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Everything posted by Scrobes

  1. *cough* http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/The_Importance_of_Search_Comments
  2. Scrobes

    UK Here

    I'm in London (but from Lincolnshire), playing on a US server though.
  3. It could well be this last bit, at least partially. ;o But your post still made me go ":(" I don't know, it could just be situational, and lots of other things, that might seem trivial, but aren't. Like someone's name, or a small part of their behavior that while tiny, could be affecting another's view of them (but only for that person, etc). Hopefully things will be different for you here! What server are you on, if I may ask? You don't have to say.
  4. That's usually because guys like me don't reaaaally go to clubs, knowing that girls like you aren't normally there. Though I could be very wrong. Guys like me are online, playing games like this, and replying to forums like this. ;x There are some pretty girls playing. :] smashleyftw, you're very good at drawing! I am in awe. I wish I could draw as well as that. ;x Hmm, I do play the piano though. This is quality lol, though yes, probably true.
  5. I do similar. I will always cast my character buff on random passersby too. Also if it looks like someone's struggling with a fight, I will stop what I am doing and watch. If it looks like there is a strong chance they might die, I will assist. But sure, I know some don't like that (because they weren't actually in trouble), so I'm very cautious.
  6. I don't agree with this. When I first started playing my BH, I was intelligently choosing my decisions based on how I wanted to portray my BH. Interestingly this actually ended up with me getting a fairly spread mix of DS and LS points, rather than just being one or the other. It's nothing to do with being indecisive. I'd go as far as to say that people who have a spread of DS and LS like this, are playing the game more realistically. If you truly have been going one route only; so you have XXX points in LS or DS and a pure 0 in the other, then I can bet there have been times you've made a choice that you didn't reaaaally agree with.
  7. I'm a guy and I play as females, and often like to help out low lvl characters. I have chronic low self-esteem, and it makes me feel a bit better about myself. I never ever do it for free items, I don't give a damn about that. I just find satisfaction in being nice to people in the game, helping those who genuinely need it.
  8. Sorry it's small, I can find another picture later perhaps. http://i.imgur.com/jKSM7.jpg EDIT: I found another which is more recent http://imgur.com/5OaGN
  9. I hope I'm not screwed for already using all 8 character slots with various alts. :\
  10. I haven't looked at any yet, but just wanted to post first and say thank you for taking the time to do this. It's very thoughtful. Btw, you put Balmorris, I presume you meant Balmorra
  11. Thanks. It just seems to me that having buttons with the text "Need" and "Greed" on them is introducing a big gigantic black hole of ambiguity with regard to correlating to people's actual intentions/desires with said item. The actual text needs to change imho, as well as anything else people suggest. Need/Greed is probably okay generally in other games, but for a game like SWToR with companions and their own set of gear - this big mess was inevitable. Where's the damn foresight from Bioware. :\
  12. Hmm. Why not just change the TEXT on the Greed button to: "I wish to sell this" button. It seems you either truly need the item or you're just going to sell it. So renaming it might make things easier for people to deal with mentally (a psychological thing). And also make an actual button for "Pass" instead of hoping/relying on people to click the X in the corner. Maybe these changes would need to exist in concert with other suggestions, not just by themselves.
  13. Stop hatin' on the 80s! But, I so totally agree on the shoulderpads on some of the Sith armors. Wow. Hook 2 strings to them, throw them in the air, and they turn into human kites.
  14. *gives you a T-Shirt with a picture of the Executor on it* Happy? Pointless trivia: ISDs (Imperial Star Destroyer) were 1.6km long (1 mile!), and SSDs were supposedly 8km long (5x the length of ISDs). :]
  15. I had the game on my WD Raptor 600gb. The planet loading screens took about 15s I think, never more and never less. That's off the top of my head, but am pretty sure that's close to it. I've since moved the entire game to my 120gb SSD. The loading times for planets haven't changed at all. Or, if they have, it's imperceptible. So if my load times are 'quick', then I don't know what I am doing that makes it so. Like anyone else though, the bar zips to about a third, or whatever it is, and stays there for the most amount of time, before finishing the rest of the bar.
  16. Yes, it does sound like a nice change. BUT They -must- communicate these changes to us. Why obfuscate these fixes? It seems like an attempt to hide something that was 'wrong'. :\ An indirect admittance that it wasn't quite right to start with. Just be open, I say. People appreciate transparency.
  17. When you reply to a post, scroll down. There is a drop down option that lets you rate the thread -before- you hit reply. This only happens when you reply. You can't do it when you're editing, nor when you're reading a thread. ;o Hope that helps.
  18. Man, there are so many threads about this. The initial idea in the OP is fine I think. The problem however, is that imho, there is -never- going to be a flawless solution to this intricate situation. There IS one solution that will always always always work however. COMMUNICATION. Ask the group. If in doubt. ASK! Please just ask. :\ Most of the time people's behavior changes to a more welcoming attitude if you ask nicely whether or not you can roll on something for a companion. Just ask, it only takes a few seconds.
  19. I really really love the cantina ideas in the quoted first post! Do it Bioware!
  20. I posted another thread about this somewhere, but just wanted to pipe in with my own idea. Language system. You toggle a language, and everything in /say, etc, appears in that language. Anyone that doesn't know it will just see crazy words. Add stuff like Basic, Rodian, Huttese, etc. I think this existed in WoW I can't remember for sure. It's a nice touch, even if it's purely cosmetic. (But along with most of these things in this thread, they ultimately add a lot of flavour to the game, which IS important). The game would prefix the sentence in /say or whatever with [Rodian], [basic], etc. Maybe each time you hit a new tier of Social rank, you can pick a couple of new languages to be fluent in. Or, even tie in the mastery of rare languages based on getting a fully complete lore entry for a planet or something similar. So if you got 23/23 lore entries, you could then talk to some npc and learn the language. ;o Or it could be a rare drop from a random enemy, or a clickable item that spawns in an area, but not the same spot every time. (I know that languages obviously take a while to learn, but we could bend the rules a tiny bit. Plus the game seems to suggest we're multi-linguists anyway, when we're in all those cutscenes). This was a feature in an old Star Wars MUSH I used to play a very long time ago, and I once made an Ithorian with a high language skill (the MUSH used the West End Games Star Wars ruleset), and it was really cool.
  21. That is a fantastic list of suggestions. Great post! I agree with all of them except this: Implement the 'gearscore' system that will calculate average level of all items and mods of the character.
  22. Mine isn't. Here's a little suggestion though: stop worrying about this sort of stuff. It shouldn't matter, imho.
  23. Your post, and especially the part I quoted shows you are a voice of reason in the darkness. More people should entertain the idea of thinking this way.
  24. I think this is a very good point. The lack of cycle breaks the immersion slightly, and gives the game a static "snapshot" of time, rather than breathing worlds.
  25. Some of you maybe seem to be missing the point a bit. The article covers it slightly. To me it's like, ToR is not the cause, but part of the continuing symptom that's been maintained (by several parties) over the last few years or more. A similar argument could be leveled at single player offline games also. How they've become so streamlined, and quick to finish, with not a great deal of depth. (And why Skyrim and Witcher 2 have been so welcomed) The point of this is, it's not necessarily *just* the developers of these games, it's us as gamers (i.e. the content locusts referenced in the article), that are contributing. Even if most of are not said gamers in the first place, we are 'pulled along' by their momentum, etc. Do you see what I am saying? It's not like there are two version of ToR released with different operational functionality - we can all only play the same version. It's a weighted problem that's gotten worse and worse not necessarily for any specific reason (think of Titanic sinking; it was inevitable after certain threshold was passed, and wasn't linear, but exponential). Ultimately I completely agree with the article (I played FFXI for many years and it was a real journey, hitting max level). This sort of 'playstyle' is indirectly being encouraged and promoted (even if we don't realise we're participating in it ourselves and thus adding to the problem).
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