalls
  22. I can honestly say no game has ever kept me this long, no game has ever made me this hopelessly addicted and no game has ever made me feel so immersed in gripping stories. Yes this game has flaws and bugs but the developers listen and make changes as fast as they possibly can and to top it off new content already. I am so enjoying myself and will stay for a long long time.
  23. Thank you but that does that also mean I must not unlock a new legacy on the server as I already have one on the other? wouldn't they clash? cos I have a new character on the Asia server with no legacy and 3 on the east coast with a legacy must i forgo my new legacy to have the old one when the transfers happen?
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