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Everything posted by KiroLM

  1. Considering how easy it is to make 20-30k in that game, even as early as Lv. 20... It's a money sink. It helps against crazy hoarding. Also, credits are not a limited resource. They are literally everywhere.
  2. "Prior to the nerf I was making enough enough credits to cover mounts, skill purchases, and of course purchases from the trade network which put the credits I made into the hands of other players." Strange how I never touched Slicing, yet still made enough money to cover my mounts, skill purchases, gifts for companions, missions, almost hit Dark V, have both me and my companion in orange gear, fully modded, and I never ran around ************ about how Biochem/Diplomacy/Bioanalysis should be buffed up because I can't also have 100k credits lying around. What all of these posts don't seem to consider is that this only affects Slicers. You guys weren't running the economy. Everyone is running the economy. Just because you went for a trade skill that requires legwork to be profitable doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with lazy min-maxers driving up prices with easy creds.
  3. QQ more? Everyone has repair bills (Although some of us don't get ourselves killed often enough for that to be a hard cost). Everyone has skills (And some of us figured out that having every skill maxed out all the time is pointless). Everyone has to deal with the same problems, yet it seems only min-maxing Slicers are whining about Crew Skills not being profitable enough with 0 effort.
  4. You can slice items in the world, can't you? Why is it that every other crew skill requires effort running around collecting mats except Slicing? Just because it launched broken?
  5. 1. Money is ridiculously easy to come by. Missions, space combat, PvP, questing, Flashpoints. Hell, you start pulling in 10k+ per mission later on. 2. By what metric is the economy on your server dead? Things are sold constantly on my server, and we got the same Slicing nerf. 3. 35-50% nerf would've been better? What kind of random number generator are you using? What's the logic here? Med. Slice Lockboxes were giving out too much money, and because some peeps capitalized on a broken item to make money and are now unable to make ridiculous amounts of cash (something that actually does break the economy), we're going to whine about them nerfing X Y amount because of some dude? Please.
  6. Highest possible speed == The best possible speed you can get before you start getting resources popping into screen and ridiculously low frame rates even under the best possible conditions. Also, how many areas are there where flying on a taxi to the closest spot and using a speeder at 100% doesn't get you there in a couple of minutes, tops?
  7. I've been playing MMOs for too long and have played too many of them to think that a week's worth of gaming is going to be appropriately and accurately portrayed with a 1-10 scale. Sorry.
  8. I think he's waiting in a 15 minute queue? Or somebody is stuck in a well.
  9. Artificers make crystals by mining materials/getting them for missions and turning them into Lightsaber crystals. From the top of my head, I know there are red, orange, yellow, CE yellow/black, green, blue and purple. There may be more. There are different types of crystals which add to different stats. This does not necessarily tie to the color of the crystal. You can get a +4 Endurance Red Crystal just as easily as you can get a +4 Endurance Blue Crystal. Some crystals you can't use depending on your alignment (Blue/Green Light Side, Red/Orange Dark Side). You can buy more CE crystals if you pre-ordered from a vendor for like 10 credits.
  10. Naw. I'm sure Darth Obesia over here really just wants to know why BBWs aren't a character class.
  11. Searching for items by name is way more intensive server side than a category search. A category search which has enough filtering options to find whatever the hell you want quickly and easily. If you actually know what you're looking for.
  12. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. </thread>
  13. People who think WoW is too easy generally aren't in lead raiding guilds destroying new content. They had that one character they took to end-game and messed around with 3 years ago. Also, forums are dumb. We are all dumb. We're posting in a public forum, about a game we all already bought, talking about things they should or shouldn't change, despite a good 97% of the people who also own this game being too busy playing it to give a **** either way.
  14. From friends and a number of message boards (as much as you can believe them), there's actually a surprising amount of people that bought Game Cards/signed up for more than a month on this. I personally have 90 days, and I think only a handful of my friends are on the month to month subscription. Hell, a couple of friends got 6 months and one of them got a year. People say this game is going to fail in a month, in 3 months, in 6 months. They also said the same thing about Everquest trying to make online gamers play RPGs (It ain't Quake!), about World of Warcraft breaking the 300,000 users that were all already playing Everquest. Hell, message boards were up in arms about World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade because of Tier equipment and how green was the new purple would be the death of WoW. All that means is that people say a lot of dumb things.
  15. Right. Hey, I don't know what the Legacy system does, what it ties to, what databases it ties into, what variables it affects or pulls from, but making a variable suddenly become not unique is at best a 30 minute programming fix. I know this being a programminer.
  16. If you like the story, enjoy the story. If you like the game, then enjoy the game and move beyond doing sidequests. If you feel overpowered, try solo-ing Heroics (Which is possible with a decent companion, for 2+ anyway). If you feel overleveled, move to a new area. If you overlevel yourself, overpower your companion, refuse to move on with the story/ignore the level you're at, well. Sorry you're ruining an awesome game for yourself?
  17. No. The effort to change this vs. what it would accomplish just don't add up. You can have RP families without modifying a Legacy system that no one is even aware what it's going to do. The point of RPing is having the ability to make believe there's a story line and character that don't exist beyond your imagination, so, I dunno. Imagine harder?
  18. I play a Marauder. Annihilation build, with 3 points for the offhand Saber damage. Lv. 29 and doing a ton of damage so far. Took down a Jugg of my level in about the time it took him to get through a third of my HP bar. Never have an issue solo-ing (Especially with a Presence stim and a geared Vette, Elites are easily solo-able without breaking a sweat. I managed to get a Champion to 10% solo, which isn't a huge feat, but worth mentioning). I also feel much tankier, or at least seem to survive more often, than my ranged damage/Inquisitor friends. I'm melee, so I'm always right in the thick of it, yet as long as I'm not being focused down by a few mobs, I can hold my own enough to wear them down to size. Everything is anecdotal, of course. But that's been my experience.
  19. Want some cheese with that whine? Or are you an Inquis, infiltrating on our Marauder moot?
  20. Remember that we are very gear hungry in the early levels. A bit of questing will net you 5-6k credits if you are careful. Hit up the Auction House and get yourself a set of 44 Rating stuff if you can find it. It makes a huge difference, and Marauders seem to be super stat dependent. Remember to save up your marks for Lightsabers (The 44 Rating ones you get a Dormund Kaan (sp) are pretty great). Rotation wise, you want to throw Cloak of Pain on before jumping into the fray. AoE if there are regular enemies, otherwise, always make them bleed. I played Annihilation for a while, but Bleed is just too awesome and it becomes a huge boon against Silver+ enemies. I usually jump in, DoT, then use the big rage attack (sorry, I never learned the name of any of the skills), Force Scream and Retaliate if it's up, then start slamming those two handed strikes. If you hit a point where you'd have to use your basic attack, try using the 3 second channel. Even if you interrupt it, the first hit is usually pretty beefy and takes less than a second to resolve. Keep the Blade Shield for sudden adds or sudden tanking, always refresh your Cloak of Pain, and remember to DoT as soon as you Berserk for that guaranteed crit DoT + 2% healing per tick if you spec for it. And if you find yourself geared and with some extra money, get your Vette some gear. 2-3k worth of greens will get every slot filled, and at Lv. 17 she has more health and a higher attack than my all Rank 44 gear Marauder. Or maybe slightly less. At any rate, they're pretty even, and any Gold mobs are kill-able two-on-one. Sorry for the ramble, but that's my advice.
  21. GTX 260. Max settings on 1680x1050. Didn't see any noticeable lag in the cities during beta. That may change with the higher pop, but so far I'm looking at a high of about 55 FPS, low of about 45. Still not in EGA though No clue how it performs now.
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