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    Charlotte, NC
  1. Personally, I would love 4 more slots. I made 8 chars on Empire side, one for each subclass. Now I would love to be able to roll one of each Republic class just to be able to complete all the Legacy locks. Not because it gets me anything cool, just because its my 14.99/mo and thats what I would love to be able to do. If they don't add more, I accept that. After all it was my choice. But it would just be nice.
  2. I know a lot of people are saying that we need UI mods to bring this game to life. This is my opinion on WHY we need mods. All of the best improvements to WoW came from the community in the form of mods. Sure, some of them maybe didn't help the game, (ie Decursive) but the majority of them made the game better. So much so that Blizzard had no choice but to make a lot of the mods integral parts of the game in later updates. When WoW came out, there was no way to track where to go for quests, no way to perform a ready check in a raid, no way to track damage / healing. There wasn't yet a way to see what loot each boss dropped or so on and so forth. The community took an active role in making the game better. That sense of community involvement is missing in this game. By opening up UI modifications to the community, the players themselves will help improve the game in ways BioWare can't, won't or just doesn't know they need to. For the good of the game, please open up the UI. Thanks
  3. What do you want BW to do about you being the only person in your guild that was online?
  4. Yes, I will be trolled and flamed for this, but I am going to put my opinion out there. There are a few mistakes I feel BW made with this game that are preventing it from reaching its potential. Do I think they will even read and act on this? No. But I want to see what people think. Problem #1 - Lack of Dual Spec Yes, I know that people will argue with me until they are blue in the face, but this has caused a severe lack of Tank / Heal specced players. People are going all DPS so they can PvP, solo, level etc easier. This leads right into my second point. Problem #2 - 4 man group size. This is an awful size from a numbers standpoint. A 5 man group would have made more sense. Right now you have a HUGE amount of DPS specced players. Currently the ratio is 1 Tank, 1 Heal and 2 DPS. A 5 man group would have helped even out that ratio just a bit. Problem #3 - Lack of a group finder. Yes, I have seen all the arguments for both sides of this. The truth is, right now you have to have tanking or healing friends to get a group OR be very lucky while sitting in general chat in the Imp / Pub general hubs. Problem #4 - prohibitive respec costs. All this does is make people less likely to move to a heal / tank spec from their current DPS spec. It really serves no other function. Any one or maybe 2 of these, and it isnt so bad. But when you add all 4 of these together, it cripples the game at 50. Thoughts?
  5. 11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch 09.12.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order I will probably get in on the next wave, just as I have to go pick up my 4 yr old from pre-school and take him to his secondary speech therapist. Sigh lol
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