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Everything posted by theUndead

  1. No. And thank goodness for that because the work that would go into the stories and AC's is simply not viable. Now a race change or perhaps a name change I would not mind and even though I am personally against this there will probably be a once off AC change some time down the line.
  2. I'm sorry but I disagree with you. I am a clicker mainly because I play on a laptop but the truth of the matter is I know very well that I can perhaps squeeze a little more dps if i used keybinds or that little bit extra threat or even a bit more heals but to say that keybinds alone will limit playing ability is simply wrong in my opinion. I click because it is the way I play and to me it works so I will not change what isn't broken.
  3. Yes sometimes the topics can be offensive believe me I have seen it but it is up to a person who is offended to take the required steps. This can mean disabling chat, profanity filter or putting people on ignore. To have general chat moderated 24/7 is counter productive in my opinion.
  4. This thread is not being buried if it was it would have been removed. Bioware have aloud this thread to stay open as to foster CONSTRUCTIVE discussion on the topic of SGR. That being said I disagree with you saying it is being forced. How exactly is this so? I mean take for example a pve event that has pvp elements many people do not pvp but if a event calls for a little bit of participation in pvp then does that mean it is being forced? I think not. The SGR content is right now only flirt options if you not interested then don't click them. Simple as that.
  5. First of all I would suggest you stop using the word "noob" as it can be offensive to new players. Secondly the group finder IS available to people under 50 for flashpoints it is just that people wait in the que for hours so most would rather ask to get a group together which I personally do not have a problem with so again group finder is and always as been for everyone.
  6. I would have to respectfully disagree OP. Like some of the posters have said leveling in this game is one of the easiest ever in mmo's. Further enhanced by the xp boosts that can be bought so as far as I am concerned the leveling should stay as it is. One final thing, remember that you are in no rush to level so take your time and enjoy yourself. I have been playing since Beta and have 5 50's to my name and not one of them I rushed but rather did every quest and explored every area because that is what I enjoy so again enjoy yourself.
  7. The profanity filter is there for a reason. If you do not like general chat then disable it. However, as long as people are not being demeaning or bullying then they are free to speak as they see fit.
  8. While I appreciate your response about this. You also mentioned a topic that is against the forum rules so even though you were respectful and I think your opinion is very much valid I would recommend you do not mention any social stances at all as this could warrant action on your post. So again I am not flaming just giving out some advice and caution.
  9. Ok this is not a rage post. but this is starting to pop up quite often on the forums and it's becoming annoying. So lately I have seen people make threads about their perspective YouTube channels and what videos they are uploading as well as telling people to rate them and subscribe. Now i'm glad these people put effort into their videos and want to grow their fan base but I feel openly advertising yourself on the forums is not the correct way to go about it. An example of this would be say a large channel like IGN made a video on a top ten of something naturally it would get many views and comments. But what also happens is that people spam the comments box with messages telling other viewers to view their channels, sub etc and most of the time people just flag it as spam. The point i'm making is that to me it is somewhat in bad taste to use another companies forums to advertise yourself in threads because you are also giving another website free advertising and making people go to another site even if it is to do with the game then stay on it's website. Now I know some people feel the same as I do and most recently a person did what I described but a few other posters pointed out that is better to put the information in your signature rather then take up a whole thread. Now while I still think it should not be aloud at all this seems to be a decent compromise. In short: Use your signatures if you going to advertise don't take up a whole thread as people view it as spam and annoying. Now tel me what you guys think.
  10. Must I really repeat myself? So be it the post you both are referring to was written by me. The reason you can't see it was that it was removed for some reason and I said that it was Bioware's stance that a toggle is discriminatory not my own.
  11. I know very well what "stuff" you are referring to and sorry to break to you but it is going to be coming in the next patch and rightfully so in my opinion. Also just a FYI, the "stuff " you are referring to has been in multiple games by Bioware and other games for that matter so therefore i strongly disagree with your notion that they do not have a place in games.
  12. Crappy projects to you maybe but to many other people including myself they are welcomed and appreciated so rather speak for yourself then for everyone else because there is no "we" in this there is only you.
  13. It me who quoted you. For some reason my post was removed but anyway, I tend to believe that if a toggle were to be implemented at all then it should be for all romances because as I have said Bioware have stated that to place a switch on SGR in their minds is discriminatory. Not my words theirs.
  14. Very well said. I like your ideas. It would seem that Revan was indeed someone who was willing to do anything to protect the republic. Yet what interests me is his combat effectiveness. I mean for one thing during the Foundry battle he uses a known Jedi Knight ability known as master strike yet he also uses lightening. As such would this not make Revan a true "Grey jedi" yes he seeks the destruction of the empire but at the same time he seeks to shield the republic and defend innocents. Now perhaps it is true that the philosophies are too entrenched in their beliefs to be used together. But you did state that a "serene" Sith is still very highly plausible because there are examples within the lore of Lords who have achieved this serenity. If this is the case then as you say the Jedi could use the example of Windu which is to teach a very advanced form of combat which is aims to push Jedi to their emotional limits but at the same time teach them the strength to refrain from giving into the urge for battle. Also another example of how this could potentially work in the battle with Sidious Yoda was able to push back and counter the lightening that was being used against him. That to me indicates that Yoda must have done some learning into the abilities of the Sith to be able to combat them. So if Yoda was able to still maintain control yet have the ability to use Sith powers then i still believe that with enough training a Jedi can safely learn certain Sith arts. If anything it would be strictly controlled and it would only be for martial training.
  15. No actually I don't see how that works. But the fact of the matter is the burden of proof is on you not me because you are the one who originally made the statement. Also until you do back it up it will not be taken into account as a serious claim despite the fact the it is your opinion. Also, just because it is a opinion does not mean your responsibility to back up your what your saying is not there. Also personal opinion does not shield one from criticism and on a public forum like this, you risk not being taken seriously or being viewed as unintelligent especially around highly debated topics such as one. Also just to clarify I am perfectly entitled to require to you provide evidence because if you seen my other responses in this thread you would have noticed that I have put my support behind the implementation of SGR right from the get go meaning I never gave a further opinion on the matter. You on the other hand have spent the majority of the time claiming people are not aloud to call you out on your opinion because it's just how you feel. I'm sorry but a real adult debate does not work like that. You will not get away with making such a bold statement involving the player base without having to back it up as this affects many people and until you actually prove your belief people like myself will continue to call you out on it.
  16. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Loia Just putting it out there that Loia is one of the best healers on this entire server, I would know I have raided with him on several occasions both in SM Ops and HM Ops. Not only that but I know Loia well, spoken for many a hour on mumble and I know for sure that he will truly give his best so who ever recruits him they are very lucky. By the way he is also a fantastic leader as he lead a raid team on a guild for a many months. Sorry Loia but I just wanted to sing your praises brother.
  17. Apologies this is quite lengthily They followed the way Revan gained power I have often wondered how the Jedi have such strength and force of will to take on their mighty enemies. I have read many books of the EU as well as the many wikis and they give me answers yet it still puzzles me. I know for one thing that Jedi are devoid of emotion and use their alignment to the light side of the force for their power as well as maintaining serenity but at the same token can calmness alone really give you the edge in battle? I also know that the light side does in fact give Jedi various abilities such as "object movement" or "force push" and even more offensive abilities like "force status". However, again this brings me back to my question, I understand the the force is dark and light as such their are different abilities for both sides but wouldn't a Jedi truly be powerful if their teaching allowed them some Sith influences? I mean if we look at Revan he was both Sith and Jedi but he was not inherently evil and does not kill the innocent yet he had the combined strength of both. Did this not make him the ultimate Jedi? Also on the reverse what if the Sith were to learn from the Jedi like their ability to remain calm and focused. I mean if say a Sith Lord mastered the dark side in such a way that they did not need to revert to base emotions all the time wouldn't this make them the even more powerful? Tel me what you think.
  18. First of all I am not flaming and to a degree perhaps you have a point However,I asked this of the OP now I am going to ask this of you. Could you kindly provide proof that the player base that wants SGR's are a minority? Also I do not think it is completely fair to label those who are in favor of SGR's to be having a agenda. The reason in my opinion for the hostility is that this feature was always going to be put in the game but was always pushed back because of other more important game priories and this we understand. But now that it is finally getting implemented some people are calling for it's removal without solid reasons and thus we feel sometimes we are being pushed into a corner. Again I am not saying you do not have a point but I think it is a bit more complicated than simply saying it is a agenda.
  19. This x 1000000 Don't care for it nor want it thank you.
  20. What your asking for is to have endgame gear on te cartel market which is full on P2W. So my answer is no go and grind for gear like the rest of us.
  21. Yet again you hang onto a un proven statement. For some reason I cannot find your other response to my post earlier but regardless you mentioned that I was trying to derail the discussion here is where you are wrong. For one this is slowly becoming a debate and not a discussion. Also you mentioned that I suggested you can't share your opinion? Where exactly did I say that? All I was trying to point out is that you still continuously hang onto the claim that SGR is for a minority. Yes we all know it is a your opinion and I already know you stated you not speaking for everyone but every response you have given has this statement which means you are actually trying to speak for everyone. You see a opinion is meaningless if you can't back it up and up until now you have not so good luck trying to convince other's of your point of view as you have certainly not convinced me.
  22. They will not add a 3rd AC just like like they will probably not add the ability to change your AC. So unfortunately your idea will not happen.
  23. I actually love Taris. I know I am one of the few but I find the planet aesthetically pleasing. But more I just like exploring it and getting lost lol. I love the quests especially the Sith Warrior quest there but planet side quests are good too. So yeah I really think Taris is enjoyable.
  24. So I have never made a suggestion here because I felt my ideas were rather silly and no one would be interested. However I recently came to this rather cool idea today and thought I would share. So as you all know in the game we have the ability to duel each other either from the same faction or the opposite. These one on ones are in my mind pretty epic so why not during warzones add like a rivalry pointer. What this would be is if two enemies are constantly fighting each other their perspective teams could add a vote to the rivalry pointer at the end of the match. What would then happen is before the ops group disbands the two enemies which have the most points would be transported into a sudden death duel with each team watching from a protective shield around the arena. This battle would be timed and to prevent people from abusing it would only work for level 50's and close as possible gear because before the battle starts their would be a droid that checks each persons gear if one member has a bit of a edge the droid will apply a short armor debuff for a few seconds to make it fair. So in the battle itself it would be a fight to the death and the winner would get increased valor score for himself and his teammates and maybe some other type of reward like a war hero piece or something. Again just a little idea I had. Feel free to comment or critique.
  25. Then let me try respond to you as positively as I can. Your opinion as you say is yours as such you are free to express it the problem is your wording. A lot of people are jumping on you for that statement which is highlighted in bold. You see even though it is a opinion you are surrounding that opinion with what you deem as a fact and the truth of the matter is you can't be sure if it is a small minority or a large majority. If perhaps you re worded your opinion without the the hint of a potentially untrue fact then perhaps people would not attack you so much. And for the record I am for SGR's and I am glad they getting the dev attention they need but again I am just trying to point this out to you in a constructive way.
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