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Everything posted by vermura

  1. Amazing, an assassin beats <insert non-stealth class here> in a duel. Truly, I'm astonished by this ground breaking news.
  2. Thanks for the tip, rolling my merc now
  3. I predict following 2.4 changes, absolutely nothing will change in regards to whats broken and whats not.
  4. Well you don't need alacrity since you don't cast. You don't need accuracy since your a healer. You don't need crit rating because it's useless. Your not a tank, so defence, shield, absorb - not needed. You do need cunning, power, and hey, surge is ok because you get nice crit just from talents. I know it's VEEWWWY difficult, but, you know what, I think cunning, power, surge!
  5. Thank you for sharing this information, now I can use it!
  6. Bolster as "fixed" is still awful. Expertise scales into the stratosphere with no justification, so to work around that, we get this crappy bolster system and along with it deliberate gimping of pvp for pve purposes and vice versa. This is just a silly situation, and poor design. You can't fix a bad design with band aids, you fix a bad design with a NEW design. That is what is needed. Bolster is over done, just get rid of it, reduce the scaling on expertise and update the pvp gear to reflect those changes. Not immensely difficult, and better than persisting with a failed design. As it is right now, soon as a new game comes out, stick a fork in swtor, it'll be done.
  7. My point was, without bolster, your better off using a pve hilt and off hand (armoring or barrel) than you are using conqueror. It seems stupid to me. That does NOT mean you should take off ALL your pvp gear, simply that what is best in slot for pvp changes depending on where you are. Oh and about that 60% damage boost with expertise... guess what, I think that is also stupid and that is coming from someone with 2018 expertise. 10% would be plenty, 60% is clearly over the top, but then bioware do over do everything.
  8. Ok, so this is generally something that confuses people a LOT. I'm on my assassin, I have (almost) full conqueror, including conqueror weapon and offhand. I'm not best in slot, but, this is what the melee damage on my character sheet looks like OUTSIDE of warzones. Melee (Pri) : 1265-1519 However, inside warzones, those numbers change considerably, with the maximum increasing to 1778. So, my conqueror weapons give me appropriate damage INSIDE the warzone. Now, here is what I think is stupid about it. I have PvP armor and weapons, but, depending where I am changes what is the best "pvp" setup. In open world pvp, my weapons are NOT bolstered and my melee damage is reduced considerably. This is.... absolutely stupid and confuses a lot of people. Because of this, I see a lot of people running around using PvE hilts on their pvp weapons. Why? Because a cursory test would appear to show that they are better. Try it: duel someone with your pve hilt, look at your character sheet outside a bolster area and you simply do more damage. Go into a warzone with this pve bilt and sorry, but you perform slightly less effectively than you would with a pvp one. But why should it even be this way? The pvp hilts should simply do appropriate damage ALL the time, not SOME of the time. Don't bolster them with the silly hacks your doing at the moment, just make them work appropriately so we don't get this inconsistent performance. The fact that I can be best in slot for pvp inside a warzone and anything less than best in slot for pvp OUTSIDE a warzone is stupid, confusing and illogical. Fix it please.
  9. This companion is utterly ridiculous. A ewok tank healer thats a better tank and healer then the existing companions, meaning, everyone who uses a companion for world pvp will use this Ewok.... seriouslllly. For me it's both: 1) Imbalanced 2) Immersion killer There is absolutely no reason what so ever for this companion to be straight out superior to other companions. Ewoks aren't some master race that rule the galaxy.... they are stupid creations that made every sequence of return of the Jedi they appeared in barely watchable. A perfect example of exactly when George Lucas lost the plot. Lame, overpowered, stupid and unneccessary. Sure, add the Ewok, I'm sure some people will love it. That does not mean the Ewok needs to be better than everything else, looks alone should be sufficient. As it is, just another reason to not renew my subscription.
  10. This is a repost of a thread I put on the Dalbora forums. Since that server is going to close, I thought I'd repost it here before the forum disappears. So like, swtor has leaked memory since Beta. I reported the problem in Beta, I've reported the problem many times since and Bioware has... actually made it worse since patch 1.4 and no patch since has improved the situation. What is a memory leak? Programs, like swtor, routinely allocate memory to tasks as part of their operation. When they have finished a task, they then free it up so that other processes can make use of the memory. A memory leak occurs when the memory is not freed up. Strong evidence for this occuring is if the size of the process grows over time. For me, this occurs with SWTOR. I've always known it was a memory leak in the client (I'm a former programmer, and actually, spent a couple of months rewriting code to specifically to fix memory leaks in a 500k user application). What will happen if a memory leak is unchecked? Well, eventually, the operating system will run out of RAM, which will cause it to swap to the hard disk and/or crash. You may also notice a significant drag on performance even if a crash does not occur. How to fix this? It's actually a Bioware problem, and I didn't think there was anyway I could fix this for them. Fortunately, however, a guy in this obscure thread on the customer service forums found this awesome application to fix it. I tried it, and was pleasantly surprised when it actually worked. The settings I am using under options are "Trim Process working set every 5 minutes" and "start memory cleaner with windows". So why am I posting this here? Come on, it's been a year, it's preety fracken obvious bioware aren't going to fix it. I could post this on the general forums and it would sink like a stone, never to be seen again. This forums not so busy and it's also the server I'm playing on now. What can you do to help others? If this helps you, you can help others by just bumping this thread. Disclaimer: I did not write this application and I do not know it could or will damage your computer. If your not sure, I advise you to NOT use it. If you take the chance and suffer damage to your PC, don't come crying to me lol.
  11. Ok, so people don't like playing premades in normal warzones. Now, while it's hard to fix the situation when you have different factions, when you have the same faction vs. same faction, there are things you can do. So, you have selected 16 players, this bit of psuedo logic would improve things for solo queued players: if (faction.team.one == faction.team.two) { // Find all grouped players // Then, distribute groups evenly as possible to both teams // Then, assign remaining players // For that last part, a bonus check would be to even up guild member assignments between teams as well. // So, for example, lets say there is a group of 4 from guild "Ownage" and a group of 3 from guild "Ownage" and // a solo guy from guild "Ownage" - put the extra 1 with the group of 3 should lead to the most even possible // match up, in theory. } What this does, is break up double guild premades more into fighting themselves. Now, while it won't happen all the time, it will: A) Tie up the "uber" players in a longer match for a while, meaning less games likes this for everyone else. B) The pugs on both teams will be important to the outcome C) Lead to less lop sided games. They will still happen, but it will decrease the frequency. I'm quite sure this isn't being done right now, because I'm in an active pvp guild and while we don't do it all the time (in fact, it's not often we do it at all, because if we had 8, we'd likely do ranked pvp), when we DO double queue, we often wind up on the same team, even when fighting our own faction. Don't worry, we don't care if we are on opposite teams - if anything, we enjoy killing each other more then steam rolling pugs anyway.
  12. The whole problem isn't that hard to fix if both teams are the same faction. A little bit of extra logic after selecting 16 players, and you could simply do this: If there is 2 groups of 4, put one on one side, and one on the other. That one fix alone would save a lot of grief.
  13. They are there so that when you inspect my PvP panel, you can see that I have far more then you ever will. I actually always give out my MvP vote. Typically, it goes to the person who I really do think made the biggest difference in the match. One recent warzone, I gave it to a merc in huttball who was bottom of all stats. Why did I give it to him? Because it was one of those 1-1 games, he was pulled into the acid, stunned, being wailed on by the entire team, and on 1%, he passed the ball to a team mate - who survived, winning us the game. It wasn't an easy pass either, the team mate was on a ledge, above him, with 2 more enemies near by, but he nailed it. For that one pass, he got my MvP vote, over a bunch of people with far more impressive stats. They exist so that you can reward other players, if you feel like it. When you get some, be happy. You often won't, even when you think you deserve it, but just for that warm fuzzy feeling you get when an entire team of pugs gives their MvP vote to you, it's worth it
  14. Looking at that, your sentinel should have no problems handling your juggernaut. Looks absolutely fine to me, and the jug would need the bolster to not be turned into a puddle of goo the second someone looked at him. Actually, I do see a problem: you wanted to faceroll pve noobs, not just have an advantage over them. Well, you can still do that, all you need to do is learn to play better than them. You can do that, right?
  15. My 2 cents: Under no circumstances do I ever want to see bots return to warzones, god that was painful. The only reason I actually ever played this game to begin is because WoW's warzones were over run with bots. Guess what happens if it occurs here. The end.
  16. Rofl, the yellow part was only reason I even looked at this thread.
  17. I certainly agree with that last part. Where I can definitely see a problem is in void star, which is where I think it makes the biggest difference.
  18. Step 1: Don't let them cap 2 nodes to begin with. After that, it's simply a matter of defence and you have extra time to respond to incoming due to the lack of offence on their team. Bonus tip: Tanks and Healers are no more immune to CC then anyone else is. This is critically important at the start of the match.
  19. Hi2u sir, I have not read the entire thread, but I can explain your problem: 1) Sages wear light armor, so you start as a little squishy. 2) The sith in the outlaws den (openworld pvp area) were very likely wearing full pvp gear. 3) There is no bolster mechanic in the outlaws den, so it's just what you are wearing that matters. 4) The PvP damage boost from having around 2000 expertise is over 40% increased damage. This is offset by the damage reduction from expertise. So, if you come up against a fully geared pvp player wearing and you have 0 expertise.... OUCH. Yeah, they will rip you apart in seconds. There is absolutely no amount of skilled play on your part that could possibly save you from such a huge disadvantage. Do not be discouraged, however. With only 2 opponents, a fully PVP geared sage would have little difficulty surviving. Much more then that, well, it's hard to survive skilled, geared or not. I would thus direct you to the first tier of PVP gear, which is purchasable for warzone commendations. If your not interested in that, well, stay away from the outlaws den - not a good place to go in full pve gear
  20. It's absolutely true if your talking about a target further than 10m away as he implied.
  21. Pyrotech has always been squishy and had far less cooldowns then force using melee dps to call on. They also suffered from being the slowest moving class/spec in the game. While this has been partially remedied by the welcome addition of advanced hydraulic overrides, the class is now in a situation where even using the top tier talent is actually a dps loss. If it is also cleansed, as will happen whenever you are attempting to dps a healer in pvp or against certain other classes (e.g. shadow) the pyrotech is simply wasting their time and resources even using this ability. It is a fact: no other class suffers from having a utterly useless top tier talent. The fix to me seems entirely obvious. Thermal detonator was on the same cool down as thermal dart. Put it back into that state and fix thermal detonator. Instead of doing the perfectly obvious, bioware instead chooses to render thermal detonator useless. Prior to the nerf, the lack of defence and mobility for the pyrotech was offset by their offensive abilities. Whether or not you think the nerf was justified is irrelevant. Only the current state of this class/spec is what matters. Right now the pyrotech still suffers from exactly the same weakness it had before, while lacking the offence to make up for it. Consequently, for serious pvp vs. skilled opposition, the class is simply inferior. Sure, a good pyrotech will still beat up bads, but a good <insert other class here> would do exactly the same, but have other advantages. So yes, in my humble opinion, there actually IS a problem with pyrotechs. Yes, I have one (and a vanguard) but thats not a problem for me, I have a ton of other toons to use. My pyrotech and assault vanguard do make exellent bank characters however.
  22. Without seeing ALL the guys gear, it's hard to say how geared or not he really is. However, he seems to be in a good place to continue to grind out the conqueror set w/o being completely steam rolled. Personally, I don't mind if people in pve gear get bolstered sufficiently to be competitive - because then we get more pvp games. Does anyone have a problem with that? I don't. Now for my mind, I think PvP gear should give you an edge over PvE gear, but it shouldn't be huge, because I think the pve guys should be able to do some warzones if they want too. Keeps things interesting for them and keeps things interesting for us. If they are skilled enough to win with a slight disadvantage, good for them. So for example, lets call the best PvP gear Tier 1 (so thats conqueror right now). Similarly, Tier 1 PvE is whatever the best pve gear is (I don't even know the name, because I don't pve at all lol). Then, in my view bolster is ok if: Tier 1 PVP > Tier 1 PVE > Tier 2 PVP > Tier 2 PVE > ungeared If that isn't the case, then there is something to whine about. If not, the sky isn't falling, and it's all good. At the same time, however, with this bolster mechanic I also think it's only fair if PvP gear isn't useless for operations. Cause hey, I wouldn't mind helping out on operations occasionally. I never do, however, because I spend all my time in PvP so while I have BiS pvp gear, I have nothing in the way of pve gear. So, along the same lines as above, I think it would be nice if you could simply interchange the placings above in a PvE setting. I have no idea what the status of it actually is, but suspect it's a long way from true.
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