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Everything posted by KiroLM

  1. Ventrilo if you're part of a bigger guild. Skype works fine if you're just hanging out with a handful of friends. Both are free to use. Ventrilo does have servers you can pay for, but a established guild will generally have one running. Skype allows you to make phone calls, and you can buy credits for that. But otherwise, you can just call other Skype users for no charge. There are a variety of other programs. TeamSpeak was big at some point. Mumble is a thing.
  2. Just for the sake of argument, let's say I am the worst SW:TOR player ever. I've never even equipped a Lightsaber. I just fistfight my way through the galaxy. This is not about me. I suck. With that out of the way. I've always felt like a lot of the frustrations people have with complicated games in general, and with MMOs in particular, stem from the fact that they're quite simply not having fun with it. Something is just annoying the crap out of them and for some reason it's ruining the experience. And they can't get over it. But if there's a pattern that seems to happen, it's that a player is upset with a situation that with some ingenuity and better knowledge of the systems at play, they would be able to overcome. I'm not saying that if you don't like the shadow effects, you probably suck at video games (although finding out why shadow effects are such an integral part of a gaming experience is another thread altogether). I'm only suggesting that the people who are getting World Firsts on Operation bosses, the people who are logging into PvP as groups and winning through strategy, the people who are making tons of credits and afforded all their skills and their mount and took space combat for what it was (the equivalent of any vehicle-based daily in an MMO), used companion quests for both 'the story' and grinding, and didn't just spend 45 minutes trying to get a group together for a Flashpoint that could have been spent gaining way more experience, credits and commendations for gear... Well, those people seem to be the ones having fun. Maybe some will say it's because they broke the system. But personally, I applaud anyone who can take this puzzle that is a video game and find really creative ways to excel at it. The fun part of MMOs is the constant carrot-and-stick achievement, and for the people willing to accept that maybe there's more to this game than their 3 hours as a Bounty Hunter would seem to imply, I think they have a really good shot at having a good time. TL;DR Do the people who take the time to understand the game, and ultimately excel at it, end up having more fun simply because they make the effort to excel?
  3. A lot of the dailies are Lv. 40+ and you can complete them just fine at whatever level you're at. The space combat and PvP missions come to mind. Although I think that may be a FP that needs a level requirement for it. Seeing as the background is a bit spoiler-ey.
  4. The player can choose what companion he/she has. That's why you have 5 of them. They cover all the mechanics you need them to. If you don't want your healer to DPS, disable those abilities. If you want your DPS to have more burst than sustained, give him surge instead of power. If you want to pick how big Vette's hips are, well. Learn how to draw?
  5. This is what happens. 1. Inflation is now awesome! 2. Prices for high end items skyrocket because rich people can make a ton more money 3. Prices for low end items skyrocket because rich people can now twink alts and grind crafting whenever they want! 4. Both high and low end items are prohibitively expensive for new players. Any reason to go to the GTN to do anything but sell crafting items at high prices is now gone. 5. With a majority of crafting skills being pointless, as the best gear is PvP/Operation gear, and the GTN being pointless, you've effectively made all of the money people had in the first place meaningless. 6. With the off chance that anything that people want does pop up, the prices to start with will prevent anyone but the richest to get these items, and if they want, create a monopoly. Who cares, right? 7. Pandas.
  7. I wish people could play my PvP. Where queues take 5 minutes and there's Huttball more often than not, but it's still up in the air who wins, where Voidstars are won or lost based on strategy, and where every PvP event seems to be dictated by players coordinating together or not. But apparently, I'm the only one with access to it on this forum. Everyone else is whining because they get killed too quickly after running into a crowd of pew pew like morons, don't have the patience to save up for PvP gear, and feel that if they're not winning something must be broken.
  8. Hey guys, I don't have any friends or the social skills to befriend tanks and healers, so if BioWare could fix that for me making it so everyone is a tank and a healer and doesn't have to pay anything for switching between the two, that'd be great.
  9. Higher affection = Faster crafting/mission times. Also, the quests you get more often than not require you to do nothing and give you 8-15k XP.
  10. So is mine. I always do what's best for the Empire. I always take care of the soldiers that are worthwhile for the Empire to have. I'm at Dark V. So what's your problem?
  11. If <popular developer> releases <big game>, then <sequel to last generation game> should have been what they made instead of <blanket statement> <genre>.
  12. There's an option to show Companion Gear in the comparison tooltip. RTFM
  13. I know there's the Pilot set for Flight Commendations (I think it's like 360 for the set of 4) and there's a Lv VII Social set either in Hoth or Belsavis (I forget which one it's at. It's all a long insomniac blur).
  14. Companions can wear light gear just fine. Considering how cheap and easy to get it is, if it wasn't very specifically geared towards Light Armor wearers who achieve Social II+, then it would dismantle trying to get anything else.
  15. I'm a Sith Warrior and have been using a skirt pretty much since Lv. 10. I think there are a handful of orange pants, but from what I remember they're more like Lv. 20+. But they're there.
  16. I usually am. Weird thing is, once my Marauder story actually started picking up steam, all I want to do is finish it now. Not because I want it to be over, but because I want to follow it through. I'm pretty sure I know what happens, and I know there isn't some huge end-game fanfare, but it's been a hell of a journey so far. Plus, having a max level dude to twink out all my subsequent characters ain't too shabby.
  17. Hey guys, you know how you do motion capture? Yeah, why don't you just find some real aliens so you don't have to hand animate all the weird parts and bits from alien faces, get a whole new set of voice actors so that you don't have the same recycled alien dialogue over every line, and create a new storyline so that there is even a remote gameplay reason to not play a humanoid race. Why don't you get right on that.
  18. Yeah, I imagine with an attitude like that you're just the life of the party in multiplayer games. Hey everyone, I'm anal retentive about things that only I consider issues, I whine a lot and if something isn't perfect I just throw a fit. Who wants to add me to their friends list?
  19. So you want a game to reward you for having commitment issues? And since when does the Force reward flighty Sith?
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