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Everything posted by halfhourofpower

  1. It just gets really annoying after a while, sorry man. We get free heals under 30% for 2-3k a GCD. I'm being completly serious. No other healer can dish out that much healing. Though a lot of healers will cast emergancy medpack past 30%, lose the upper hand stack, then have to hope for a lucky hot proc or cast the longheal to get a stack back if they drop below the threshold, gotta be smart with your stacks/casts. Though, if you are, no other class can contend.
  2. Shut up. Dirty fighting is a melee spec, not ranged sustained dps. We do good burst and we have the best emergancy heals in the game. So just shut up, so annoyed with people saying how horribly we're doing when I'm excelling. When a class is nerfed they don't become useless, they become more balanced with everything else. We still produce high numbers, just not as blatantly high and unstoppable as they were before. People fool themselves into thinking they're good with an easy spec and when it gets a little more punishing if you mess up the rotation they think their class is broken. The common discourse surrounding our class is wrong, so very wrong. Compared to a shadow we seem lackluster because of the utility our rivals have, and yes they have much more versatility, but our trees offer a unique playstyle that greatly differs from shadows and appeals to different people. I don't want a knockback or a pull, it wouldn't make sense as a scoundrel to have that and I don't want to be a shadow mirror.
  3. Its that time again, folks. Time for my monthly show of disatisfaction with the lack of variety between all of the endgame armour sets that the smugglers have. Currently, what I have to look forward to is: more capes. Thats right. A new cape in different colours with a different pattern. *facedesk* Can't wait until 1.2.
  4. Emergancy medpack is the best emergancy heal in the game, period.
  5. Yes, they are balanced. They were overtuned before the nerf. Shadows currently have more versatility and options as a stealth class.
  6. Great post, so glad to see something in this section of the forums that isn't whining over how bad we are. Was so over that. On a sidenote, in referance to your sustained rotation, 2% damage in pvp is neglectable. You'd be better off popping pugnacity immediatly to keep for the health/energy regen. Also, tendon blast, using it pre-emptively in anticipation of a knockback is hurting your damage output. A knockback won't hit you out of 10m range unless you're knocked off of something, in which case the snare is useless anyway. I prefer to use my tendon blast reactively, preferably while i'm being knocked away i'll pop it midflight. I usually open with adrenal/relic/shoot first -pugnacity, into a blaster whip, then a vital shot, sucker punch twice then a backblast. I time backblast this late in order to avoid clipping the dot from the flachette round dot, increasing its overall uptime. Afterwards I'll do a blasterwhip into a sucker punch then decide, depending on how the fight is going, to either stun, or DA into another shoot first. This is essentially what I do, with some obvious situational variations unaccounted for. I've never really played around with cover, I'll have to give it a shot.
  7. A WOOKIE. Fifty levels of yowling? Hell yeah. edit: Rakata would be pretty cool, too.
  8. Sorcs aren't OP but the hybrid spec is. It gives them ridiculous CC.
  9. Kill credit goes to someone who contributed to a kill. There's nothing wrong with healers getting credit for every kill, they deserve it. They're keeping you all alive so you can get them.
  10. LOLLOLOOL what! I'm experiencing what you described for vanilla wow, how is what you said only limited to vanilla. I know most of the pvpers on my server who play as much as I do, not to mention the imps we fight. You sir, make me lol.
  11. The metagame will shift, regardless of whether we make any changes or not. A stealth class can just sit on the ledge and people can pit dive and just throw it up the ledge and cap. Be more creative within the system, don't just jump to nerfs.
  12. Roll a shadow. You're acting as if you want everything they have anyway. Make it easier on yourself. I also saw you mention something about a scoudnrels sustained damage, its fine, great in fact. You're doing it wrong.
  13. You do realize that with our cleanses we can make the shared tree of both scoundrel/op and trooper/bounty hunter completly useless against us, right?
  14. We are fine, shadows have force speed, we have our shotgun snare/slow. Not to mention stealth, though shadows have that too. I'd only want a shadowstep type thing for pve, for pvp it'd ruin the sneaking part of being a scoundrel, which I do like, though I realize thats subjective. We're fine as is. LoS a ranged and they'll come running around the corner. There's always somewhere to LoS.
  15. We're not underpowered, we were tuned down to an equal playing field. In my champion scrapper set I regularly take down battlemasters in warzones, and occasionally in -close- duels when I request them outside of group pvp. The nerf was a necessity, before the nerf -no- class ever had a chance at killing us ever unless it was at least 3 on 1 and they were smart with their stuns. You prenerf purists piss me the hell off. The nerf was needed, and giving us a knockback in place of that burst would be ridiculous. If I wanted to be a shadow I'd be one. You keep compairing us to shadows, so I'll do the same. Our shotgun attacks bypass every tank stat, making them useless. Our one move they can mitigate, sucker punch, we get a 30% armour pen buff to. Our opener knockdown + groin kick beats any stun capability the shadows have. Our flash grenade can be used in group fights to remove distant untouched clustered ranged from the fight, or force them to pop their cd. We can remove every dot placed upon us. We have a permasnare that initially roots so nothing can run away from us (with the exeption of a marauder specced right with force cloak, though they always go for the health buff so just follow them there). We gain 3%(I believe) of our health every three seconds from pugnacity, so the longer a fight goes on the higher our health pool. Tell me the shadows have any of that. Well, we might as well give it to them to make it even. We're a STEALTH CLASS WE DON'T NEED A GAP CLOSER. We close the gap through sneaking. Shadows have one because of their lack of snare/slow. We are not underpowered. As for the skill cap of our class, I think its fine. It takes a bit of practice to get into the swing of the scrapper rotation but once you're there you're golden. I'd rather not spam tracer missile/grav round while using three other moves once their moderate (8+ seconds) cooldowns are up.
  16. Scoundrels have the best emergancy heal in the game, emergancy medpack. Time it right and you'll be healing 2-3k every GCD for free. I'm so sick of crap players complaining about a class because its different from what the majority of the sheep think is the best class. Most of you sawbones know not to drop below 60% energy but do you know that you should never sit at 100 energy, think about that for a while. Diagnostic scan is your filler and you should burn through all of your upper hands, never let the stack tick past two and vanish. Slow-release should be on as many targets as possible to generate more stacks. I outheal sages regularly, in fact I'm rarely ever outhealed in wzs.
  17. Marauder/sentinel stealth isn't broken by dots.
  18. Well, they do it during a time that they don't need a heal so when they do need the heal they'll get it no matter what. Shouldn't be laughing.
  19. Its obviously when you try to fake out a fish with a fishing line, noob.
  20. This is so wrong. We have a 10m slow that lasts 12 seconds on a 12 second cd, a stun and an incapacitating effect. Not to mention we have a cleanse and a dodge ability that automaticly removes dots from us. Melee can never kill me, they usually give up the chase or run away because I'm repeatedly blaster pistol into emergancy medpacking while maintaining hots and firing my blaster in between. Are slow is arguably better then a knockback, especially against warriors. After they charge us they can't do anything while they're slowed but chase, force scream and saber throw.
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