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Everything posted by vermura

  1. vermura


    hahaha yeah I know right. Seriously. DUMBEST PATCH IN HISTORY OF MMO'S. I've cancelled my sub but with the 4 days left I'll be playing my 46 marauder for the lols.
  2. vermura


    The changes are so random lol. I like how they increased ravages damage by 15% shortly before this patch goes live - this is while people are telling them are idiots and marauders are in fact over powered BEFORE this patch. They then spring on everyone expertise scaling changes so that damage is king in the scaling. Big surprise, damage is now king. Good thing my marauders 46, not too far to join the fotm brigade.
  3. What I find amusing is Marauders/Sentinels were border line over powered BEFORE this patch. What does the patch do? Buff their base class damage output, then: * change expertise scaling so that damage > mitigation > healing then: * nerf 2/3 healing classes through resource starvation and/or casting time. then: * incidentally screw around with anyone who remodded their gear - this tended to affect tanks/healers more as their itemization was worse to begin with. then: * buff predation so it's now ops group wide Result? Marauder/Sentinels now have an overwhelming impact, both via predation (if your team all moves at 80% speed at start of game, you kinda get a BIG advantage on every map) and their damage. It's a good thing rated didn't go live or this patch would have been an even bigger disaster. They should have gone one step further and not even done this patch at all. Never seen such a mess in 20 years of gaming.
  4. Just a side note, shortly before servers went down I went into a Huttball with a team like this: 2 * Sin Tank 1 * Sorc Healer 3 * Marauder 2 * Sorc DPS By chance, this was me joining as a pug with a premade of people I tend to play with anyway along with a couple of other good pugs. Effectively, this was an 8-man team. 3 marauders, with op wide predation, orgainized = ? Permanent predation. I had predation for the entire match - which was over *very* quickly 6-0. A taste of things to come.
  5. I don't play Operatives much, but I did give them a bit of a go like I have for virtually every class in the game at one point. I agree with this guy in his assessment. Playing a concealment operative just feels so cludgy and broken. I finished chapter 2 on my operative today and just doing that was semi-painful - something I only did so I would have access to their buff through the legacy system for my other characters. It's really quite simple. If your a melee class, you compare it to the marauder. Operative just doesn't measure up. That doesn't mean you can't still manage to kill noobs, but your really doing it playing on the "hard" setting when you could just reroll marauder and play it on "easy". The nature of the changes themselves reflects the fact that Biowares programmers are a bunch of hackers. The 2nd hidden strike hits twice if you do it fast enough? Fix the bug that causes that? No, just give it a cool down so we get past that window - it's just a quick hack. Typical of the programming in this game that will turn it to a pile of crud. Btw, the cooldown on backstab is just stupid. Maul has no cooldown and is basically the same move... even questing that cool down is annoying as I have to sit and wait for it before opening on a mob I've CC'd.... so dumb.
  6. You know what? I didn't do this because I used to have faith that they wouldn't do such an obviously stupid thing in the first place. Seriously, I'm supposed to hang on every word the devs say in case next patch screws my gear over if I don 't perform certain actions on my character ahead of it? Account is cancelled, 4 days to run - that how long they have to fix this or I am gone. Say whatever you want, reality - this could of been avoided (by Bioware not being stupid) and I wouldn't of cancelled my account.
  7. I am not someone who generally stalks the forums, I get online, I play, I logoff. Stalking the forums is not a requirement of any game. Patch notes, test stuff, I worry about then when it comes out. So, when the patch came down it came as a surprise to me that suddenly all my gear was screwed over. Let me explain. I'm an Assassin, having tried all the specs, I found that in pvp the utility of darkness is preety much required. Darkness is a tank spec, but, sadly, tank stats put on the survivor (tank set) are utterly useless for pvp. Defensive stats simply have no effect on the majority of incoming attacks. This, actually, is a massive design error I lay at the feet of Biowares designers, but that is not the subject of this post. Naturally, to work around this, I remodded my gear. Now, I don't pve - seriously, done like 2 raids. One of those raids was 10/10 NM in 2.5 hours (giving me both pve titles). I don't pve not because the pve is hard, I don't pve because there is absolutely no challenge to it what so ever. So, my source of alternate mods for my battlemaster gear, was battlemaster mods and champion enhancements (because the battlemaster enhancements are useless - see above comment on biowares design). However, being mindful that Bioware might one day come to their senses, any mods I pulled out, I kept as an insurance policy. I did this for two sets of battlemaster gear, as sometimes in Huttball I will use a defensive set of gear for running the ball. When I log back in after 1.2, I find all my mods and enhancements that came from battlemaster gear are exactly as they were pre-patch. Yet, all these exactly same mods and enhancements from the vendor have expertise. Some idiot at Bioware must have thought this was a good idea. Let me tell you I now feel like my account was hacked, some guy has come in and stolen my gear and replaced it with rubbish. I was perfectly happy prior to the patch in the best gear possibly all obtained through PvP. I now find I have expertise you get from the recruit pvp vendor. I AM NOT PLEASED. Post patch I learn that if you have all the gear setup exactly how it was originally, I would not have had this problem. There are soooo many better ways that could have been handled. I actually understand that the pve mods and pvp mods pre-patch were identical and post patch they are not. Well, how could you decide which stats they get post patch? You know what, you really shouldn't be making that decision. It's my damn gear not yours. I know what I want and you can't possibly know. So, this is what you should have done. Put a vendor that lets me trade my old mods for new mods - be they rakata or battlemaster. That way I could have fixed it myself. So now, my completely screwed character is suddently very unappealing for me to play. I preety much have to farm war hero gear with recruit expertise, or, refarm the battlemaster gear I already had or both. Or, I could submit a CSR ticket, which I have done. It was deleted with no response given to me. Wan't to piss of your customers? Screw all there characters gear then ignore them. I'm just a formerly happy customer who is now seriously pissed off to the point of cancelling my account, which in fact I am going to do right now.
  8. Female gamers have been around as long as games have been. Rarer, yes, but there are more of them then you think and some of them are really good. I once joined a pug raid in WoW (10-man) - as it turned out, it was 8 chicks and 2 guys, something I didn't realize until I joined vent. ps. BTW: It was for Heroic Lich King and we killed it hehe. pss. Yes, we pug'd heroic Lich King on Black Rock - sorry to all the baddies whose guild groups never downed it when the content was current.
  9. vermura

    Tank stats and PvP

    My bad, this post is obviously too intelligent for the PvP forum, I should have whined
  10. You can twink fairly effectively right now, just need a few crafters and orange moddable gear. e.g. my 35 Operative healer is running with 14k hps in warzones and they are only using blues with 1 augment. If I had permanent lvl 49 twink, god it would be a monster in full lvl 49 epics with augments in many slots. You'd put THAT up against lvl 10's? heh, no, not a good idea.
  11. I don't have much trouble with equal-geared Marauders/Sentinels 1v1 on my Assassin. Sentinels have their cool downs and I have mine. Anytime you feel like it, you can simply shroud, vanish, mind maze, seethe, stealth, mind maze, seethe to go from like 1% health to 100% health. Did this only a few hours ago to kill a Shadow AND a Sentinel (both battlemasters) 1v2 hehe.
  12. vermura

    Tank stats and PvP

    As a fairly experienced PvP tank (see my signature) I can tell you straight up these stats are nearly useless in PvP: Defence, Shield Rating, Absorbance Defence, Shield Rating, Absorbance - all of these stats only work vs. ranged and melee attacks. However, they have no effect on tech and force attacks. I believe this is the real problem with them. A tank in defensive gear finds that defence totally useless vs. most, if not all, high dmg attacks they will face in PvP, because they are not things you can avoid, because they are type "tech" or force". I believe this is a design error, that should be looked at closely. It becomes increasingly important as peoples damage is further buffed by gear. So, instead of using tank gear, despite being tank spec, I am using dps gear because that is what is most effective: I can't rely on getting any benefit from tank gear. I think the effectiveness of defensive gear for tanks should be altered in the following way: DEFENCE: No change, or, something similar to below (reduced chance, but you could perhaps avoid force/tech attacks if your defence is high enough). SHIELDS: Now works vs. all direct damage attacks, regardless of source. For DOT's, this would only apply to the first tick (or initial damage, whichever comes first). After that, they are "past" your shields. One concern about this alternation, however, is changing the existing balance, like, my dps-geared tank suddenly is now getting extra dmg reduction. This could be addressed by reducing the shield chance of tech and force attacks by 20% - so, only if you have extra shield chance from your spec/gear will you see any difference. Doing so, however, directly reduces your own damage output (either by talents spent, or gear used) - I think that is fair. All this really permits is more variety in gear/specs for pvp w/o influencing the existing balance to much.
  13. 1) Using a skill such as Harpoon or Force Pull in Huttball to draw the enemy ball carrier into your teams safe area. This instantly kills them and grounds the ball with no score. How to fix: Very simple, if your over the end zone, it's a touch down no matter where you are. 2) People shaking their window all over the place in order to make their character model blurry and difficult to target. How to fix: When your window is moving, your character cannot. This will instantly remove any incentive to use this exploit. These changes could be implemented in about 15 minutes or less by any competent programmer familiar with the code.
  14. It may not guarentee a win, but it is a very significant advantage all the same. I was at around 9% expertise on my Vanguard (before using consumables)... if your at 0 expertise I'm taking 9% less damage from you and your taking 9% more damage from me. That's a very big difference - especially on a tank who is hard to kill to begin with.
  15. I'm quite looking forward to pvping on my lowbies w/o being fodder for 50's - it work's both ways. On my server (the Swiftsure) there are certain periods of the day where Empire is almost entire lowbies and Republic almost entirely 50's. I in fact got quite literally bored of farming lowbies and wound up losing interest in my Vanguard all together - this at valor 57 with no battlemasters on the server at the time. Essentially, in the games I played I could guard a node in alderaan or a door in void star and simply not be killable before help arrived short of being double teamed by lvl 50 stealth. Lowbies had no hope at all of killing me, I mean, it takes like 4 of them to even have enough dps to take me down before my cool downs recycle.
  16. Hey this sounds familiar, quite obviously this ability breaks the design of the warzone, but hey, rather then fix it, let's just call it: "Working as intended" Ah yes, this line is so familiar - Mythic used it with Dark Age of Camelot for years and look whose been hired for this game: the same people spewing the same rubbish. Man up and fix it.
  17. Actually, mythic took a perfectly good pvp game (DAOC) and turned it into a steaming pile of dog crap that has been justly consigned to the dust bin of MMO history.
  18. I tried to warn people of some of the easily predicted queue problems. The Swiftsure is the unofficial oceanic pvp server. It's status has been well communicated and already it has a large queue and we are still in the "early access" period. I shudder to think how long it will get once we are past early access and more people start picking up the game. This could have been easily managed with an oceanic tag, as wow uses. We requested this as a community and were ignored. I thought this must be because the servers could scale to handle very large populations but so far this does not appear to be the case. Instead, it's going exactly as predicted: large queues and they will only get longer.
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