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Everything posted by Emersyn

  1. 2 days left at least before you'll be able to resume leveling 60-65 goes pretty quick too - no need for any 25% boosts
  2. I enjoy those moments of feeling strong - I really haven't felt it too much as a Inquisitor - I just remember how cool and powerful my character felt in KOTOR in my Dark Side playthrough - I miss that
  3. well I think we can all agree - just a new Stronghold somewhere someway for this new expansion would be nice. Heck - I would love a HOTH one too - or Forest Moon of Endor (Treek would enjoy!) -
  4. for these reasons I kind of wish there was a "reset" button on some quests - like how you could easily just create a new save in KOTOR - in SWTOR, once you decide something and don't hit ESC in time- its done-zo I kind of like it in a way, but when things like this happen I become a sad panda
  5. just to clarify, so the quest shows that the reward is 60k EXP - but when you turn it in, it only logs as 30k?
  6. Interesting - OP - you said you can do Rise of the Hutt Cartel though - Perhaps on the 27th you'll have access to Revan as well. I would simply wait, see, and hope
  7. I dislike the amount of skills that I have, Especially on my Merc Bounty Hunter, I have no idea what I'm supposed to hit - I just click random buttons and click on whenever there is a flashy and stuff dies. I think a full rotation should be able to fit on one bar, a full set of cooldowns should fit on another bar - then the rest should be Passive. (just what I would prefer).
  8. Good listen - GREAT NAME! - great way to learn more about changes - keep up the good work
  9. thankfully heroic moment's CD has dropped significantly to 5 minutes - so you'll get to Force Choke more often now
  10. professional voice actors can do a lot of the voices to a point where it might be hard to tell if its a new actor or not. But overall I don't think I ever really became super attached to a specific voice in this game, minus Steve Blum as Andronikos and Tara Strong as Risha (i'm just fans of both of those actors). The voice acting has been outstanding quality for all aspects within SWTOR, its a shame they phoned it in at the end. Oh well - still great expansion though but yeah to the OP /signed
  11. i understand where you are coming from - but then it would allow someone to simply go spend 16000 CC and automatically become a "legend" - I know there would be a couple people out there who would boost a couple just to get that legend. I feel it would cheapen the status that you could just buy it (in a game that you can "just buy" a lot of things, heh ) - Now if they made some way that a boosted lvl 60 would be able to go back and actually play the entire story (with the planet-level down system this could work) - I wouldn't have anything against someone who completed the story this way. That would actually be fun, be lvl 60 with full gear, running around on Tython / Korriban doing the class quests
  12. Hiya - I know the reasons for the nerf of the Contraband Cartel Slot Machine long ago, how it messed up the always messed up GTN, too much Jawa Junk, etc etc But would there be a downside for making the Cartel Certificates drop a little more frequently than the 0.00001% or whatever horribly low number it was nerfed to? Those are just used for trading in for BOP rewards (I think right?) - I don't see too much harm in at least allowing that to increase to maybe 1 or 2% again, that way someone with enough rep is able to at least benefit from those rewards that are being sold by a vendor. Now that Cartel Packs are blargh with only 2 items (one being a blargh companion gift) - I don't want to waste any CC in that area. Maybe I'm wrong, It would be nice I think anyways. Cheers! -Emersyn
  13. When I first loaded 4.0, Treek had a C2N2 Customization equipped - She was erm.... floating robot parts.... I was tempted on keeping her like that - but I chose to change her back to her normal customization.
  14. there are known bugs about missing companions - If he's not in the B or N hotkey windows - I would submit an in-game ticket. Hopefully this will be fixed soon - it happened to pre-4.0 characters (I saw a lot of threads about missing T7 as a Jedi Knight)
  15. When this happens I am reminded of this South Park clip: http://southpark.cc.com/clips/m635q8/blizzard-problems Great episode - but yeah - Grievers / Campers / Gankers are annoying
  16. My Sith Inquisitor is above the laws of Carbon physics
  17. ooo that is a good comment! Either way though - I want to see a new Stronghold in Zakuul (expansion theme) or yeah Manaan would be awesome. Or even Dantooine, overlooking the pretty grassy area and the DESTROYED Jedi Temple (for Sith anyways)
  18. You may need to wait until the 27th to get the rewards though if you had a small gap from August to now (for the early access) - you should receive all rewards in the in-game mail by the 27th
  19. The parts of the Hutt Cartel expansion is basically just a planet where you can quest from (now) lvl 51 to 55 at Makeb - from there you will want to go follow the Shadow of Revan storyline that brings you to Rishi and Yavin 4 - with a lot of Solo Instances with Jesus-Droid (unkillable Uber companion) that you can basically just watch TV and spam your AOE attack throughout. If you just resubbed - you may need to wait 3 more days for Shadow of Revan to unlock, so if you level quick, you may be stuck at 55 for a day or two.
  20. there is truth to this more than ever - At least the droid isn't mandatory to progress through the storyline, and you do get him for free if you're a trooper - Where I hate having PVP forced on anybody - I would feel really annoyed if my favorite companion was locked behind something I entirely loathed
  21. I don't know for certain for a BH - but as a Sith Inquisitor I had a couple abilities learned as I progressed to 63 - if you haven't been able to train ANYTHING - that seems buggish to me
  22. Good idea- or even better year, have it be a full slider like in some other MMO's RPGs (I think Skyrim it was). You could do 2.6 2.7 2.8 etc Instead of just the Skinny, "Normal", Strong, Fat
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