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Everything posted by theUndead

  1. How about no. Also clear to back the those so called numbers because as far as I can see the population is pretty stable. One more thing, I would really appreciate if you only spoke for yourself on how you feel about the game because you certainly do not speak for me.
  2. Edit: I think that what ever issues that are happening are done for a reason even if we agree or not.
  3. You are are entitled to your opinion, but whether you want to admit it or not you are taking stance on this even if it is in the most subtle way possible. The fact is there is not a small fraction but rather a very LARGE fraction of the playerbase that want and welcome SGRs. Your assumption on the number of people is indicative of your stance on it.
  4. I'm sorry but no you simply cannot have a MMO without fluff or RP. To many players it is how they explore and engage with the world and fluff is just little things that make life in the game interesting and these are absolutely needed. Yes I know things need to be fixed but you are suggesting they take away valuable things that people actually enjoy.
  5. I know your not against it that is not in dispute. But again it is not as straight forward to say that the Empire is one sided or the Republic is one sided as there are many facets that make up those societies. Also your comparison on romances and maturity between those various games does not invalidate what I said about the level of maturity in THIS game. Wether the romances are cheesy or more erotic or even suggestive the fact remains that those adult themes are still very much present in this game. Also comparing the rating system does not make a difference because young kids would still play M rated games or games rated T. Yes in Star Wars it may be less in your face and in Mass Effect it is very much in the face but just because it is less visible or the rating is different does not mean it is not there.
  6. I sincerely hope you are a troll and if you are 9/10 for effort. If you are serious though, then um how do I say this...NO and while your at I hope they devs see this and ban you because as someone else has already said we already have issues with "cheater"s already.
  7. I disagree with your point. Star Wars is in may respects not family orientated but rather a very mature and even violent universe. I mean I can recall several instances of over the top violence in the game which is certainly not for young children. For example in may of the dark side options the outcomes result in either the torture of someone and in some cases innocents to out right cold murder. There maybe no blood in the game but the gore is certainly there. Also you made a point about it being "black and white and apolitical" and again I disagree with this. See in both factions there are always elements of politics. Take the Republic it strives for Democracy with the senate and each system having its own laws and how each world is autonomous etc. Then take the Empire, it is a system which is very near autocratic with its harsh slavery policies and how the Sith rule without question or recourse. Finally in the novels as well as the films there are many themes that are described these include war, love, marriage, betrayal and redemption. Yet in the game all of these are present but it also contains sexual overtones, references to drug taking etc. So while I agree with the fact you mentioned ME3 and Dragon Age were set in a dark atmosphere this game is incredibly dark as well and as such it would not detract from the Star Wars experience in the slightest if and when SGR is implemented.
  8. I would ask that you remain constructive and I never actually said I would not help them I just stated how its becoming a problem and a lot of people get annoyed with it especially by repeated pleading which to some including myself can be classified as spam. I know FTP has some restriction and if one of those people came to me PRIVATELY I might consider helping them. EDIT: I would also judge it on a case by case basis if they came to me but generally I wont give out money as I still stand by my belief it is possible to still make enough credits even as FTP.
  9. Okay so recently my server has been attacked by a different type of spammer, no it is not the gold sellers but it is in fact low level players spamming general chat asking people to give them money. Seriously? I mean I know some people feel there are too many money sinks and to a degree I agree. However, I also feel that it is still quite easy to get money through crafting and dailies yet what actually annoys me is that at low level at least in my opinion it is not that important to have a lot of cash because the missions you do give rewards that pretty much pay for your needs. I should also add that yes equipping companions can be a bit expensive but if that is the case do some pvp or maybe a flashpoint as these generally give decent cash for lowbies. Look I know it is small issue but last night on the fleet this one player was spamming so much I was tempted to report them and thus it prompted me to make a thread. So what do you think?
  10. I'm sorry what? Off cannon you say? Nott to be rude man but please tel me how the game is off cannon, it follows the cannon of KOTOR which is firmly established in the cannon and they even stated that it's "Spiritual successor to KOTOR 2" or something like that. The fact is in my mind the game is actually does well in terms of cannon.
  11. Well I am one of those people who do not want AC changes because I feel that it is a lazy approach to learning the classes. If you are not happy re roll and yes I know some people at 50 would want to change but in my mind it would cause too much hassles.
  12. Listen man and no I am not attacking you just offering some advice. I have read almost four replies of yours speaking about the exact same thing. Yes, we get that you are upset, that you feel you are being bullied we all understand that. But to hijack different threads that deal with different things while bringing in your experiences does not do well for you. Again let me reiterate I understand you have been having a bad time but please if you want to discuss YOUR experiences make your own thread and not hijack others.
  13. They have stated that there is currently no transfer service yet. So your options are to either create a new character or re roll completely on a new server. I do suspect they will allow transfers again in the future.
  14. That is YOUR opinion not the OP's don't dictate what games he should play if he is happy with SWTOR then so be it.
  15. My apologies. Would you still care to comment on the read though? Edited that so that it is a fact.
  16. You know for a many months I was a very vocal defender of the game and in many cases I was a true "fanboy". Yet of late my stance has shifted to a much more neutral way of thinking. I would like to share some of my thoughts. Please bare with me it is quite a long post and I apologize for that As with many gaming companies EA is the owner of Bioware and therefore makes the decisions while Disney owns the Starwars licence and with any changing of the guard so to speak there are always changes and this case massive layoffs. Which I am sad to say, I am finally able to see the effects of. Now let me just say before I say another word that I still very much enjoy the game and still have a investment in it. Now let us continue. I feel that certain aspects should have been here at launch such as the group finder, yet after some very angry noise we finally got it so good job on that. Next is the actual content itself. You see I am a bit of altholic because I love the different classes and I am also a bit of completionist too so when I start a new class I still do every quest I can and to more of a less degree I enjoy it cos to me it is a different perspective. However that does not mean I do not find it tedious because the fact is, it can be a chore. I really think that a more dynamic questing system should be in place that new planet quests are generated every day as opposed to the same ones all the time. Now in terms of flashpoints and operations most of which are really cool except for a few that loath (D7 and Kaon) they are pretty cool from a content point of view. However and this is directed at the community, I know there are people who want duel spec but let me just say that I absolutely do NOT want it. Reason is each class has the ability to be two roles mostly DPS or something else yet when it comes to HM's and Ops clear roles are absolutely required for the completion of this quests. To put it into perspective I ran a FP where the healer role was picked by a sage who said she was damage and heals....need I say more? The result was a constant series of wipes and in my mind this would be very chaotic. I can't offer any suggestions to those want it and yes it is just my opinion but there it is. Now operations themselves are great I have nothing to share about them. Finally although I am not a hardcore pvper I have found pvp to be wrought with cheaters and hacks and it is really depressing for Bioware not be policing as they should. I also think the nerfing of some classes to the buffing of others needs to be detailed more from the devs so we can understand . Now for F2P and the Cartel Market with expansion. I get that subs went down to a point that a new business model had to emerge but that does not mean I like it. Sure I have spent about $100 on coins but that is because I like vanity items. What I do not like is the fact we had Christmas integrated into our life day int he form of a speeder I really did not like that because real world events especially in starwars have no place in this game or the environment. Now I also know people have chosen to go free but I have to admit the unlocks and restrictions are a bit excessive I mean to pay to have to warzones is I think a bit much. Finally the community. I know we all have our reasons and opinions about the game. Some hate it and some love it and some are in the middle I tend to be in the middle. Yet for all of that it seems that alot of threads always seem to get derailed but one of the extremes believing their way to be right. To explain further, I know very well that the game has terrible bugs that should have been fixed months ago I also know that the communication by customer service can be terrible and I also know that the devs have said things and gone back on their word which has upset people all of which I understand. I also get the other extreme of loyal followers who will bite the bullet all the time and accept everything. Yet what I do not understand is when some people complain they do it in such a overly negative way that nothing constructive can be discussed I mean what is the point of posting that? At the same time loyal defenders will always jump down the throat of ligitmate concerns as they deem the person as being hateful I know I have seen it and back a while ago I used do it myself. Overall it is a mixture of these two things that have shattered the semblance of community we have here and it is a shame. Finally to end off, it is with this new frame of mind that I am waiting a little bit before i purchase the expansion as I want to be told a little more. If you have read up to here I thank you. Thoughts? comments? flames? Thanks again
  17. I'm sorry what? Sorcs need a dps buff? Are you serious? Do you not play warzones? Because I certainly do and a I can tel sorcs are absolute boss in pvp with their bubble and lightening? Also there is never pure balance their are always going to be classes that are bufffed more than others it is just the trick of the trade. For a while the best OP class was operatives and the stun block now in my opinion it's sorcs/sages.
  18. Not unless it was against a common enemy of both factions but in terms of regular missions no. Reason being it would difficult with the story line aspect as well as they are both entirely different factions with different objectives and it would be hard to implement. In my mind that is.
  19. Hello. So as i'm sure you guys know the best RPG of all time (my opinion) is finally available on steam. This brings plenty of fun memories for me as I played through both multiple times. So I am asking is anyone here going to play them at all? Recommend any good mods? Got any good stories? Please share. PS: I play TOR and all my other games on my win 7 laptop but when I launch KOTOR 2 there is a issue with the screen resolution. Even if it's stretched there are still black spots on the sides. Anyone who has played got a fix for this? Thanks for your time.
  20. Just updated my sig. I have 4 50's right now and currently working on finishing my Operative. IMO the Agent storyline is indeed the BEST of the entire game. But kudos to you on your 16 50's that is a lot of dedication.
  21. Hey guys I just had to come back to this thread and share my most recent experience. So as you know we now get a full set of tionese gear upon reaching 50. So yesterday qued on my guardian DPS and got Esseles. Now I thought yay it will prob be relatively quick but I was sadly mistaken. You see the tank was actually a Guardian but you see for a while he was speced DPS and only recently decided to tank so he came in tionese gear but wasn't even in tanking form. I had to train this guy the basic things about tanking he even didn't know what guard is and was wondering why I kept stealing agro off him. That's not all, see we had a sage come I as heals but the thing was she wasn't healing...I asked her why she didn't drop her Aoe and she says oh because I'm speced in damage and heals. At this point I was about to rage quit, but the commando that was with us manged to sustain enough dps with me that we downed all the bosses but not after being in that instance for over 90mins. Anyway that's my little story.
  22. Oh I feel your pain I went through a stage where Kaon pooped every time I qued for a flashpoint for two weeks.
  23. I personally don't want this in the game. But that's just me and I know many people do indeed want it. However be careful when making petition threads as the mods have stated its against the rules and could incur a infraction.
  24. Hi Farrob remember me? It's Jiirn the guy who removed you from the guild. Guess what the the fact is it takes time to get War Hero gear and now even more so now that their is Elite War Hero. People HAVE to farm normal warzones and to be honest ranked is not actually that fun. I have almost full War Hero on my guardian and I prefer doing normal warzones because I feel they are more fun and you get the occasional randoms. But with ranked you get the same premade and it is simply not fun.
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