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Everything posted by theUndead

  1. How about you quit being so defensive and understand that what I said was justified because even if he didn't mention SWG it still has tones from it because most of the requests for houses come from players who have played SWG. Also how is what I said trolling? Because I don't think you know what the word troll means.
  2. This. It's true Bioware have stated that any discussion of a switch or toggle is discriminatetory and will result in infractions if discussed so yeah OP best not to test the waters on this.
  3. Yes people do that. Take me for example I switch on my logs for raids the upload them to one of two sites Torparse or Askmrrobot. It gives quite clear indications of threat, heals and most importantly DPS from a graph as well as a break down of the damage of abilities. For me it's quite useful and easy to use. You should try it.
  4. Ok can someone please explain to me what is meant by "faction imbalance" and " class imbalance". To my understanding when people refer to faction imbalance they are refering to the number of players on one faction versus another and one of those numbers are out of sync? Also is class imbalance the fact that one or more classes are more powerful than others? Now with that out of the way can somone explain how this happens or is happening in the game? No I am not saying it does exist I just don't understand it. So yeah a bit of insight would be great. Thanks
  5. I have a couple This one has probably been said before. " I am a lord of the Sith and I will have both of you and you will accept it" Sith Warrior "Murder and mayhem await" Sith Inquisator "Time to settle up" Bounty Hunter (Note I think this one is wrong though)
  6. Um I am pretty sure that the Gree event was a revamp of OWPVP. Besides people all across the servers engage in massive pvp battles on various planets so in my opinion we do indeed have OWPVP but pvp content will not take precedence over pve content as this game is marked as a story based MMO.
  7. This sounds familiar to LoL. Which I personally don't like. But that is just me.
  8. Full time Uni student and have 5 50's in full 61/63 does that mean I have no life too?
  9. Decent ideas but they will not happen in the short term. Reason being, voice work, armor, stories = expensive/plenty of development resources.
  10. Overall a decent post but as I have mentioned you do not give enough ways for them to change the various things. I also believe that a lot of those said issues will either stay as they are or change over time.
  11. This is a truly beautiful thread. I am sorry about your friends passing and I am glad you remember him fondly. I would very much love to give you my opinions on this topic but I must warn you OP. As much as it would be nice to discuss this further, you are in danger of being infracted because you are talking about a social issue and the TOS states that no discussion of any social/political topics can be discussed on the forums. Again wonderful thread Be well brother.
  12. No. Some items take considerable resources to craft and deserve to be put on the GTN at a expensive price. These include mods crystals hilts etc. Yes some people try to up stage the system by putting something so expensive that no one in their right mind would buy. But that is just the thing the GTN is big enough so that whole wasted space argument is in my opinion invalid. Also don't you think your being a bit harsh as to suggest someone gets a account ban for putting something on the GTN? Really? now that would be a waste. The bottom line is even if someone posts something exorbitant up no one is going to buy it therefore the seller loses out so that in itself is punishment enough.
  13. For me it's always been about DPS. However, my top DPS is my guardian which is read traditionally a tanking class, I also have a Jugg DPS, Commando DPS and a low level Mara and Sent. But then some friends convinced me to try tank on my Assasin and boy did I enjoy it instantly. See it is quite rewarding to have a huge operation boss facing you. Then I got into Operative healing and although its a big to get used to I'm enjoying it. So for me I can will do anything.
  14. Then you have no right to dismiss other threads just because you have only just recently posted and again you keep avoiding my question but it's okay I will try to couch it in a different way. You seem to be knowledgeable and probably know some things that can be useful. But the way you address things in your previous posts can come across both arrogant and somewhat insulting. All we want to know is what your resume is so to speak. What qualifies you to be a authority . All we want is this and if you provide it in a constructive way I will give you all the time you want and acknowledge your feedback. Again let me reiterate I'm sure we can learn from you but if you changed your approach some what perhaps it will make your message easier to understand.
  15. There are many threads in the pvp forums that do not have anything to do with balance or stuns. Yes it is a hot topic but it certainly is not posted all the time. I'm sorry but that statement shows a little arrogance. You see the forums were as they always were before you posted and will continue to be after you have posted so I am not sure what your trying to say with that statement.
  16. Who says I am a hater? I did not once say that the OP is wrong or trolling nothing of the sort. All I asked was for him to give some legitimacy to what he is saying and why we should take it seriously. You say he helped you and some others that is great. But I want to see a bit more before I acknowledge it and learn from it.
  17. Although I understand what your saying I don't think a immunity from stuns other than high resolve would be appropriate. See any class that has a mixture of CC's and stuns will use them for advantage. Take a Assassin for example I have seen Assassins who sap someone in while in stealth wait for them to break it with a CC breaker then sap them again. The reason for this and people can correct me if i'm wrong but after one is stunned more than once by the same attacker the person they are attacking gets full resolve and thus for a few seconds cannot be stunned again. However, a good team will also have multiple attackers stun block someone to be able to take them down quickly yes it can be annoying but movement, knowledge of one's class and of the environment it is quite possible to avoid being stunned too much. Also remember that most of the classes have knock backs which can break the line if one is being continuously stunned. In the end some classes I believe are slightly over powered but many of them have tools like roots and push backs which I mentioned earlier which help with stuns. So yes I understand but if one is knowledgeable then one can deal with any situation including stuns and for this reason I don't think there is a need for a immunity.
  18. I think i get it. But he seems to be avoiding my question to his validity so i'm going to ask again. Yet again you say you want to teach people how? How is your "breakdown" of their performance going to help? What makes you a qualified teacher in the study of pvp? At this point all I am seeing is your take on certain classes and their strengths and weaknesses but not once have i seen any reason why I should take anything you say seriously because as I have stated you have yet to show a single thing that legitimize yourself as a learned pvper. So please kindly enlighten me and the rest of the posters in this thread.
  19. Perhaps I was mistaken. But my question still stands. What makes you qualified to analysis anything here? I don't actually get it. You do speak very eloquently, but again how is your opinion more valid? What Exacly are you trying to achieve? Because and I mean this with no disrespect in the end people will naturally improve over time at least on my mind.
  20. Please note I am not flaming you OP not at all. With respect. What exactly makes you qualified to analyses other people's performance? I mean this sincerely. I have read at least one other thread of yours where you attempt to eloquently describe how you think the community can improve pvp wise and it is a very good read and interesting thread. But in this case what are you credentials? why would you need to break it down? And what makes your opinion more valid than another person? I really am not flaming you in the slightest but I am genuinely interested. Also I would not want someone else breaking down a video of a pvp match of mine. Simply because I like to learn in my own way and that comes from reading interesting threads and doing research.
  21. It is your right to post your opinion but it is also my right to post mine. Also as another poster pointed put you do not own the thread people are free to post what ever they want to while staying within the rules. So as such I stand by what I said and will continue to post as I see fit.
  22. Oh look another ex SWG player winging about their lost game. Let me spell this out for you. This....is....NOT....SWG. Is that simple enough for you? Now I personally wouldn't mind the ability to decorate ships, but cities? No thanks. Reason is they would be abandoned and a waist of developer time when there are much more important things that need to be addressed right now. So please take your QQ somewhere else.
  23. It is has been said many times. It is a great idea but too difficult to implement because a whole heap of new quests would be have to be designed as well as abilities from the various classes but most importantly it would require more voice work which is incredibly expensive. So yes from a RP perspective it would be cool but there are just too obstacles to overcome.
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