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Everything posted by halfhourofpower

  1. What? First hit does not matter at all for a sent/mara.
  2. Problem SOLVED. Sorc's are balancedish. Currently it scales just as well in dps gear and mitigates way too much damage for a dps character. Make it healer only and waBAM. nuff said
  3. 20 seconds is too much, maybe 6-8 second CD
  4. Ball handler kill assists would go by incredibly fast. And if ball passes counted people would trivialize it and jsut continuously pass it between eachother in a premade
  5. The 25% shield reduction CD is given to both the vanguard and commando.
  6. Hit a button, you get thrown into a warzone with a bunch of strangers after a varying amount of time. I want to hit a button and be thrown into a flashpoint group and teleported inside the instance instead of manually searching for a group from anywhere between a half hour to an hour and a half. I've been pvping more then pveing because of how easy it is to get into a game without the headache of finding other people. This morning, for instance, gave it a good hour of searching before giving up and just queueing for a warzone. This is endlessly frustrating and stupid. I want to run flashpoints. /nerdrage edit: 50 sawbones
  7. People who think their OP class is fine and everything is balanced and say things like 'the opening burst is all we have!' are so ridiculous. First off, lets just take a look at our opener. I call it the everything button. It does high damage, puts a high dot, cc's and gives us a 50% armour penetration buff. Most of you silly folks think you're just good when you're face rolling everyone, the fact of the matter is that the class is so easy to play that a kitten could succeed. As for gap closers, what. There is -always- something to LoS a ranged with. -always-. If they start kiting you just LoS and wait for stealth or wait for them to derp over and smash their face in. If you try to close the gap by running towards them you sort of deserve death and to be kited. If there's more then one you should always die. I played scrapper for a while but it was so easy and I knew a nerf was coming so I switched to sawbones.
  8. Get to 50 and spend an hour trying to find a group consistently on several different occasions and you'll understand the necessity of a LFD tool. Most of the time the group disbands. Its a time burner spent doing nothing productive in game.
  9. How is it junk? Why shouldn't I be allowed to run a flashpoint on my own schedule?
  10. So, because you have no trouble finding groups because you play with a group of friends means everyone shouldn't? That is ridiculous. And how is skipping 40 minutes of looking through /who and general chat to pull together a group 'instant gratification'. All of that time and effort isn't even being put towards the actual game. I'd call you a moron but I keep getting notifications.
  11. They're not even trolling idiots they're mostly level 25's who are trying to distance themselves from wow becuase its popular and don't realize how stupid and time consuming finding your own group is.
  12. I completly agree that there should be a cross server LFD interface. Yesterday I was planning to run a few flashpoints to get some better gear(50sawbones) and on two seperate occasions I couldn't find any interest after 40 minutes of searching each time. Through both spamming general on the fleet and whispering people politely through /who, the results were the same, couldn't get a full group together. And my server pop is high. The whole looking for your own group manually turns a 1-2 hour experience into a 2-3 hour experience. Who has that kind of time to consistantly find a group? Not to mention that its practicly impossible to find a group outside of peak hours. A cross server LFD interface would let me, as well as countless others, play endgame content on my schedule whenever it suits me. I ended up spending the whole day pvping because its much less of a headache. And I love the pve I've seen so far so it sucks.
  13. This. You're a noob if you're complaining over this change. It doesn't affect good players. If anything it improves the game.
  14. I pvp regularly as sawbones at 50. We have a perma snare, flash grenade and dirty kick and you're complaining? Good lord. We're fine, you're likely just bad and can't figure out how to not be bad.
  15. They're both viable. They'll have their advantages and disadvantages based on each encounter.
  16. All of this crying for nothing. Love you Bioware.
  17. So the reason we have expertise is so that raiders can't just decide to pvp on a whim and dominate. Without expertise raiders would -dominate- everybody easily. The other side of the coin is people could farm high level pvp gear with good stats and then trivialize operation fights. The idea is to build up gear slowly in whichever route you decide to go.
  18. So your logic is the only way to kill an operative is to catch them unstealthed without their vanish?
  19. You're hired, say things on my behalf.
  20. Tanks are broken, their soft mitigation(armour/shield/defense) doesn't work on internal or elemental damage at all, making tank stats pretty well useless against certain classes. Scrappers do internal damage.
  21. There is no /highfive emote. I, for one, will not stand for this clear lack of foresight from the devs at Bioware. Unsubscribing as we speak.
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