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Everything posted by Emersyn

  1. I believe the 12x boost will be replaced with a permanent boost once the new expansion hits. There may be a little drop in between to look out for just in case
  2. Honestly, would you rather run around with 2 lightsabers and go stabby stab? Or would you rather run around with a single lightsaber and go stabby stab? Both are fun to play I have a JK that has a single lightsaber and a SW that uses Dual - I kind of like the simplicity of combat with only one. One lightsaber then also nets you Heavy Armor (so a little more protection) - Dual lightsabers will put you in Medium armor
  3. What he said If you haven't used a referral link yet - sometimes people in Trade will pay people credits for using them (I think I see 200-300k maybe). I do not know if this violates the Terms of Use at all for these types of trades, seems grey area / borderline at minimal though. Feel free to check out forums like http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=837219&page=6 though - (Cantina Codes). Those are simply freebies (will contain a mount and usually a Dye / XP boost)
  4. One thing we all need to remember: 4.0 costs $0.00 if we're already subscribers. Revan cost I think $19.99 - If you sub anyways, its basically "free". I'm happy with any extras / new changes. Super excited.
  5. where they don't really have many options for Macros as WOW did - I frequently use the "n" key to bring up Crew Skills. You can bind it differently to be able to at least access the entire crew window for missions / crafting etc.
  6. those are nice - thank you for sharing - I hadn't seen them yet myself
  7. thats a shame that you can be neglected from your seat, what happens if you're not on the council?
  8. /signed - a Underwaterish Stronghold would be awesome. Or maybe even a Naboo Stronghold with the Gungan underwater City as a background (just no Jar Jar) Water = Neat
  9. Great editing! Did you record your play throughs and splice it together? I liked the touches with including Malgus and the finale too.
  10. I play most of the game solo myself - and I really love my tanky / stealthy Assassin. I mainly just spam my AOE attack (that with an inquisitor you can basically keep casting, unlike a warrior who needs to build up the rage) - Stealthing is awesome (especially if you want to just whip through parts quicker) even though I still find myself just fighting everything because I enjoy the combat. You can vanish to get out of unwanted battles too which is a nice benefit too. One thing though - I REALLY enjoyed the Sith Inquisitor storyline. It was completely chaotic and confusing and odd - and I enjoyed playing through it (I have a 57 and a 60 Sith Inquisitor). It would be worth at least to catch up on how your character came to be (read chapter summaries etc). Dependance on the companion will change in a couple days (when all companions can heal/tank/dps)- I usually had Tweek set on healing myself, otherwise you could be a little squishy out on your own. Rotation was fun - I never really try to min/max anything, I just focus on the fun of playing. I didn't really focus on gear for secondary stats, tanking in dps gear with a healing companion does help with damage and you're usually OK. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions - I'm not a PRO player, but if you just play Solo for the story / KOTOR 3 experience, that is the boat I'm in too. tl;dr - its worth it to have the ability to Force Lightning people who annoy you in conversations. Much fun
  11. There is one of the reasons I will not buy this game right away. (your whole post Falensawino was spot on but I didn't want to requote the entirety of it). It will likely have similar server issues as Battlefront 4 (calling it now) - but EA really milks the crap out of every little penny out of its playerbase. If only a company like CD Projekt Red made Battlefront instead (Witcher 3 comes with 16 DLC that are all free. Yes - Free) - I would be overjoyed and excited. Battlefront will likely have 40-50 different paid DLC items by the time it is done (Scout Trooper armor $3 - Snow Trooper armor $3 etc). It could just keep going. Likely blind packs of things as well - that way they can maximize profit for players wanting to take the chance at specific items (like Cartel Packs currently do). I really hope players don't throw money at a season pass that could fall as flat as Borderlands Pre-Sequels (amongst many others).
  12. I think Theon Greyjoy should definitely not be included in the next expansion - he's not a nice person. But seriously though, I'm excited that they have been quite selective on who is going to be included. Hopefully that = good / big surprises Especially would be awesome if Blizz would be accessible by non-BH's too. I really like Blizz
  13. Pax Prime: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/aebbi NYC Cantina: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/aebbj Happy to help and spread the speeder love
  14. I am a number that is 900,000 something. Boo urns
  15. its always interesting when you see a Thruster or Booster or whatever (flames) go right through your Cloak / Kilt / Robe And by interesting I mean mostly annoying. I choose mounts that don't screw this up cause it irks me enough Oh well
  16. I think by using Forum names / account names on the website / it would be a easier solution than trying to deal with the PR nightmare REALID first was. I would love it myself
  17. I think what you would be asking for perhaps is what Blizzard is rolling out called "battletag". Its the same thing as a realID, just you pick what username I think you want to show up as. So for instance, when I logon I would show up as Emersyn1337 is now online to my "battletag" friends. Since I am on 2 servers myself I would enjoy it to have some sort of way to connect to other friends. Even just a way perhaps of implementing a way to add friends' forum names to your friends list. That way whenever they logon to their account, regardless of what server they're on you could chat with them. I think by using Forum names / account names on the website / it would be a easier solution than trying to deal with the PR nightmare REALID first was.
  18. i think the original poster was just trolling for some odd reason to complain about this game. I think this is the most expensive SSD on newegg at least: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148443 at $380. Also: who the heck would pay $250 a month for internet for a personal computer? Either trolling, or a very ignorant and whiney rich person
  19. I just hope my preferred name isnt taken.... Eeep!
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